In the vague, Qin Tian only felt Tang Qingyang was angry in his head, followed by the people like dead dogs dragged out!

Also do not know how long, Qin Tian is like a dream, feel a soft body close to themselves!

The deep soul of Qin Tian, who was so sleepy, suddenly burst into a while, and Chen Guang told him that the skill of picking up Yang by y was automatically running!

Qin Tian, who is vague in consciousness, thinks he is dreaming, and has no control over his thoughts. Since it works, it will work with it!

And now in the next room, in front of a 60 Inch monitor screen, a young man with less legs is waiting for a beautiful woman, looking at all of this on the screen.

"Damn it, cheap boy!" Tang Qingyang bite teeth hate said, "save this video, I will turn back to Lin Wanru!"

"Yes, young master!" A bodyguard like man put the U disk on the instrument, and saved what happened in the next room!

After being dizzy, Qin Tian was given a lot of aphrodisiac, and he ordered his subordinates to catch a new little red feed and throw it into his room. This is the video that Tang Qingyang is doing!

After he killed Qin Tian, he would hand over the video to Lin Wanru, let her know what the little white face she had provided was. Then he would make Lin Wanru to play with it!

Tang Qingyang also ordered the bodyguard to go to the next room to tie Qin Tian. He was a beautiful girl waiting for him. She sneered: "give me a good defeat and lose my fire. She also treats me as a net red..." br >

when the woman listens to the promise of tangqingyang, the beautiful eyes flash a ray of light, and then Sao Sao smiles immediately, and approaches tangqingyang.

After a few minutes, the bodyguard knocked at the door and came in.

"Sir, it's tied!" The bodyguard didn't seem to see what was going on in the room, and he said, looking down.

"Well, go out!"

The bodyguard closed the door from the outside, and the low hum of women like pain and enjoyment came from the time.

Not long after, the woman slowly pushed Tang Qingyang out of the room.

At this time, Tang Qingyang face is full of red tide, and I don't know whether it is the woman who is waiting for it, or the next to deal with Qin Tian's excitement.

The wheelchair slowly moved forward, and soon came to another room, and when the door opened, he saw a man and a woman lying on the bed.

The man was tied to the wall with iron chain shackles. The woman was covered with a white sheet, all in a coma state!

"Wake them up!" Tang Qingyang sneered.


The bodyguard replied, and he got a bucket of cold water from outside and threw it on the two people in bed!


Cold touch, let the woman in coma can not stop beating a shiver.

Qin Tian only felt his head was faint and heavy, turned over and woke up slowly!

And at this moment, the woman also leisurely to wake up, a pair of beautiful eyes to Qin Tian!

But in the next moment, two people were in bed!

"My God!"

The woman first opens the mouth, immediately follows then nervously looks at oneself body, will the bed sheet dead wrapped on the body!

Qin Tian has been surprised by the scene in front of him and stayed in bed!

Looking at the bed only one sheet of women, Qin Tian has too many doubts, but do not know how to ask exit.

What happened, wasn't it a dream before!? All of this is true!?

Qin Tian showed a bitter smile, "Jiao Jie... Recently, how are you doing..." br >

this new small net red captured by Tang Qingyang is the first Jiaojie that Li Zheng held up!

Jiao Jie's face was full of red halo, and he couldn't see Qin Tian again.

She didn't know how she would appear in Qin Tian's bed. She only knew that she had been sleeping by Qin Tian just now. She felt quite comfortable in the vagueness. She was in a coma and enjoyed a turn with great cooperation.

Jiao Jie wrapped the sheet dead and dead, and his head was almost buried in her chest. She said with a voice that she could hear herself. "If you want to be with me... Don't let me get dizzy. I'd like to... Next time, just tell me directly..." br >

after that, a pretty face of Jiao Jie can drop blood almost red!

Qin Tian looked at this scene, before the body was divided and then reacted!

This is not Qin Tiantian who does not know shame, but is the natural charm of pure Yin, which makes him unable to control at all!

This girl, unexpectedly thought that she was bound to her!

Then, Qin Tian smiled bitterly, "Jiao Jie, look at me. I don't know why you are here. I wake up just now, just like you..." br >


Jiao Jie was one of the surprises. He dared to look up at Qin Tian. Only a child's arm chain attached to Qin Tian, which tied him to the wall dead and dead, could not even move it!"What's the matter with this!" Jiao Jie sat up anxiously, stretched out a pair of small hands to pull the iron chain on Qin Tian, but she was limited in strength, and could not pull the cold chain!

Qin Tian helplessly smile, signal Jiao Jie first sit down, because she dressed so close to herself, she would not stop producing that idea.

"Are you drunk too!" Asked Qin Tian.

Jiao Jie shook his head and tried to think back to the previous events.

"I was on my way home after the live broadcast, and suddenly someone came out and covered my mouth with a handkerchief. I just wanted to resist, and I fainted and woke up just now..." Jiao Jie said helplessly.

"Li Zheng didn't send you bodyguards!" Qin Tian frowned slightly.

Jiao Jie shook his head as soon as he saw Qin Tian's face. "No, Mr. Li is very good. He sent me bodyguards. But I think some trouble is caused by others, so he refused it..." br >

Jiao Jie was afraid that Qin Tian would blame Li Zheng and speak for Lizheng.

Qin Tianwen Yan sighed a little, Jiao Jie this girl, is too good heart, afraid to add trouble, if the side with a bodyguard how can happen!?

At the same time, I laughed at myself. I was too confident recently. Even the most basic vigilance was gone. The ancestor who played medicine was given the medicine. It was a big slide in the world!

Just as they spoke these words, there was a sudden clapping in the secret place at the door.

"Crackle..." br >

at this time, Tang Qingyang slowly revealed from behind the wall with the help of women.

"Wonderful, it's wonderful!" Tang Qingyang's face was full of a proud smile. "Qin Tian, it seems that I really did not find the wrong person, you and this little girl, really have a leg!"

Qin Tian looks up at the past, and the eyes are full of cold!

"Tangqingyang, you are not afraid to die." Qin Tian's voice is very cold, but the tone is strange calm!

But Qin Tian is not angry, but he is really angry to the extreme, has put Tang Qingyang on the list of must kill!

It's no longer necessary to be angry with a dying man.

"Afraid of death!" Tang Qingyang's face is full of ferocious, "you don't see the situation of the food, you say, you die first, or I die first!"

Said, Tang Qingyang then took out a pistol, without hesitation to Qin Tian!


"Ah!" Jiao Jie was frightened and screamed, and then he looked at Qin Tian immediately. "Tiange..." br >

Qin Tian shook his head slowly, indicating that Jiao Jie should not panic.

The bullet just now hit Qin Tian on the chain.

"Look, this chain of iron even bullets are constantly playing, this treatment, you happy!? Satisfied!? " Tang Qingyang finished, face instantly full of madness, open mouth and laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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