The door of the car slowly opened, and two figures stepped out of the car. It was Cheng Tianyang, the eldest of the Cheng family, and Cheng Tianhua, the second, who were slowly approaching the hospital!

When Qin Tian saw the visitor, he put a smile on his mouth. Needless to say, he also guessed that it must be the old Master Cheng's disease, which could not be cured by others, so he came to invite himself!

As soon as he entered the gate, Qin Tian gave Chen Qiang a wink. Chen Qiang understood it and stopped Cheng Tianyang and Cheng Tianhua brothers outside.

"Gentlemen, there are rules in the Jishi hall. You have to queue up to see a doctor. Please abide by it."

With that, Chen Qiang waved his hand and pointed to the last position of the medical team.

Cheng Tianhua laughed awkwardly and said to Chen Qiang, "young man, can you accommodate me? My daughter and Dr. Qin are good friends..."

"sorry, please line up!" Chen Qiang said solemnly, "my master's friends are all reasonable people. People who come here to see a doctor have never broken the rules, but I don't know whether your daughter and my master are true friends or fake friends!"

Chen Qiang's words are both tough and polite, not only can't find any problems, but also let the Cheng family brothers have to run to the line obediently, and the patients in front of them also give thumbs up one after another, which can be said to be more than one action!

Qin Tian's speed of seeing a doctor is very fast. The Cheng brothers have already queued up in the clinic before long. As soon as they step in, they run to the clinic table and rebel.

"Our old man's illness can't be delayed. Doctor Qin, come with me!" Cheng Tianyang opened his mouth and said to Qin Tian!

"Uncle, recently your anger is quite strong, which causes your gums and mouth to get hot. During this period, you should pay attention to your diet. I'll give you some herbal tea and drink more when you go back."

Qin Tian, as if he had not heard Cheng Tianhua speak, continued to diagnose the patient in front of him.

"Did you hear me?" Cheng Tianyang was already very angry when he was stopped at the door. Unexpectedly, the man surnamed Qin dared to ignore himself after he came in!

He is also the vice president of Cheng's group. He is respected by people at ordinary times. How can he be so despised!?

"You're talking to me!" Qin Tian looked at Cheng Tianyang in surprise, "I'm sorry, I'm busy."

"Just a few patients. How much money can you make!? My father's disease has been delayed, come with us, give us a look after the old man's disease, worth you to see a hundred patients! " Cheng Tianhua eyes higher than the top said.

"Oh!? Since you Cheng's family is so rich, why don't you just go to Dijing, where there are all kinds of good doctors, and they are worthy of your father's identity. Let's see if you can buy some national experts to see your father. " Qin Tian continued to look at the patients in front of him, so he didn't care about them.

"You The Cheng brothers were choked by Qin tianchoke and couldn't speak!

When they were in the Cheng family just now, they despised Qin Tian. Now Fengshui turns around and they are not polite to them!

"Doctor Qin, come with us now. The conditions are up to you. In any case, we must cure our old man's disease!" Cheng Tianyang repressed his anger.

Even Deng Wenxiang said that his father's situation is not good, they can't afford it!

Qin Tian looked at them and sneered in the bottom of his heart. He was really used to it. He looked like a great master when he asked for help.

"I don't ask for anything from my colleagues, as long as I ask for a consultation." Qin Tian lowered his head and said calmly.

"Then our father is also a patient." Cheng Tianyang said angrily.

"Look, which one is not a patient in this hospital?" Qin Tian asked.

Cheng Tianyang was speechless, and Cheng Tianhua quickly answered: "but which of their patients can pay more than our Cheng family?"!? Don't you open the hospital just to make money!? You make a price, as long as you do, my Cheng family will never bargain! "

Qin Tian sneered, "really ignorant, no wonder Cheng Yi doesn't want to work in your own group."

"What are you talking about?" The two brothers are so angry that they come up!

Qin Tian took a look at them, put down the pen in his hand and slowly stood up, "in this world, life is equal, you can have the wealth that can't rival the country, you can also have high power, but in front of life, all people have equal rights, you let me leave them to see your father, sorry, can't do it!"

"You Cheng Tianhua was in a hurry, and some unpleasant words were about to be said immediately.

But at this time, Cheng Tianyang suddenly grabbed him and said, "doctor Qin, how can we go to see the old man with us?"

"I'll wait until I've seen these patients." Finish saying, Qin Tian then sat on the chair, continue to see a doctor to the patient.

The patients gave Qin Tian a thumbs up. Sometimes what the poor want is not privilege, but an equal status.

The Cheng brothers had no choice but to sit in the lobby outside. At this time, they understood why Deng wenxiangqian told them to be polite before going out. It turned out that the masters really had their strange temper!After waiting for about two hours, Qin Tian finally finished the diagnosis and treatment of the patient and came out with his pocket in his pocket.

The Cheng brothers rushed to meet them. Who knows Qin Tian didn't pay any attention to them, so he went to his top equipped Range Rover!

When the two brothers looked, they were stunned!

Qin Tian's car is even more expensive than theirs!

Two people look at each other, have seen from each other's eyes, can't believe!

Then Cheng Tianyang followed him up and said to Qin Tian in a more polite tone than before: "doctor Qin, we've driven a car. Let's go to our car."

"I have something to do now. I'll go to see your old man later. First, I'll fill the prescription for him according to my prescription. I'll take one to make sure he gets better."

Finish saying, Qin Tian did not hesitate to mount the driver's seat!

Just now, Qin Tian received a phone call from Tang Guomin, President of Shuangtian group. He said that he wanted to invite himself to dinner and apologize to him in person!

Qin Tianyi, the president of Shuangtian group, is not Tang Qingyang's father!?

A few days ago, Qin Tian abandoned Tang Qingyang's legs, and he still had two hundred million foreign debts. Even if he knew that they had no good intentions, Qin Tian still wanted to go!

Therefore, Qin Tian almost did not hesitate to agree to the other party's invitation!

Soon, Qin Tian arrived at the hotel reserved by Tang Guomin. When Qin Tian arrived, Tang Guomin was already in the box. To his surprise, only a few days later, Tang Qingyang had recovered to the point where he could come out.

After Qin Tian went in, with a smile, he sat quietly opposite the two.

Tang Qingyang has not been discharged from the hospital. This time he came out with the help of a special doctor after taking anesthetic. He looked at Qin Tian with endless anger and unwillingness!

Two legs. Tang Qingyang is only in his twenties, and he has become a disabled man who has lost his legs!

He is not willing to, must kill Qin Tian, let him give his two legs to bury with him!

Qin Tian sat opposite each other. Tang Qingyang looked at his eyes and said calmly, "go ahead, find me out. What do you want to say?"

When Tang Guomin saw Qin Tian's attitude, he said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, I'm looking for you today. I want to apologize to you. If Qingyang didn't know the height of heaven and earth, it would not have come to such an end. I also hope that Mr. Qin will not have a common understanding with him. This matter has been exposed here!"

With that, Tang Guomin asked the waiter to open a bottle of red wine next to him and filled the three people present. He was a mouthful of red wine in front of him, showing his sincerity!

Qin Tian listened and nodded, "sure enough, you know the son is more than the father, your son is really quite ignorant of heaven and earth."

With that, Qin Tian drank the red wine in front of him.

Seeing that Qin Tian had drunk wine, Tang Qingyang quickly signaled to Tang Qingyang, "I'd like to offer Mr. Qin another cup and apologize to Mr. Qin!"

Tang Qingyang was not reconciled, but he still held up the glass in front of him. "Mr. Qin, I promise I won't disturb Lin Wanru any more. Please forgive me!"

Finish saying, then one mouthful dried inside wine.

"It's good to know your mistakes. I hope you don't do these immoral things in the future. This time it's two legs, and the next time it may be a life."

Qin Tian saw that even a person without legs toasted, which has nothing to say, picked up the glass and dried it again!

But at this time, Qin Tian only felt an extremely severe pain coming from his mind, and then he immediately saw a pitch black, lying down on the table and dying. Qin Tian also heard the conversation between the father and son of the Tang family: "this medicine for nerve paralysis is so powerful, it's only less than a minute..."

the drug for nerve paralysis is really powerful , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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