With square steps, Qin Tian soon returned to the room where he had seen Shen Qianxi before.

When he saw the red marks on Shen Qianxi's body, he frowned slightly.

As expected, the medicine that Mr. Lu gave her has completely aroused the heat in her body. Although the body temperature seems to be normal, the heat poison has spread to the whole body along the meridians. If no treatment is given at this time, the eldest Miss Shen's family will be afraid that the heat toxin will invade her internal organs, causing fever in the internal organs and eventually lead to visceral failure!

Qin Tian looked at the red pinhole on Shen Qianxi's body and felt it as soon as he reached out.

But who knows, as soon as his hand was stretched out, a strong boxing style came over, and the target was Qin Tian's right hand!

Feeling this kind of boxing style, Qin Tian didn't even lift his eyelids. He didn't hurry up and drew his hand back.

"Our young lady's body is not accessible to anyone at will."

Xiao Xiao, Shen Qianxi's maid, stood on one side with a frown on her brow. She was the one who had just hit her.

Standing in front of Shen Qianxi at the moment, Xiaoxiao's heart is full of waves!

Even after a strict selection of bodyguards are difficult to avoid their own blow, but the doctor actually understated the past, even did not look at himself!

How deep is his strength!?

As soon as Xiaoxiao's voice fell, Qin Tian looked at her faintly, "if you don't get close to your young lady's body, how can you treat this disease?"

as like as two peas, Shen Tianhao must have been screened out and cultivated.


when Xiaoxiao was about to speak, Shen Qianxi raised his hand and stopped him.

"Dr. Qin, I'm sorry. I'm a girl who is used to following me. Don't mind." Shen Qianxi apologized to Qin Tian very well, and then sat forward a little, revealing her white neck.

Qin Tian slightly nodded, and then stretched out his hand in the past, pressed up several red dots on her neck.

"Does it hurt?" Qin Tian asked.

"No pain... Is a little itchy..." Shen Qianxi side said, the body can not help but want to shrink back.

Qin Tian's warm palm touched his skin, Shen Qianxi could not help feeling a flurry.

Shen Qianxi, who hasn't had skin contact with the opposite sex for 19 years, actually begins to enjoy this feeling. It seems that Qin Tian's hand can bring her infinite security.

Qin Tian nodded and pressed several times in other places, and then retracted his hand. "Itching is caused by heat and toxin in the body, causing itching caused by blood heat."

On hearing this, Shen Tianhao hurried forward, "doctor Qin, is this situation easy to treat?"

"Have you heard of the story of bianque treating Duke Huan of CAI?" Qin Tian glanced at Shen Tianhao with a smile.

Shen Tianhao didn't know what Qin Tianhao meant. He hesitated and nodded.

"The disease lies in the Li, where the soup can be ironed; in the skin, the needle and stone; in the stomach and intestines, the fire is within the reach; in the bone marrow, where the destiny belongs, there is no choice." Qin Tian smile, "if the disease in the skin, hot towel can be treated, the disease in the muscles, acupuncture can be cured, the disease in the stomach and intestines, decoction can also be treated, but if the disease goes to the bone marrow, then there is no way."

Shen Tianhao's face suddenly turned pale. "Qin, doctor Qin, do you mean my sister is suffering from bone marrow disease?"

As soon as Shen Tianhao's voice came out, all the people present were stagnant, and their faces became ugly.

Even Bian que, the famous doctor in those years, could only run away!

But who expected, in the face of the dead, Qin Tian but a smile, "think more, just to the inner organs."

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, the whole living room suddenly sounded a breath of breath, obviously everyone was relieved for this.

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Shen Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief, almost spit out blood!

This son of a bitch, he said that on purpose!

Last time Shen Tianhao embarrassed Qin Tian. Today, Qin Tian deliberately teased Shen Tianhao in front of so many people.

Shen Qianxi smile, naturally also understand that Qin Tian just wants to make his brother feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn't expect that this man was still a little cautious.

For a while, Shen Qianxi was curious about Qin's natural instincts. How many abilities does this person have? How dare he even dare to play with Shen family!?

Shen Tianhao bit his teeth, pressed his anger, and squeezed word by word from his teeth. "So, doctor Qin, what should I do for my sister's disease?"

"Good governance." Qin Tian was a little lazy to pay attention to him, and without lifting his head, he took out several yellow paper bags from the medicine box.

When Shen Tianhao saw Qin Tian, he used two words to perfunctory himself. He immediately wanted to get angry. However, when he thought that his sister's illness still depended on this boy, he put up with it.

Thinking in my heart, if you can't cure my sister, how can I deal with you!"Doctor Qin, this is..." Shen Qianxi asked curiously.

Qin Tian had a good impression of the Shen family. With a smile, he began to explain to her, "Miss Shen, have you heard of acupuncture?"

"Yes, I've heard of it, but isn't acupuncture pricked on the body with silver needles!? Why do you bring out so many herbs? " Shen asked.

"Acupuncture and moxibustion can be divided into acupuncture and moxibustion. For example, the silver needle that we usually come into contact with is only one aspect of acupuncture and moxibustion, which is called acupuncture. What I am going to give you today is another aspect of acupuncture, moxibustion!"

Qin Tian patiently explained to Shen Qianxi, citing some examples. For example, moxibustion, which is widely spread on the Internet, is made of dried and compacted moxa grass, which can remove the cold air in the human body and warm the meridians and activate collaterals.

"What I'm going to give you today is moxibustion to get rid of the heat poison in your body, and then use medicine to recuperate your body, so that the cold in your body can be completely removed."

The last time I came, I knew that Shen Qianxi's illness was caused by the mother's careless falling into the water when she was in her mother's womb.

However, Lu Bingqian did not say in place that there is something called fetal heat in the babies of pregnant women. The congenital temperature of infants is one to two degrees higher than that of ordinary people. When the mother fell into the water, the sudden ice cooling forced the heat into Shen Qianxi's body and attached the cold air to the fetus. This led to Shen Qianxi's extremely toxic body There are so strange symptoms of cold!

The reason why Qin Tian wants to clear the heat toxin first and then export the cold Qi is because the heat toxin is more domineering than the cold Qi. Once it is stimulated by the decoction, the symptoms will break out!

Lu Bingqian's practice triggered this point and made Shen Qianxi look like he is now!

With these words, Qin Tian opened the yellow paper package in front of him and revealed a pinch of herbs inside.

"Hello, you two, come and help me. Smash all these herbs into powder!" Qin Tian said, and then a call next to song Hu and Xiaoxiao, the two goods anyway stand also stand, also save them idle egg pain, always thinking about their own hand!

Song Hu is OK, the bottom of my heart is convinced of Qin Tian. As soon as Qin Tian calls him, he immediately comes to smash the herbs.

But Xiaoxiao is different. Although she is Shen Qianxi's maid, no servant can match her even if she is in the whole Shen family. At this time, when Qin Tian calls her to smash the herbs, she snorts coldly without moving.

Seeing that he couldn't use the girl, Qin Tian laughed and said to her, "little girl, you should be the famous Baji boxing in China!"

Xiaoxiao was angry at this time. When Qin Tian asked her, he gave him a cold look, "what is it?"

Baji boxing is not a secret school boxing. It's not a skill to recognize it just now!

"You're on the wrong track in practice. If I'm right, you shouldn't have made any progress in years!" Qin Tian said, also no longer forced Xiaoxiao to come to twist the herbs for himself. He opened a package and began to smash and twist.

"Bang, don't think you are qualified to teach me a lesson if you evade me. You are still far from it!" Xiaoxiao said with disdain, but the heart is a faint pain!

Because Qin Tiangang just this sentence, it is stabbed in her mind!

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