Qin Tian's words, the presence of these casual clothes are all stunned.

"Don't you think it's stupid to hold grass NIMA!? I told you to get out of here

The casual clothes that just talked with Qin Tian reacted, and pointed to Qin Tian's nose directly, which was a curse!

At this time, Cheng Yi also recognized Qin Tian. Seeing that Qin Tian was coming, he felt a lot more secure in his panic, and he was not afraid. He just stood there with his hands around his chest.

"Get out of here!"!? Why let me go? This is not your home. I'm here to watch the fun and it doesn't affect you... "Qin Tian pretended to stand there innocently, and picked a spicy pig lung from the bowl. It's not too spicy to eat.

That casual clothes listen to Qin Tian's words, breath almost did not come up!

Damn it, is this kid really stupid or fake!? Can't you see that this is a group of punks ready to molest this woman!? There are people who are not afraid to die!?

At this time, a man nearby said, "Lao Liu, what are you talking about with a fool?"!? Hurry up, Mr. Wang, there is something else to do! "

"Got it, brother?" Casual clothes listen to elder brother's mouth, turn around a face ferocious face Qin Tian, "boy, you don't pretend to be stupid with me!? Today, I will let you know the consequences of pretending to be stupid! "

Said, old six raised a hand, then toward Qin Tian to throw in the past!


A crisp sound, I saw the casual wear man suddenly fell to the ground, never got up again!

A group of scoundrels don't know what happened just now. They are stunned. Cheng Yi opens his mouth in surprise.

Others are paying attention to her body, but she has been staring at Qin Tian. Originally, she was sweating for Qin Tian. But I didn't expect that Qin Tian slapped the Hun's face with his feet just now, and then he fainted on the spot!

Who has ever seen such a slap in the mouth!?

"I'll take care of it!

The elder brother who opened his mouth before waved his hand, and seven or eight people came around Qin Tian.

"Hold on!" Qin Tian looked at the casual clothes to start, and quickly raised his hand to let them stop.

Casual wear big brother heard that Qin Tian was afraid, and then sneer, hang a langdang a hand, gangsters will be standing opposite Qin Tian.

"If you have something to say, just let it go. I'm busy! But I can remind you that if you beat our brother, even if you say flowers, don't want to leave today! "

"If you don't go, you can't go. How can I be willing to go?" Qin Tian said as he ate, with a look of "I understand.".

"Oh, boy, the door is very clear..." casual wear brother a listen, immediately laugh out.

"But..." Qin Tian said, picking up a hot wooden stick in his hand and pointing to the crowd, "the way you flirt with women is really too low..."

"what do you say?" At this time, Wang Xiaoping, who has been stuck in front of Cheng Yi, hears Qin Tian's words, and comes over with a look of indignation. "Stinky loser, who do you mean low?"

Qin Tian was stunned when he heard the three words. Do I look like a loser!?

Then Qin looked at himself in the sky.

A casual T-shirt for 80 yuan in the market, a pair of white jeans and a bowl of spicy hot in the hand are not the image of a lousy loser!

Cheng Yi looks at Qin Tian's appearance and chuckles.

This guy, I didn't expect to play tricks like this! However, I don't know how he will get away. These people are all ruffians. Although they don't get on the stage, at least the fight is quite fierce.

Qin Tian didn't know what Cheng Yi was thinking about. He shrugged his shoulders at Wang Xiaoping and said haughtily, "it has nothing to do with the loser or the loser. Don't look at the low dress I'm wearing. I said that the girl over there can be soaked in her!"

"Brag about it The casual wear elder brother sneered, "we, Mr. Wang, are the son of the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau. Even he can't make it. You can make it with a lousy loser!"

"Even if you don't pee, take care of yourself!"

"If you're poor, you dare to say you'll pick up girls!"

"It's a shame to walk on the road with a bowl of spicy hot water at this age!"

For a time, this group of casual wear gangsters have shown disdain, began to dig at Qin Tian.

Wang Xiaoping looked at Qin Tian like a joke and was amused by him and laughed.

"Boy, don't say that the masters didn't give you a chance. I'll give you three minutes. If you can get that girl over there, I'll pay for the house tonight, not to mention anything else." Wang Xiaoping patted his chest and pretended to be atmospheric.

Qin Tian a listen, immediately pretended to be in front of a bright, "don't need three minutes, one minute I'll get her done!"

Hearing this, Cheng Yi chuckled.Qin Tian evades the sight of these people and walks straight to Cheng Yi, blinking at Cheng Yi.

"Beauty, I'll treat you to spicy hot With that, Qin Tian forked up a piece of protein meat from which bowl and fed it to Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yi didn't eat these things, but when Qin TianChao frowned and didn't know what medicine he was selling in his gourd, he opened his mouth and ate it.

"Is it delicious?" Qin Tian smiles.

"Well, delicious!"

Cheng Yi takes a little surprise in his mouth. It seems that he didn't expect the cheap junk food to be so delicious. He also took a bamboo stick from Qin Tian's hand and ate it.

"You senior white-collar workers, you should go to the grassroots to experience the roadside food." Qin Tian said, then remembered Lin Wanru, if not take her out, she even did not eat big food stalls!

For a moment, Qin Tian and Cheng Yi stood by the wall. You ate them one by one. Wang Xiaoping was stunned.

Isn't this the scene of a couple showing love on the side of the road!?

"Hold the grass, stinky loser. You're special. Get out of my way!"

Damn it, I actually directed a drama of digging the wall. That girl is her own!

When Qin Tian heard Wang Xiaoping calling him, he quickly turned his head, "Wang Dashao, are you going to open a room for me!? Don't mention it. Although I'm poor, I still have money to open a house and shoot a gun. If you really feel embarrassed, you can sponsor me with a box of jasmine. I have good physical strength and may be able to use up in one night... "

Wang Xiaoping was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He gritted his teeth and said," there are ten Jieshibang in a box. You can do it ten times a night I'm not tired to death

"Wang Dashao, you don't understand. A bowl of seven yuan spicy hot can be changed 13 times. If you do less, you will lose. I also say that there is not enough for one box."

Finish saying that, Qin Tian also deliberately carried his hand spicy hot.

Wang Xiaoping is stunned by Qin Tian's words. He even starts to think about the relationship between Malatang and hot girls. Cheng Yi looks at it and laughs.

What a fool! He took it seriously!

This smile was bad. Wang Xiaoping immediately reflected that Qin Tian was playing with him. His big face turned red. He said, "Grass Mud Horse, brothers, give me this grandson! I'll take this girl to the hotel and let my brothers take turns to be comfortable when I'm done! "

As soon as Wang Xiaoping's voice fell, the group of casual wear punks brightened up in front of them, whining to surround Qin Tian and Cheng Yi in the middle!

Who have ever been on this level of women? For a moment, they look at Cheng Yi like a hungry wolf sees a sheep!

"Go on At Wang Xiaoping's command, more than a dozen gangsters rushed towards Qin Tian at once!

Qin Tian sneered and threw the bamboo stick in his hand. A fish ball with red oil flew out!

"Oh, my eyes!"

Just listen to a howl, the most front of a hunk will cover his eyes and lie on the ground!

Look at the fish ball, not slanting, just hit his eyes, in addition to the physical pain of fish ball collision, pepper oil into the eyes of the sharp pain also let this bastard thoroughly sour!

The other bastards look, immediately angry up, howling and then rushed to Qin Tian!

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