"Just, that's it!" Cheng Yi stops and looks at Qin Tian in disbelief.

Qin Tian said with a smile, "it's easy to say, but the gall bladder problem is extremely difficult to find, which is why so many experts and doctors have not been able to cure your grandfather."

Although cholecystitis can cause severe pain, it is easy to be ignored by doctors when it is tangled with appendicitis. In particular, Mr. Cheng's status is not low, and these doctors dare not do anything, so they have become the culprit of misleading doctors.

"Thank you. I tried my best to persuade them." Cheng Yi sends Qin Tian to the door.

"No thanks. Go back and spend more time with him." Qin Tian smiles and turns away.

"Fourth miss, the second master asked you to go back to your room and have a rest. You don't have to worry about the old man's affairs." A bodyguard said cautiously.

Cheng Yi's face changed. In this home, she felt that she had no status. She coldly answered, turned and went back to her room.

"Doctors, have we discussed the treatment plan of our father?"

Experts have begun to write medical records. Cheng Tianyang and Cheng Tianhua come out to ask.

"After discussion, Mr. Cheng, we all agreed that we should have surgery." A white coat replied.

"Is there a risk?" Cheng Tianyang frowned.

"Mr. Cheng, appendicitis resection is only a small operation, there is no risk, and the role of the appendix in people's body is not big, it's good to cut it." The expert replied.

"Then arrange the operation immediately."

Cheng Tianyang was just saying that a man came in at the door. He was the surgical director of the first people's Hospital, Deng Wenxiang!

When Qiu Yunlin was lying in the operating room, he advocated giving up treatment.

Cheng Lin spent a lot of money to invite experts from Songshan to see a doctor. As the surgical director of the first people's Hospital, it is reasonable for him to come here to perform surgery.

"How is old Cheng's condition?" Deng Wenxiang asked.

"Now the experts have come up with a plan. They suggest hand surgery. Please go there in person." Cheng Tianyang comes forward and shakes Deng Wenxiang.

"Mr. Cheng is highly respected by us, so it's right to come here." Deng Wenxiang said with a smile.

"Thank you, director Deng, for your trouble." Cheng Tianhua and Deng Wenxiang walk into the room together.

"Old Cheng, are you feeling better now?" Deng Wenxiang walked forward with a smile.

"Oh, director Deng, my old man has a lot of trouble with his illness, please." Cheng laoqiang, on the hospital bed, managed to squeeze out a little smile with the pain in his abdomen.

"Mr. Cheng, you are welcome. You usually donate materials to the municipal hospital. I should come here." Deng Wenxiang said with a smile.

Cheng Lin nodded, not too much spirit, almost speak.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cheng. I've arranged the operating room for you in the hospital. I'll be able to get there right away." Deng Wenxiang said.

"Thank you, director Deng." Cheng Tianyang and Cheng Tianhua come up.

"You're welcome. You should." Deng Wenxiang was about to leave when he caught a glimpse of the prescription on the mahogany table.

The handwriting on it was very familiar. He was surprised. Isn't this the handwriting of Qin Tian, the miracle doctor who brought the dead back to life!?

At the beginning, Qin Tian rescued Qiu Yunlin, who did not have any heartbeat, but caused a lot of trouble in the medical field of Songshan. Even if Qin Tian and he were a little unhappy, Deng Wenxiang still admired this young man very much!

"Who wrote this prescription?" Deng Wenxiang picked up the prescription on the table and asked excitedly.

"It's a young man who doesn't know what's going on." Cheng Tianyang replied: "he was stunned to say that my father is not appendicitis, but a gall bladder problem. He also said that as long as it is a disease, he can be cured. Now people really boast and don't make a draft."

"Mr. Cheng, if his name is Qin Tian, I can only say that you have missed an expert." Deng Wenxiang picked up the prescription and looked at it carefully. He confirmed that it was Qin Tian's handwriting.

Cheng Tianyang and Cheng Tianhua listen, face immediately for a change!

"Director Deng, is this young man named Qin Tian really an expert?" Cheng Tianhua asked uneasily,

after all, Qin Tian was expelled by himself just now, and he also told Fu Bo not to let anyone in. If he really missed the master, his face would be completely gone!

"If you can save the dead, are you an expert?" Deng Wenxiang gave a slight smile, and then his face suddenly changed. "That young man just now..."

"it seems that his surname is Qin..." Cheng Tianhua gave a bitter smile.

"Oh, Mr. Cheng, you are not from the medical field. You don't know the strength of this young man. Now, not only are the legends of him spread in hospitals, but even the students of medical schools regard him as idols. Even if you just look at him, you can see who is sick!" Deng Wenxiang said with regret and excitement.

From the face of Cheng's family, he had already guessed that he had not said anything good to Qin Tian!I'm afraid it will be difficult to invite them back!

"Director Deng, are you so mysterious!? It's just a young Chinese doctor... "Li Yanzhi was disdainful.

Deng Wenxiang as like as two peas, and so did not know what Li Yanzhi was doing. She did not give her any impression, but she took the prescription carefully. "Yes, this handwriting is exactly the same as the prescription that was given to Qiu Yunlin," said Qin Tian.

As he said this, Deng Wenxiang turned his head and looked at Cheng Tianyang. "Mr. Cheng, how did the experts diagnose that?"

"Say appendicitis, operation is OK..." Cheng Tianyang at this time dare not have any concealment.

"What did Qin Tian say?" Deng Wenxiang asked again.

"He said that the old man's main problem was in the gallbladder. Cholecystitis caused lymphatic infection. If you don't control the gallbladder, it's a waste of time to do the operation..." Fubo Ti Cheng Tianyang said.

Deng Wenxiang a listen, immediately a call to the young assistant next to, "go, immediately to the old man's gallbladder and lymph test!"

"Director Deng, I think you'd better take a break. With so many experts, is it better to be a little hairy boy?"

At this time, an expert came over.

"You check your, I'll check mine. What's more, it won't take long to do more tests. On the contrary, if there's something wrong with Mr. Cheng's gallbladder and the operation fails, you people can't afford the responsibility!" With a sneer, Deng Wenxiang didn't bother to talk to these experts.

This expert is also an authoritative figure in surgery. When Deng Wenxiang questioned him so much, he was extremely upset. However, he still did not dare to take the risk. At his age, it was the most important to get off base safely!

Time is not big, Deng Wenxiang's assistant came over with a test sheet.

"Deng, as like as two peas," the result of the disease is the same as that of Qin, "he said," the gallbladder disease is a cause of lymphatic system infection. In the present situation, if Cheng Cheng did appendectomy, he would not be able to diminish inflammation. "Then he was afraid that Cheng would be very tired. He saw a whole family's eyes and saw that he could hardly go on talking.


As soon as the expert listened, his face turned pale!

What is the status of Master Cheng!? That's the leader of a powerful family, not to mention how much he has contributed to the society. The identity of Cheng's group as the helmsman of Cheng's group alone is enough to make them a group of experts unbearable!

Such big people, also allow them to be misdiagnosed!?

In addition to the expert, other people are also unable to stop sweating, as if to see their own dark future!

Suddenly, the whole villa hall became quiet.

"Uncle Fu, bring the doctor's fee to all the experts and see off the guests. In addition, when you go out, you can call the fourth lady over and say that uncle and her father are invited!"

Cheng Tianyang's face was livid. Without hesitation, he gave those experts an order to leave!

"Mr. Cheng, you can't do this. You can't drive us away because of our small misdiagnosis." The expert was livid.

If you go out like this, you will become a joke in the medical field!

"Oh!? How can we treat our father's disease? " Cheng Tianyang sneered, apparently having lost patience with these so-called experts.

"This..." the expert's face changed. "I suggest that we take a special plane and transfer the old man to the imperial capital. Maybe there is still hope..."

"there is hope Cheng Tianyang's face changed as soon as he heard it. "Do you mean that my father's condition has reached a critical point?"

Cheng Tianyang would like to strangle these so-called experts!

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