Lu Bingqian listened to the words, and his face showed a painful expression.

"I'm old, boy..." br >

after that, Lu Bingqian leaned on his seat without saying anything.

Lu Qianmo saw grandpa so, and dare not ask any more, so he had to drive silently.

The next morning, Hu Anzi received a call from Shen Tianhao.

"Miss Hu, I'm still tired of you going to see Dr. Qin again. She has no progress in her condition. Please ask Dr. Qin to diagnose her again."

After a night's rest, Shen Tianhao's anger has been reduced a lot, and indeed he is rude. So when talking to Hu Anzi, he also appears to be polite.

Of course, for Qin Tian brush his own things, Shen Tianhao is still a little uncomfortable.

Hu Anzi heard Shen Tianhao's request, originally like a dead gray mood, instantly burned up again, "Shen Zong, you are assured, I will go to see Dr. Qin myself!"

"Well, then trouble Miss Hu. If I can invite Dr. Qin, I will consider cooperating with Hu family whether the sister-in-law's disease can be cured or not." Shen Tianhao put forward his sincerity very well.

"OK, good, thank you, Mr. Shen. I'll leave right away and ask Dr. Qin!"

Hu Anzi was excited, from the hotel, drove to Xiangshan villa!

At this moment, the top of the villa.

Qin Tian opens his eyes in a ray of morning light, and a real Qi burst out in a flash!

Slowly exhaled a cloud, Qin Tian stood up smiling.

This evening's cultivation, once again, made his strength improve, almost equal to the previous month of cultivation results!

However, Qin Tian did not know that his own channels had been tempered last time, which was several times the width of others. The skill was improved through the spiritual knowledge in the deep mind, and the cultivation speed was incomparable to others!

Down the stairs, just caught up with lixinran and Lin Xiaoyao wash finished, Qin day hurriedly brush teeth to wash their faces, three people quickly came to the old two early stall.

They helped the old couple for a while. The three sat on the long table with breakfast. Just to open for dinner, a group of people came out of Audi A8 and came to Qin Tian.

"Doctor Qin, breakfast..." Hu Anzi came to see the bean curd brain with oil on the table. Qin Tianzheng and Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao were eating.

"Miss Hu, you're here!" Qin Tian bit a bite of the oil strip. Hu Anzi just wanted to talk, and Qin Tian raised his chopsticks to stop him. "Miss Hu, you have a word first. If you come to eat early, I welcome you to my bed. I would definitely invite you to eat the most authentic Songshan breakfast, but if it is to talk about the matter of seeing a doctor, it is not good. Although Qin is not talented, there is some dignity. Please return!"

"This... This..." Hu Anzi heard, his face immediately became pale, a time unexpectedly did not know what to do.

Before the words were said, Qin Tian was blocked!

Li Xinran seemed to see Hu Anzi's embarrassment, smiled slightly, and then learned Qin Tian's name and said to Hu: "Miss Hu, although I don't know why Qin Tian so decides, there must be something embarrassing to him. I think you can't make him difficult. Please be wise."

"Yes, I am also a Beijing man. We are very important in handling affairs. You can't give yourself a drop in your own weight in order to give people a doctor." Lin Xiaoyao had a white eye when he opened his mouth.

As early as in Beijing, he knew that the Hu family was not small. It was a medium family. He lived on the thighs of some big families, which was also moist. But he didn't know what happened in these years. Several thighs kicked them out one after another, and the mixed ones were worse than dogs.

Hu Anzi looked at Lin Xiaoyao, always felt that he was familiar with his eyes, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

However, it doesn't matter if I can't think about it. Hu Anzi is not dead hearted. He again looks at Qin Tian. "Qin Shenyi, I..." br >

"Miss Hu, I have made it clear. If it is your elder Hu family, Qin Tianyi doesn't want to speak, I will go there myself. But Shen family affairs need not be said more!" Qin Tians voice is determined, no doubt.

Hu Anzi listened, immediately on his face showed bitter color, finally helpless sigh, told Qin Tianbao goodbye, then drove away.

Li Xinran saw Hu Anzi leave, and asked Qin Tian, "husband, what does she look for you!"!? Why don't you help her!? "

Said, Li Xinran then to Qin Tian sandwiched a round hemp in the bowl.

Qin day clip up Ma Yuan bite, will the previous days in the first public hall encountered things from the beginning.

Li Xinran was very angry after hearing it. "Shen Tianhao is a bit too much, but dare not treat you so politely, and it is right not to treat them!"

"Sister Xinran, you may not know that this Shen family is one of the four families in Beijing. Shentianhao is the first successor of the third generation of Shen family. There are some arrogance. However, this person is not bad, and his reputation in Beijing is not bad." Lin Xiaoxiao, while happily eating tofu brain, said to Li Xinran."You know him!" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Xiaoyao.

"Of course, he bullied me when I was a child, but my elder brother often beat him up!" While eating, Lin Xiaoyao replied casually.

Qin Tian was surprised to hear that.

I have always known that Lin Xiaoyao's identity is not simple, but I have never asked Li Xinran. Today, I heard that Lin Xiaoyao's elder brother dared to beat the Shen family's successor, one of the four families. What kind of status are they in the Lin family?!

Shen family is a cow, but this Lin family, I'm afraid, is not an oil-saving lamp!?

Also with curiosity about the Lin family, Qin Tian finished the breakfast in front of him.

Hu Anzi drove away from the villa area, the more happy he was, the more strange he was.

Why did Qin Tian say when he left that if the elder of Hu family was ill, even if he didn't invite him, he was duty bound to treat him!?

Does he have friendship with the elders of the Hu family!?

Thinking of this, hu'anzi immediately opened a bright light in his heart. As soon as he hit the steering wheel, he drove towards the antique street!

If Qin naivete has made friends with Hu's elders, that's the only one left!

Just arrived at the antique street, Mr. Hu was sitting at his shoe repair stand eating peanuts and drinking Erguotou. Seeing Hu Anzi coming, he was surprised for a moment, followed by a wave, "the girl of the eldest family, come and have a drink with me."

"Grandfather, I'm not in the mood to drink now!"

As soon as Hu an Zi got out of the car, he sat beside him like a coquettish man, his eyebrows drooping and his eyes drooping.

Hu'anzi is the legitimate daughter of the eldest son of the Hu family. He has always liked this granddaughter best. When she was in a bad mood, the bottle of wine put down gently.

"What's the matter with you?" Mr. Hu asked.

Hu an Zi sighed and roughly told the story to Mr. Hu.

"Well, Shen Tianhao is arrogant and insolent. Qin Tian should not treat them." Mr. Hu laughed. He didn't seem to take this matter seriously. He continued to pick up the wine bottle and began to deliver wine to his mouth. Peanuts also peeled off one by one and threw them into his mouth.

"Grandfather, why do you still say sarcastic remarks? The Hu family has reached the stage of life and death. You don't feel any pain at all!" Hu'anzi grabbed the wine bottle from the old man's hand, pouted and lost his temper.

Mr. Hu said with a smile, "the property is nothing more than some external property. I hope the Hu family can find a job and live a down-to-earth life."

On hearing this, Hu an Zi sighed again and handed the bottle to Mr. Hu again.

"Grandfather, how can I not know what you said!? But now the Hu family is not the Hu family in those years. If we leave this family business, more than half of the people will starve to death... "Hu an Zi said reluctantly.

If it wasn't for a few men in the family who didn't strive for success, how could it be their turn to support this family business!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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