For a while, Jiao Jie is red again.

It was the first time she saw this thing, and she really wanted to... Really want to touch it...

thinking of this, Jiao Jie's face turned a little red again.

However, Qin Tian didn't know what Jiao Jie was thinking at the moment. After leaving the door, he found that they were in a villa. In addition to their room, there was only another room not far from the next door.

With Jiao Jie beside him, Qin Tian didn't want to take more risks, so he had to walk towards the only room.

A door, face-to-face is a diameter of more than two meters of bed, purple red tone, the whole room set off a very attractive!

"Look for clothes to wear!"

Qin Tian said, then took the lead into the room.

The reverie of Jiao Jie is also called back to reality by Qin Tian's words. She walks towards the wardrobe without paying attention to blushing.


A sound of sliding cabinet door, Jiao Jie's sight is instantly attracted by the scene in front of you!

"Good... Sexy!"

This is the vocabulary that Jiao Jie thought of for the first time!

Because at the moment, there is no other clothes in this wardrobe, almost all of them are women's love clothes!

There are sailors, teachers, nurses, and even that kind of loopholes!

Qin Tian is rummaging about inside. He doesn't know what Jiao Jie found.


Jiao Jie called softly, Qin Tian looked up at her.

Can be such a look, Qin celestial body instantly sprouted a primitive impulse!!

Because at the moment, Jiao jiezheng is wearing a suit like a fox, and his skin is faintly visible!

"Jiao Jie, you..." Qin Tian took a mouthful of saliva.

"God, what happened just now was in a coma. Now we are all awake. Can I experience it again?"

This sentence is Jiao Jie repeated countless times in her mind before saying it. After saying this sentence, Jiao Jie's face is almost red!

Originally, Qin Tian could not stand the charm of Jiao Jiechun's Yin body. At this time, Jiao Jie dressed like this and said this sentence. Qin Tian could no longer bear it. He rushed to Jiao Jie like a tiger descending the mountain!

Jiao Jie affectionately kisses the man who has taken away his first time, and his whole body and mind are put into it!

They were in bed again for a while.

"Tiange, you are a doctor. You should not know that you can't do too much in a day, and your body will not be able to eat."

With that, Jiao Jie found out a teacher's dress that looked the most conservative from the wardrobe and made do with it.

Qin Tian had no choice but to walk down from the bed, turn left and right, and finally found a cloakroom in a corner, which was almost all tailor-made suits of Tang Qingyang!

Fortunately, Qin Tian and Tang Qingyang's figure is not much different, picked a look the most low-key set on the body.

Before leaving, Qin Tian destroyed all the electronic equipment in the villa. Finally, he took Jiao Jie out of the villa after ensuring that all the video evidence was destroyed.

"Brother Tian, do you think Tang Qingyang will continue to trouble you?" Jiao Jie asked anxiously.

Qin Tian sneered, "he won't have another chance to trouble me."

It's five o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be dark in an hour or two, when Tang Qingyang dies!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian sneered. The damned Tang Qingyang didn't know where he had thrown his jade. He had better not carry it with him, otherwise it would be the time of his death when it was dark!

In the villa downstairs found a car, fortunately there is no time to pull out the key out of the car, Qin Tian a fire, he drove the car toward the city in the past.

Jiao Jie just broke down. Qin Tian said hello to Li Zheng and asked her to rest for a few days. After seeing her home, Qin Tian went to the hotel where he had dinner with Tang's father and son again. He drove his Land Rover to Cheng's house.

At the moment, Cheng is busy again!

Master Cheng's condition is getting more and more serious. Although he took the medicine prescribed by Qin Tian, after all, what Qin Tian prescribed was only to relieve symptoms, which had no effect on the recovery of the body!

Deng Wenxiang gave Cheng another diagnosis. He had no choice but to frown and say to Cheng Tianyang, "Mr. Cheng, you'd better send him to the hospital. There are many drugs there, which can relieve the symptoms of the elderly. At least, it can delay until Dr. Qin comes..."

systemic lymphatic infection, severe appendicitis and cholecystitis, not to mention these symptoms But it's enough to cause extreme pain!

"Director Deng, is there really no hope for my father's illness?" Cheng Tianyang and Cheng Tianhua are most anxious. Looking at their father's death in the hospital bed, they feel a burst of heartache.

Deng Wenxiang looked at the two men and said darkly, "if we can't get effective treatment within two hours, the old man's illness will not be optimistic..."Two hours!?

Two brothers a listen, facial expression immediately became pig liver color!

"Director Deng, it's not good. The patient has developed shock symptoms with high fever and has fallen into a severe coma!" Deng Wenxiang's assistant rushed over.

"Come on, get your adrenaline ready, rescue right now!"

Deng Wenxiang made a decision and decided that Cheng's family had a complete set of medical equipment and emergency medicine, so he could rescue the old man at the moment!

"Director Deng, if you inject adrenal hormone into the patient now, you will send the patient directly!"

All of a sudden, a lazy voice came from the door. People turned their heads and saw Qin Tian standing at the door!

Seeing Qin Tian coming, Cheng Tianyang and Cheng Tianhua look relaxed. Now they have placed almost all their hopes on Qin Tian. Even if they did not believe Qin Tian could cure the old man's disease, they still regard Qin Tian as a life-saving straw!

Deng Wenxiang was flushed by Qin Tian's words.

He had a strong belief in Qin Tian's medical skills. Since Qin Tian said that adrenal hormones would accelerate the death of the old man, he would certainly accelerate his death. However, with his medical skills, he did not understand why.

Qin Tian didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he went straight to the hospital bed. Without saying anything, he took the hand of the comatose Master Cheng and began to feel his pulse for him.

"The situation is not optimistic. If I let me do it earlier, the old man would not suffer this kind of crime!"

With that, Qin Tian took out a package of silver needles from the medicine box and pricked them on several acupoints on the patient's body!

With the fall of the needle, Qin Tian's true Qi also slowly passed.

After a while, Mr. Cheng really had a reaction and his eyes opened slowly!

"This..." the old man glanced around and couldn't believe he was still alive.


as soon as the two brothers saw the old man wake up, they immediately knelt down in front of the window!

Deng Wenxiang looked at this scene and opened his eyes in surprise again!

He had to use adrenal hormone to save the old man. Qin Tian actually pricked a few needles to wake up. The gap between medical skills can't be described by gullies!

"Director Deng, thank you very much for speaking for me. After this time, the gap between you and me will be wiped out completely. If you have anything to do, please come to me and you will certainly help me!" Qin Tian looks back and smiles.

Deng Wenxiang was thinking about how to say a word with Qin Tian, so as to eliminate the misunderstanding between them. However, as soon as Qin Tian opened his mouth, he drew closer the relationship between himself and him. Suddenly, he trembled with excitement and said in a hurry: "OK, OK, thank you, doctor Qin!"

When the two brothers of Cheng family saw that Qin Tian had real ability, they immediately kindled a glimmer of hope and politely said to Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, you see, our father..."

"don't worry!" Qin Tian finished saying, a buttock sat on the chair beside him, "there is a condition before treatment, promised me, and it is not too late to treat the disease again!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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