Qin Tianwen nodded.

Qixia is a ghost formed in the late Qing Dynasty. It is inevitable that you don't know the Treasury. After Qin Yue said that, Qin Tian understood what this iron house was.

The father and son of the Tang family are really able to hide. They are actually hidden in the underground vault!

"It seems that the Tang family is really rich." Qin Tian sneered, "Qixia, lead the way, let's go and see how many good things there are in the Tang family's vault!"

Qixia hears the speech and respectfully responds. She turns around and floats into the air and drives towards the development zone with qintian's Land Rover.

Shuangtian group of Tang family is a super group that can be compared with olan group. As the holder of Shuangtian group, Tang family is very rich. There are several villas and manors.

After seeing Qin Tian's superhuman means, Tang Qingyang knew that he had no hope of revenge. He called his father Tang Guomin and fled to a villa just built in the development zone with his valuable things at home.

In addition to the front and back gardens, the villa covers an area of more than 1000 square meters. Even in the Tang family's assets, it is a relatively luxurious place. At the beginning of construction, Tang Qingyang proposed to bury a room sized vault. On the one hand, it can store some things that are inconvenient to see light. On the other hand, in case of emergency, the villa can take the whole family to hide here for refuge 。

But Tang Qingyang never thought that his "back road" was used so quickly!

"Qingyang, what you said before is true, then Qin naivete has super ability!" Tang Guomin looked at Tang Qingyang and couldn't believe it.

Tang Qingyang is sitting in a wheelchair at the moment, his face is livid.

"Dad, I've told you more than a dozen times. Qin Tian was tied with a chain. A flame dart suddenly appeared beside his body. It hit ah Qiu's arm for less than ten seconds, and then burned his arm!" As soon as Tang Qingyang mentioned the things before, he was afraid, "Dad, what else can he be?"

"This... This is incredible..." Tang Guomin listened to the sweat all came down, this, this is simply fantastic!

"Dad, my mom, it shouldn't matter if they're out there!" Tang Qingyang seems to suddenly think of something, worried about the question of Tang Guomin.

"No!" The tone of Tang Guomin was firm, and he looked at Tang Qingyang. "Although Qin Tian is a little weird, he is still decent. The fact that he doesn't make money in opening a hospital alone can show his character! It's the two of us who have a problem with him. He won't hurt his family yet! "

Tang Qingyang was also relieved when Tang Guomin said it.

But at this time, the earth suddenly came a shock, followed by a violent shaking of the Treasury. Tang Qingyang and his son sat in the Treasury, and could not even maintain the most basic balance. Their faces turned pale with fear!

"Dad, no, it can't be Qin Tian looking for it!" Tang Qingyang clings to the brake of the wheelchair. His face is so bitter that it almost drips out of the water!

"It's impossible. Our family's Treasury is only known by us and your mother. Even if Qin Tian can find it, it can't be so fast..." Tang Guomin said firmly, "is it difficult? Songshan really has an earthquake!"

Father and son in the vault constantly guess what happened outside, Qin Tian is standing in the courtyard of the villa, calmly watching a group of ghosts digging the ground inside the villa!

"Wang Qingshan, have all the cameras and monitoring equipment in the villa been damaged?" Qin Tian turned to ask Wang Qingshan.

"Don't worry, master, don't say it's from the villa. Even the cameras on the road we just came here have all been destroyed by me. I promise I won't leave any evidence!" Wang Qingshan sneered.

He can't do anything else. He is more familiar with the business of killing people, stealing goods and leaving no traces!

Qin Tian nodded with satisfaction and looked at the group of ghosts struggling to dig the ground in the villa!

Time is not long, when the ghost will dig the ground down about 10 meters, a piece of stainless steel will appear in Qin Tian's sight, it is actually the roof of the vault!

"Damn it, it's so deep!" Qin Tian sneered.

This depth, not to mention the Treasury, even if the missile is blown down, the people inside are not necessarily in trouble!

"Hurry up, dig out this vault for me!" Qin Tian ordered again.

With a target, it's easy to dig. Countless ghosts and ghosts cried out. The soil dissipated around at a speed visible to the naked eye. A huge cube Treasury appeared in the sight of Qin Tian. On the side of the door of the Treasury, there was an underground passage similar to the dark Pavilion. It must be from this passage that the Tang family and his son entered the vault.

"No wonder Qixia said it was an iron house, but it was so big as a room!" Qin Tian was surprised to see the vault in front of him. The length of the front and back was more than five meters, so he said, "lift it up!"

For a moment, all the ghosts were together, and the vault fell into the garden of the villa!

The violent vibration made Tang's father and son shake left and right inside, but after this drama earthquake, there was no more movement."The earth... The earthquake stopped!" Tang Qingyang asked Tang people uneasily.

"It should be stopped..." Tang Guodu swallowed his mouth.

Standing in the garden, Qin Tian circled the vault with his back, and finally saw the door of the vault on the side near the street lamp. It was a metal gate with a high-level security system and a strong mechanical password.

In other words, if you want to enter the vault, you should not only know the password, but also match the fingerprint and pupil membrane, otherwise you will never be able to pass through this gate!

"It's quite rigorous." Qin Tian looked at the vault with a smile and was very happy.

Because the more advanced they make, the better the contents are!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian secretly runs his true Qi and hits the wall of the vault with a fist!


There was a fist sized pit on the wall of the vault!

"Oh!? It's quite strong! " Qin Tian said in surprise.

You know, he can easily pierce a five inch thick steel plate with this punch, but when he hits this steel plate, he only hits a fist sized hole, which shows how solid the vault is!

"Good thing!" Qin Tian's eyes suddenly brightened!

At the moment, in the Treasury, the huge sound of Qin Tian's fist just now made the Tang family almost fainted!

"Dad, this is..." Tang Qingyang was scared to urinate.

Tang Guomin, with a gloomy face, did not answer him. Instead, he picked up a pistol from a nearby corner, stuck it against the wall and stood at the door of the vault!

"People inside listen, come out quickly, I can still leave you a whole body!" Suddenly, Qin Tian's voice came in from outside!

"It's Qin Tian, Dad, it's Qin Tian. He's got it, he's got it..." Tang Qingyang is so scared that he shivers. His face, which has no blood color, turns pale again.

"Calm down! This is a thickened Treasury. Even if he finds it, as long as we don't go out, he can't help us! " Tang national squint, heart a horizontal to Tang Qingyang said.

The vault is made of a foot thick steel plate. There is no interface in the whole vault. If you want to enter, there is only one way to get in, and the password of the gate is only owned by their father and son!

Today's tangguomin, only bet Qin Tian against their father and son can't!

"Qin, you can come in if you have the ability. Don't try to scare me with the whole body or not. Since you are going to kill all of them, I still care about the whole body

Tang Guomin's face is full of ferocity, obviously when he was young, he was also a cruel character!

Qin Tian listened and laughed sarcastically, "surnamed Tang, you really don't force me."

"I will force you. What can you do?" Tang Guomin's face is full of madness!

Wang Qingshan heard it outside and immediately became angry. "Master, let me go in and make sure to kill them all."

Qin Tian waved his hand, "don't make a fool of yourself. What I want is not their death, but this vault!"

If you want to kill them, Qin Tian has 10000 ways, but once they die, no one knows the password, and the vault will be completely abandoned!

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