Qin Tian's big sword and golden horse are sitting in the middle of the hall, which makes everyone in the Cheng family change color!

I'm afraid it's time for the lion to open his mouth!

For a time, everyone began to feign, even Deng Wenxiang began to consider Qin TianChao's interests.

At this time, Cheng Tianyang walked to Qin Tian's side with a wry smile, and said to Qin Tian with a smile: "doctor Qin, you see, our father's body is almost exhausted. If there are any conditions, we can say whether we can treat the disease to the old man first. It's a matter of human life..."

Cheng Tianyang's motive for saying this is very simple. If Qin Tian only mentioned something small The request, then looked good at the disease to meet him is, in case of excessive requirements, the lion big mouth, that promise or not can not be said, anyway, the disease is cured, is it difficult for him to return the disease!?

"Yes, doctor Qin, save people first. If you have any conditions, you can say that our Cheng family's wealth is not comparable to some super consortia in Songshan, but at least we are a first-class family. We still have some money, and we will not be in arrears with your diagnosis..." Cheng Tianhua also came to the side and began to speak good words to Qin Tian.

"Of course I know that you Cheng family has money." Qin Tian saw this scene, and said with a smile, "you can rest assured that with me, the old man will be all right, and he is not in a hurry to cure. For a moment, we'd better put the conditions in front of us. In case that you turn over your face and refuse to accept the payment after I have seen the disease, who can I talk to?"

Qin Tian seems to be a small person in the market bargaining posture, there are signs of a day for a dime!

Cheng Tianyang listened to Qin Tian's words, his face suddenly changed, because Qin Tian's words completely said his idea!

When Cheng's brother saw that he couldn't speak well, he quickly turned his attention to Deng Wenxiang, hoping that he could say a few words for the Cheng family.

When Deng Wenxiang saw Cheng Tianyang blinking his eyes with him, he gave a bitter smile in his heart. His heart said that the relationship between him and Qin Tian had just eased. It was not three minutes before Deng Wenxiang let himself rub his face. You can really do it!

However, there is no way, the old man of the Cheng family is in danger. Even if he rubs his face, he can't keep his face. He has to work hard to get up!

Thinking of this, Deng Wenxiang sighed slightly and walked towards Qin Tian.

"Doctor Qin, Master Cheng's illness..."

"it's stable. There won't be anything in a day!"

To Deng Wenxiang's surprise, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qin Tian mercilessly!

"Well, that's good, that's good..." Deng Wenxiang gave a bitter smile, shook his head at the Cheng brothers, and then retreated.

Others Qin Tian all said so, what else to say!? You have one day to discuss the conditions and say that it is in danger.

Cheng Tianhua looks at Qin Tian, who doesn't sell face. He winks at Fu Bo and asks him to invite the fourth lady.

Fubo is an old man of the Cheng family. Naturally, he understands the meaning of the second master. He quickly turns around and carefully exits the hall.

Qin Tian takes a look at Fubo's back and smiles. He knows what Fubo is going to do. Anyway, he wants to call Cheng Yi over. It doesn't matter if they go ahead.

At this time, a charming half old woman slowly walked in from the door. It was Cheng Yi's stepmother, Li Yanzhi!

As soon as Li Yanzhi entered the door, she saw Qin Tian sitting on the throne. All the others were standing, and her eyebrows were immediately frowned!

"You little liar, how dare you come to our Cheng family? Who gives you the courage!? Fauber, get him kicked out Li Yanzhi's face is slightly ferocious and points to Qin Tian. As soon as she comes in, she will let people throw Qin Tian out!

For a time, all the people in the living room looked at her, and Qin Tian sneered scornfully.

"You, what are you laughing at?" Li Yanzhi was upset by Qin Tian's smile for a moment, but then she thought that she was the second wife of the Cheng family. She got up again and looked at Fubo again. "Fubo, why are you still in a daze? Don't let people throw this little bastard out!"

As soon as Fu Bo saw Li Yanzhi, he called his name again. He quickly stepped forward and said respectfully to Li Yanzhi: "second lady, doctor Qin is the master and the second master..."

"what kind of master and second master, my wife asked you to throw him out!" Li Yanzhi saw that Fubo disobeyed herself in front of the public, so that she lost face, she immediately roared!


Cheng Tianyang originally thought that Li Yanzhi would be restrained after Fubo reminded him, but he didn't expect to get worse!

Li Yanzhi shivered at Cheng Tianyang's mouth. "Elder brother, you..."

"doctor Qin is a distinguished guest invited by my second younger brother and me. She is a doctor for the old man. I can't wait for an outsider to yell at you here!" Cheng Tianyang warned Li Yanzhi with a cold face, and then he put his eyes on Cheng Tianhua. "Second brother, people are in your room, you should be bound!"

Cheng Tianhua looked at his elder brother's words and hurried to Li Yanzhi. He raised his hand and slapped him, "don't apologize to Dr. Qin!"Li Yanzhi was slapped by Cheng Tianhua. She married Cheng Tianhua. For more than ten years, Cheng Tianhua never beat herself. Unexpectedly, she beat herself because of an outsider!

Li Yanzhi covered her face and rushed to Cheng Tianhua. "If you dare to hit me, I will not live..."

"enough!" All of a sudden, a weak voice came from the bed. When they heard the voice, they saw that old man Cheng's face was flushed with anger and was pointing to Li Yanzhi. "My Cheng family's face has been lost by you. Get rid of me!"

The old man opened his mouth, which was already a sacred order in Cheng's family. Before Cheng Tianyang and Cheng Tianhua had spoken, several bodyguards came out of the room and took Li Yanzhi and walked outside. Li Yanzhi did not want to let go of her voice.

"Cough..." Master Cheng coughed and politely said to Qin Tian, "Qin, doctor Qin, let you see the joke..."

Qin Tian smiles slightly, "this is not a joke of the Cheng family, but some people are really not on the stage and do not deserve the identity of the Cheng family."

After hearing this, Master Cheng's eyes were slightly stagnant, as if he had thought out something clearly. He nodded his head and said to Qin Tian: "the doctor Qin is not only superb in medical skills, but also has unique vision. My Cheng family is not as good as you!"

Indeed, if I had strongly opposed it, how could such a woman marry into the family!?

When people thought about Qin Tian's words, a beautiful figure was led to the villa hall by Fubo.

"Qin Tian, how did you come back?" When he saw Qin Tian, Cheng Yi's face was obviously surprised!

I haven't told my family, why did he come!?

"Four girls, don't be rude. Be polite when you talk to doctor Qin!"

Cheng Tianyang is shocked when he sees Cheng Yi talking like this. Li Yanzhi has just been kicked out, and Cheng Yi comes again. If Qin Tian is annoyed, who can cure the old man!?

Doctor Qin Cheng Yi is stunned for a moment. He looks at Qin Tian and Cheng Tianyang. He looks unbelievable and turns to Qin Tian. "Are you a miracle doctor?"

Qin Tian Wen Yan shrugged his shoulders and smile, "I said that I can cure any disease."

"Then you hurry to cure my grandfather..." Cheng Yi and Qin Tian are more familiar, and they are not polite.

"Don't worry." Qin Tian pulls Cheng Yi and presses her on the chair next to him. "My condition has not been mentioned yet. The Cheng family has satisfied my condition. I will see the doctor immediately."

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