"This iron chain is specially made for you

Tang Qingyang knew that Qin Tian was powerful, but he didn't believe Qin Tian could break the iron chain made of refined iron!

Today, Qin Tian must die. He will bury his lost legs with him!

Qin Tian looked at him, his face full of calm.

"If you want to kill me, just do it when I'm in a coma. Why do you want a woman?" Qin Tian sneered. "Let me have a good time on my deathbed!"

This is what Qin Tian couldn't think of since he woke up.

Since you hate yourself so much, why do you want to find a woman for yourself!?

Jiao Jie listened to Qin Tian's words, her body trembled slightly, and unconsciously leaned toward Qin Tian. It seemed that this would make her feel more secure.

She, want to know the answer is not this, she does not want to become just let Qin Tian temporarily cool a role!

Qin Tian's powerful spiritual sense also caught Jiao Jie's uneasiness, and his body slightly deviated, and he was closer to her.

Jiao Jie looks up at Qin Tian in surprise, but sees Qin Tian smiling at himself.

For a moment, Jiao Jie's heart full of doubts immediately settled down!

Yes, Qin Tian is not such an irresponsible person. Since such a thing happened today, he will never leave himself alone. As long as he doesn't disturb his family, he can be good with himself all the time!

Jiao Jie, who wants to understand this point, calms down in his heart.

Tang Qingyang looked at the two people's small movements, sneered and waved his hand. The bodyguard next to him took out a metal USB flash disk and inserted it into the TV set in the room. After a while, what happened on this bed was played on it!

As soon as the picture appeared, Qin Tian's eyebrows immediately wrinkled up. Jiao Jie took a breath of cold air and closed her eyes tightly. She wanted to die here with shame and indignation!

"Guess what will happen if I send this video to Lin Wanru?" Tang Qingyang's face was full of crazy color, "when she died of your heart, I would take advantage of the void to occupy Lin Wanru's body, then occupy her group, and then kick her away, let her become a man's plaything..."

with that, Tang Qingyang seemed to fall into a morbid state and laugh madly!

Qin Tian looked at him, his face was completely gloomy.

"You are really shameless..." Qin Tian's voice is very low, quietly, a sinister murderous spirit spread out from his body!

"Oh!? You want to kill me Tang Qingyang escaped from Qin Tian's hands twice. He is familiar with Qin Tian's murderous spirit. If he felt the murderous spirit, he would cry for his father and his mother when he gathered together. But this time, he looked at Qin Tian like a joke. "If you have the ability, you can break the iron chain. I'm a grass mud horse. Today either you die or I die!"

"Then you die!"

Finish saying that, Qin Tian's body instantly erupts a strong genuine Qi, a fire cloud dart instantly forms in front of Qin Tian's body!

Qin Tian, actually without hand, directly used his spirit knowledge to condense a fire cloud dart!

"What's this..." Tang Qingyang's face turned iron blue instantly!

His voice is still declining, that fire cloud dart will swish toward him to fly over!

"Young master, be careful!"

The bodyguard roared and blocked Tang Qingyang in front of him. He raised his hand and saw Qin Tian's huoyun dart!


A sound of flame tearing the air came, the fire cloud dart just landed on the bodyguard's knife, and ignited the whole arm of the bodyguard!

Tang Qingyang saw this scene, has been scared silly, a pick pull behind the same scared silly beautiful woman, cried out, "run quickly!"

The woman this just reacts to come over, push Tang Qingyang then ran out!

At this time, the bodyguard's arm has been completely burned into a mass of ashes, forced to bear the pain, turned to follow out!

Jiao Jie was scared a little silly when she saw this scene. Fortunately, she had seen some extraordinary means of Qin Tian before. She soon recovered. She got up and rushed to the door, slammed the door shut and locked it, and then rushed back to bed at the fastest speed!

"Brother Tian, I'll save you..." Jiao Jie's face was flustered and began to pull the iron chain on Qin Tian's body!

"Jiao Jie, don't do this. You stay away from me. I can open the chain myself!" Qin Tian tries to keep calm.

At the moment when Jiao Jie rushed over, the sheet was close to falling. In addition, she pulled hard on her body, and half of her breasts were exposed. Even because of pulling the iron chain, she was already close to Qin Tian's cheek!

Jiao Jie smell speech to look at Qin Tian, but found that Qin Tian's line of sight has been falling on his body, which found that his bed sheet fell.

Jiao Jiehong turned away from Qin Tian's face and wrapped up the sheets again.

"God, brother, are you going any further?" Jiao Jie asked in some confusion."That's fine." Qin Tian exhaled his breath and tried to clear his mind of miscellaneous thoughts.

In an instant, the temperature of the whole room rose, and Qin Tian's body burst into a burst of fire red Qi, and a set of fire armor appeared on Qin Tian's body!

"Give me a promotion!"

With Qin Tian's low voice, a strong heat flow is released from the fire armor, which makes the metal chain burn completely red!

The metal will become soft when exposed to heat. Qin Tian exerts all his strength by this high temperature, and the joint of the chain will open immediately. Just listen to a few bangs, and the chain will be scattered on the ground!

Qin Tian felt his power and his spirit moved. A fire cloud dart appeared in front of him again!

For a time, Qin Tian fell into deep thought!

Because his spiritual consciousness has almost doubled in this day!

Qin Tian tried hard to think about what happened today, and finally remembered that when he was in a coma, his soul was working independently to collect Yin and replenish Yang.

At the beginning, Chen Guang wanted to capture Jiao Jie's virgin Yuanyin, in order to improve his spiritual consciousness. At the beginning, Qin Tian defeated Chen Guang, and Chen Guang also wanted to use this method of collecting Yin to replenish Yang for his own life.

However, Qin Tian always felt that this formula was against humanity and did not intend to use it. However, he did not expect that during his coma period, his spiritual consciousness actually took the initiative to operate it. I am afraid he also felt the precious value of Jiao Jie's virgin Yuanyin!

At the beginning, she didn't take the initiative to do this with Lin Wanru in a coma, which shows that Jiao jieyuanyin is powerful!

Qin Tian grinned bitterly. Although he didn't take the initiative, Yuan Yin of Jiao Jie still fell into his own hands.

But if you come, you will be at ease. Qin Tian believes that since the way of heaven is arranged like this, there must be some truth in it!

To understand this, Qin Tian calmed down and began to feel his greatly improved spiritual consciousness!

Qin Tian ran the Qi and ghost Qi in his body at the same time. Under the control of powerful spirit consciousness, the speed of operation was increased again.

In particular, under the constant cultivation, Qin Tian could only operate inefficiently. After strengthening his spiritual awareness, Qin Tian unexpectedly found that even if he kept practicing at any time, Qin Tian could still run his true Qi with all his strength!

Qin Tian was surprised by this discovery and could hardly close his mouth!

The previous day's practice is enough to equal the previous month's practice. I'm afraid the data will double this time!

If you insist on saying that there is anything wrong with this matter, I'm afraid that there is only a vortex formed by the huge true Qi and ghost Qi floating on the top of Qin Tian's head!

Jiao Jie looks at Qin Tian, and her face shows surprise again. Qin Tian's strength also refreshes her cognition again!

Not too close to follow, Jiao Jie shyly lowered his head, because at the moment qintian almost no inch thread, only that looming red fire armor still block some of the privacy of the body.

Qin Tian shakes off the chain, and the fire armor skill is also cancelled. He wants to find something to cover himself. However, Qin Tian is surprised to find that the only thing that can block his body is Jiao Jie's bed sheet.

"Well... Why don't we go out and find clothes to wear?" Qin Tian pretended to say this sentence inadvertently, and his old face became red.

It's not that he has the intention to remove the fire armor and expose his body to Jiao Jie. It's because the temperature of the fire armor is a little high. I'm afraid Jiao Jie can't stand it for a long time.

Jiao Jiehong stood beside the bed, listening to Qin Tian's words did not refuse, but gently nodded.

Seeing Jiao Jie's agreement, Qin Tian pulled her up and took her to the door.

Jiao Jie follows Qin Tian and looks at Qin Tian constantly.

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