Shentianhao saw Qin Tian's move and rushed up immediately!

"What are you doing!" Shentianhao is in a hurry and pulls Qin Tian away from shenqianxi!

Qin Tian smiled, and looked at the girl guard madness with a banter. "Look at your sister's body again."

Shen Tianhao's anger on his face was not reduced, but he could not do anything to Qin Tian for a while. He had to follow what he said, turning to Shen Qianxi!

With the purple and black blood flowing out of those acupoints, Shen Qianxi's purple halo gradually dissipated!

"This is..." br >

all people are staring at the changes of Shen Qianxi's body, and they are stunned in the original place.

"I use moxibustion to lead the hot poison out of Miss Shen, concentrate on the main points of the body, and then puncture it with silver needle, and then the toxic blood will be exported, and the hot poison in Miss Shen's blood will disappear naturally!"

Qin Tian said, then sat back on the sofa smiling, and poured a cup of Shen Tianhao tea which had been made for a long time.

People heard that, they were relieved, but Shen Tianhao, after a relief, was angry at Qin Tian and said, "even so, you should tell me in advance!"

"Tell you in advance!"!? You are the girl guarding madness, can I give your sister blood!? " My dear God sneered.

Don't say that bleeding, even if you touch your sister's skin, it is estimated that you can go crazy!

Who will become your brother-in-law, is also eight life blood mold!

Shen Tianhao was said by Qin Tian dumb, a face was held up to instantly red.

"Doctor Qin, will moxibustion continue!" Xiaoxiao stood by shenqianxi with the medicine fumigation, and did not know whether it should be destroyed or should continue to bake Shen Qianxi.

"Continue to bake, there are all good herbs in it. Don't waste it. Anyway, Shen Da Shao is going to give money, and it will be wasted if it is not roasted!" Said, Qin Tian took a sip of tea in front of him, and the tone seemed to remind Shen Tianhao of the matter of consulting for gold.

"Oh." Xiaoxiao hears the words, and continues to turn to Shen Qianxi to bake.

Shentianhao is to Qin Tian side, looking at him like an enemy, "say, how much money, we Shen family other than, is more money!"

"10 billion, didn't I offer you a price before?" Qin Tian suddenly looked at shentianhao with a strange face. "Don't tell me you are not going to pay, if so I can't do it!"

Qin Tian is the most upset of this kind of movement is that his family is the owner of more money. If he does not ask himself by the old man Hu himself, it is hard to be hard to be embarrassed. This grandson of Shen can not!

Shen Tianhao heard 10 billion yuan, just drank the tea in his mouth and immediately spewed out, "you, you lion big mouth!"

Qin tianhem two, lazy to take care of him, the tone of the voice said: "rest assured, Hu family has helped you to pay the diagnosis, you do not worry about."

After that, Qin Tian was watching Xiaoxiao moxibustion, drinking tea on the table, and was totally uninterested in paying attention to Shen Tianhao.

Shen Tianhao was shocked by the words, and immediately wanted to understand that Qin Tian was teasing himself. After being angry, he looked at Juan Zi standing behind him. He raised his hand and told song Hu to take a stool.

"Miss Hu, sit down and have a cup of tea. I will tell my assistant to contact you about business affairs!" Shen Tianhao said with a hand, extremely heroic.

Hu Anzi heard, excited almost fainted past!

With Shen Tianhao, Hu family will be saved!

Sitting in a chair, Juan son had no idea to drink tea. It was business business.

After about two hours, song Hu came in with a metal insulated bucket.

"Dr. Qin, Dr. Chen Qiang has fried the medicine. Would you like to have a look at it?" Song Hu asked respectfully with the holding bucket.

Qin Tian took over the heat preservation barrel, unscrewed the cover, sniffed it two times on it, followed by a happy smile on his face.

Chen Qiang's talent in pharmacy can kill almost anyone. Whether it is the proportion of dispensing or the fire of decoction, this medicine has been mastered to a very precise level. Judging from the fragrance of this medicine, the drugs they have developed have almost reached the most effective time!

Almost no hesitation, told Xiaoxiao to take the medicine to shenqianxi to drink!

"The next week, every morning at 8:00 am to my medical center to get the medicine, a week later, Miss Shen will go to the root of the disease."

After that, Qin Tian put down the tea cup and got up and packed the medicine box.

"Dr. Qin, then, my sister's illness is like this!" Shen Tianhao asked Qin Tian with no heart, and it seems that he had been bothering their family for nearly 20 years. Qin Tian was so easy to solve.

"Call me in time and be on call once there are other problems!"

Come on call, this is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine!

As long as the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine is slow, a qualified TCM will always follow up the patient situation, and the treatment process also needs to adjust the prescription, so the treatment process is called, and become a necessary function of TCM!After that, Qin Tian didn't wait for Shen Tianhao to say anything. He picked up the medicine box and walked out the door. This time, no one dared to stop him!

"Doctor Qin, I'll take you back."

Qin Tian was picked up by her, and there was no car. Seeing that Qin Tian was going to leave, Hu Anzi chased Qin Tian out.

Qin Tian looked back and scratched his head slightly. He was going to see the engineering situation of antique street. Unexpectedly, Hu Anzi followed him and refused him.

"Mr. Qin, how nice of you to help me so much that you don't even let me deliver it. Who am I now?"

With that, Hu an Zi went up to hold Qin Tian and insisted on sending him back.

"Miss Hu, if you feel really embarrassed, please help me to send the medicine box back. I'm really busy. It's not convenient for you to send it..." Qin Tian has no Nai. It's just the so-called hand out smile. People are so enthusiastic that they can't refuse seriously, so they have to make such an excuse.

Hu Anzi is also a thorough person. When Qin Tian says this, it's not good to hold Qin Tian in vain. He takes his medicine box and goes to Audi A8 at the door.

No. 1 residence is located in the center of the city. It is about a mile or two away from the antique street. You can walk there in 20 minutes at the speed of Qin Tian.

While walking, I also bought a bowl of spicy hot from the roadside. As I walked, I saw a group of people in front of me.

Curiosity prompted, Qin Tian carrying spicy hot into the crowd, want to see what is lively!

Can this look, Qin Tian's eyes are almost falling down!

Cheng Yi is standing against the wall, with a face full of loveless expression!

Suddenly, a man in a white suit is holding flowers and kneeling in front of Cheng Yi!

"Cheng Yi, I have loved you for ten years, and I have been waiting for you for ten years. During this period of time when you go abroad, I miss you so much that I can't sleep at night. Finally, when you come back home, I solemnly ask you to love me. Please be my girlfriend!"

Qin Tian saw this scene, immediately came the interest!

They come to make love. That's bad luck for this boy. Cheng Yike told himself that she was gay!

Sure enough, Cheng Yi raises his leg and kicks him on the shoulder of the white suit, kicking him upside down on the ground!

The onlookers saw this scene and burst out a burst of laughter, especially those who took video with their mobile phones and prepared to send the video to the Internet!

The white suit quickly got up from the ground, a face almost red!

"Cheng Yi, don't face me. I'm Wang Xiaoping, the son of the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau. If you don't allow me to be with me, I'll ask my father to send someone to check your skin care products company every day to make sure you can't go on!"

The white suit points at Cheng Yi with a ferocious face, and even moves out his identity.

"Wang Xiaoping, you are really shameless!" Cheng Yi gives him a blank look. He doesn't care about him. He turns around and wants to go.

"Stop for me

All of a sudden, Wang Xiaoping yelled, and a dozen men in casual clothes blocked Cheng Yi in the middle!

"Wang Xiaoping, what do you want to do in broad daylight?"

Cheng Yi frowns and stares at Wang Xiaoping. Although his tone is tough, his body is shaking with fear.

At this time, only a few men in casual clothes began to drive away the onlookers, especially those shooting with mobile phones. They were robbed of their mobile phones and forcibly deleted the video.

Not long, the crowd will disperse, no one will wade in such muddy water at this time.

Also at this time, carrying spicy hot to eat is fragrant Qin Tian also fell in their line of sight!

"Boy, get out of here and eat your spicy hot in another place. Be careful that you will get into trouble."

A casual dress with a finger at Qin Tian, as if Qin Tian would beat him if he didn't leave.

Qin tianfork took a fish ball and put it into his mouth. He said vaguely: "I'll just have a look at the excitement. The nearsightedness is far away. I can't see clearly... It's OK. If you're busy with you, just think I don't exist." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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