In the car, Qin Tian glances at Cheng Yi, whose face is full of worry.

"The old man is going to have a noble birth this year!" Qin Tianwen.

"Seventy six." Cheng Yi replied.

"Well, it's a rare year. It's not a big deal to get sick." Qin Tian nodded slightly.

Even if a person's body is good, his function will gradually degenerate after he gets old. Maybe one day he gets a minor illness, he will become the last straw to crush his body.

"Don't worry. With me, the old man will be fine." Qin Tian smiles confidently.

Cheng Yi was driving and didn't speak for a long time. After passing two crossroads, he suddenly said, "Qin Tian, how high is your medical skill?"

"Er..." Qin Tian was suddenly stunned, "well, it's hard to say, most of the diseases can be cured..."

while driving, Cheng Yi peeked at Qin Tian and said, "I think you are more reliable than those experts."

Recalling Qin Tian's performance in this period of time, whether it's the relationship with Gu Yiming, or the feat of the bar and the street, Cheng Yi unexpectedly has a trace of expectation for Qin Tian.

"Promise me to see the doctor for my grandfather and his old man!" Cheng Yi looks forward to Qin Tian.

"This is not why I went this time, but I can first say that I am a doctor, not a fairy..."

Qin Tian said faintly.

If it's a common disease, even if it's a difficult disease, Qin Tian is sure to cure it. But at this age, it's not sure that it's a natural death caused by the coming of the end of the day. No doctor can do anything to rob people from Lord Yan. Even Qin Tian doesn't have the slightest way!

"Don't worry, I can understand." Cheng Yi said.

Soon, the pink Ferrari will drive into a suburban manor, the door guards and security guards are very respectful to open the way for Ferrari.

"Miss four, you are back." An old man came up, who was the housekeeper of the Cheng family, Fubo.

"How's my grandfather, fauber?" Cheng Yi frowns slightly, and she asks as she walks inside in a hurry.

"It's the same as before. The new experts say it's caused by acute appendicitis, but it's not like that. They're discussing a plan." Said fauber.

"Qin Tian, please." Cheng Yi suddenly stops and looks at Qin Tian seriously. She has an intuition that Qin Tian in front of her must be able to cure his grandfather's illness.

"I try my best." Qin Tian smiles.

"Is it you?" Fubo looks at Qin Tian with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

"You know me!" Qin Tian was also surprised.

Fauber settled down and nodded slowly. "I saw it once at the land auction last time."

Qin Tian was stunned when he heard the speech. The last time Li Zheng sold the land outside the Third Ring Road, he spent 150 million yuan to shoot it and gave it to Lin Wanru.

"I see." Qin Tian nodded.

Cheng Yi takes Qin Tian around a garden and through a long corridor. After a long walk, he comes to an independent villa.

Walking into the villa, a group of doctors in white coats are talking about something.

And in a huge bedroom, there are several men and women in the anxious discussion of what, these are the direct family of the Cheng family.

The old man lying on the bed is Cheng Lin, Cheng Yi's grandfather, the helmsman of the Cheng family.

"How's granddad?" Cheng Yi goes straight to Cheng Lin.

"Cheng Yi, you're back." Cheng Lin's face was pale yellow, and he just said a word, and the sweat on his forehead fell down. He covered his abdomen and closed his eyes tightly.

"Dad, how's granddad?" Cheng Yi turns and asks a middle-aged man next to him. This is Cheng Yi's father Cheng Tianhua.


Cheng Tianhua did not speak, but a woman in her forties next to him said: "Cheng Yi, you said that your grandfather was in such a bad health. You didn't know that you came back to share the company's business with your grandfather, and you even ran out to work. It's not filial...

" Auntie, just take care of your son. I'll take care of my business It will be arranged. " Cheng Yi is not cold or hot.

The woman, named Li Yanzhi, is Cheng Yi's stepmother, who died when she was three years old.

Just from Li Yanzhi's eyes, Qin Tian felt a trace of strange, can't say is hatred or disgust, in short, this look did not have much good intention.

"Cheng Tianhua, look at the daughter you have taught me. She talks to me like this..." Li Yanzhi looks at Cheng Yi and cries at Cheng Tianhua immediately.

"Don't say a word, either." Cheng Tianhua looks a little ugly. After all, his father is still in bed. He doesn't have the heart to stir up the two of them.

"Qin Tian, please." Cheng Yi said sincerely.

Qin Tian nodded. He felt the pulse for Cheng Lin and frowned after a moment. "Was appendicitis diagnosed just now?""Yes." Fuber nodded.

"Did you take the medicine?" Qin days chant.

"I used it, but it didn't work to see how the master looked. Experts are now discussing how to remove the appendix." "Said forbe.

Appendicitis is just a small operation, and there is no big risk.

"Appendicitis is available, but this is not the main problem. The key problem is that Lin Lao's body is not suitable for operation now. He is now suffering from lymphoid infection due to gallbladder inflammation, and will have serious postoperative reaction. It is absolutely impossible to operate now!" Qin Tiansong opened his hand.

"Who are you?" A middle-aged man asked in a deep voice that this is Cheng Yi's uncle chengtianyang.

"This is Qin Tian, it is a Chinese medicine." Cheng Yi Road.

"Nonsense." Cheng Tianyang's face sank: "even this kind of person dare to bring in to your grandfather to see a doctor, Cheng Yi, you are more and more indulgent recently!" I have believed in Qin Tian's medical skills, uncle Cheng Yi Road.

"Cheng Yi, don't be willful. It is about your grandpa's health. Please ask the doctor to go back." Cheng Tianhua also walked up the front road.

Cheng Yi looked at his father and smiled bitterly. "Have you ever believed me once since I was a kid?"

"It's nothing to do with believing you or not. I don't believe him!" Chengtianhua said, as if he did not care about the sadness in Cheng Yi's tone, then turned to the butler and said, "Fubo, please go out, and don't let anyone go in the future!"

Fubo smiled bitterly, "yes, sir."

"Yes, Cheng Yi, this young man may know some medical skills, but I don't think traditional Chinese medicine is effective. Besides, what a noble identity is our Cheng family father? It is too childish to have a young man come and help him see his body." Liyanzhi also glanced at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian obviously saw a bad look from her eyes. Maybe because she was Cheng Yi's friend, she was hostile to herself.

"Mrs Cheng is not very agree with this, there is no reason why I can't be a doctor at a young age." Qin Tian said it faintly.

"No one has stipulated, but our father is noble, does not want to bet, dare not bet, and again, we can not be so lucky, meet a young doctor than the old expert medical skills is superior!" Liyanzhi gave a cold laugh.

"I can see as long as it's sick." Qin Tian said it faintly.

"What are you waiting for, Fubo!? Please go out! " Cheng Tianhua said impatiently.

"Qin Tian, let's go." Cheng Yi took a deep breath.

Qin Tian was helpless, so he shook his head and picked up the pen beside the table and wrote down a prescription on it.

"Cheng Yi is my friend, and her grandfather is my grandfather. This prescription can delay the illness of his old man's family. I will put it here. Believe it or not."

After that, Qin Tian put the prescription on the table, turned and took Cheng Yi to come out of the villa.

"Qin Tian, I'm sorry." After going out of the door, Cheng Yi took a deep breath and saw that her mood was quite bad, which was her home, which is the current situation of Cheng family.

"It's OK." Qin Tian smiled and said, "Chinese medicine of my age is too rare, and I am used to this treatment."

"What's the matter with my grandpa's illness?" Asked Cheng Yi.

"Minor diseases, as long as temporarily control appendicitis, and then treat gallbladder disease, can be operated on appendectomy, a little rest can be restored." Qin Tian said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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