After all, they are his descendants. They really can't pass the heart.

Then the old man sighed, "it seems that I still can't pass the level of kinship..."

with that, the old man's eyes became deep, as if he had no choice.

"Offending the Shen family is not a good thing for Qin Tian. Did you persuade him?" The old man asked Juan Zi.

"Advise!? I didn't even have time to open my mouth, I was blocked back. If he hadn't said that, I wouldn't have come to ask you for help! "

After that, Hu Anzi repeated the last sentence of Qin Tian to the old man, indicating his intention. He wanted to ask the master to help him speak to Qin Tian so that he could help the Hu family.

"I did have a few meetings with Qin Tian, which can be regarded as chatting..." Mr. Hu stroked his beard and nodded lightly, "well, I will accompany you to see him, but I can't guarantee whether I can agree. If it doesn't work, my old man will try his best, and then the Hu family will be able to live and die by themselves..."

"grandfather, you are very good at it Why can't you take the Hu family with you?

"don't mention it again!" Mr. Hu immediately stopped what he was going to say next.

As soon as hu'anzi saw that his grandfather was angry, he did not dare to speak any more, so he sat down and shut his mouth.

The old man seemed to feel that his tone was too serious. He sighed slowly for a long time, "I don't want to eat any more. Let's go. I'll accompany you to see him."

In this way, the two generations of people drove back to Xiangshan villa.

Just arrived there, Qin Tian and two women were still cleaning up the stall for the old couple.

"Qin Tian, I haven't seen you for a long time." Mr. Hu is a slovenly man, standing in the villa area seems out of place.

Qin Tian heard the voice and looked back. He immediately put down his work and met him, "Mr. Hu, how did you come here?"

Qin Tian went out to meet him. When he saw hu'anzi following him, he knew exactly what he wanted.

Hu'anzi was OK to refuse. After all, he didn't have much friendship. Even if he had, he saved her life.

But Mr. Hu is different. From the bottom of his heart, Qin Tian has an indescribable admiration for this old soldier. If he comes to ask for help at such an old age, he can't refuse it anyway!

The old man sat down at the long table of the breakfast stand at Qin Tian's beckoning. Qin Tian asked his parents for a few wine cups and small dishes, and ordered Li Xinran and Xiaoyao to go to the hospital to carry several jars of medicinal wine. Then he sat opposite the old man.

Time is not big, Li Xinran and Xiaoyao carry a jar of red mud wine jar to come over, Qin Tian will open one, clattered to the old man on a cup.

"Master, I said I would give you some medicinal wine last time, but I haven't had time to go there. It happens that you come here today, and we can drink some, and we will bring some back to you later."

Said, Qin Tian then took up the wine cup, saluted the old man once.

The old man looked at it, laughed and drank the wine in front of him.

"Ha -" the old man took a long breath of wine, "good wine!"

This wine is soft and long. Not only does the tongue feel comfortable, but also the stomach warms up.

Qin Tian said with a faint smile, "if you like it, you can bring more jars."

With that, Qin Tian gave the old man a cup again.

When Hu an Zi saw that his grandfather and Qin Tian had such a good relationship, he put down the stone in his heart.

They chatted while drinking, and soon drank up a jar of two Jin medicinal wine.

"Master, have another one!"

Qin Tian said, then picked up another jar of wine, ready to pat the mud seal behind him.

The old man raised his hand and shook, "old man, I'm fine. I can drink more, but you young people have their own business. Don't drink so much in the morning."

With that, the old man put the wine in Qin Tian's hand on the table.

"Qin Tian, the old man came here today. I want to ask you for help. If you can help me, I will help you. If you can't help me, the old man won't blame you." Mr. Hu said slowly, his eyes were very clear.

Qin Tian heard that the business was coming, so he said, "master Hu, you don't have to say. I can guess why you came here from the time I see you."

As soon as the old man heard Qin Tian's words, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

In his eyes, Qin Tian is a smart man, and dealing with him need not say too much.

"Come and pick me up after Miss Hu has sent you back." Qin Tian said lightly.

"Good." The old man nodded, got up and walked towards Audi behind him.

When Qin Tian saw it, he quickly ordered Lin Xiaoyao to carry the rest of the wine to the old man and put it on the car.

Mr. Hu sat in the back of the car, and Lin Xiaoyao bent down to put the wine jar beside him."Little girl of the Lin family, how is your grandfather?" Mr. Hu asked very kindly.

"Grandfather Hu, do you recognize me?" Lin Xiaoyao said with a smile, "my grandfather is in good health. Among his old friends, you are the most mentioned one. Next time you go back to the imperial capital, you must remember to go and have a drink with him!"

Mr. Hu listened and nodded with satisfaction, "next time I go back, I will find him."

Hearing the speech, Lin Xiaoyao laughed again, followed by a glance at Qin Tian, who came by, and said to Mr. Hu in a hurry: "grandfather Hu, you continue to pretend that you don't know me..."

after that, he ran back to the breakfast stand to help.

"Mr. Hu, take your time."

Qin Tian came to say hello, and Hu an Zi drove away from the villa area.

Less than half an hour later, Hu an Zi came back in a hurry. The tires of the car still had a smell of rubber, which showed how fierce she had been driving.

"Doctor Qin, you are very helpful to me!"

Hu an Zi actively helped Qin Tian carry the medicine box and opened the door for Qin Tian. Don't mention how diligent he is.

At this time, Shen Tianhao is sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face on the top floor of No. 1 residence.

It has been three hours since I called Hu Anzi, and Shen Tianhao has been sitting on the sofa for three hours!

Although Shen Qianxi's condition has stabilized, it has obviously become worse than before the treatment, especially the red idea, which has become shallow, is still all over Shen Qianxi's body, extremely ugly.

Xiaoxiao and song Hu are standing in the living room. They dare not breathe. They are afraid that Shen Tianhao will be offended.

Shen Qianxi's face turned red, and her breath became a little bit faster than before, but she had the bearing of Miss Shen's family there and had a good temperament, which made her restrain the panic in her heart and stood there waiting for Qin Tian's arrival.

If I had changed to another girl, I'm afraid I would have been scared to death.

Shen Tianhao knows his sister, and it is because of this understanding that he has a lot of love in his heart!

At this time, the micro earphone in Shen Tianhao's ear vibrated.

"Mr. Shen, Miss Hu and Dr. Qin have arrived!" The bodyguard downstairs is standing at the elevator, reporting to Shen tianhaohui.

"Come on, get him up!" Shen Tianhao said in a hurry.

Later, Qin Tian and Hu an Zi followed the elevator to the top floor.

Shen Tianhao stood at the gate, waiting for the two to arrive.

"Dr. Qin, it's really hard to invite you..."

SHEN Tianhao said with a strange voice.

Hearing this, Qin Tian stopped his right leg, glanced at Shen Tianhao, and said, "I'm late!? Then I'll go back. "

With that, Qin Tian retracted the elevator again.

"Doctor Qin, I'm not interested. My sister-in-law is still waiting for you... Please..."

although Shen Tianhao was angry, he still bit his teeth and bowed his head with Qin Tian.

It's almost as much a bow as he can!

Qin Tian looked at Shen Tianhao's appearance, and his mouth was slightly crooked. His heart said that this arrogant childe was not worthless. At least for his sister's sake, he knew how to endure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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