Wang Qingshan listened and nodded helplessly. He had to stand aside.

As soon as Qin Tian waved, he ordered a ghost to bring a reclining chair for himself from the side of the swimming pool far away. He turned and lay down on it.

"Well, since you don't want to come out on your own initiative, I'll try to ask you out!" Qin Tian leaned back on the reclining chair and turned his face to Wang Qingshan. "Go and get some firewood in the back mountain and put this vault up for me!"

Wang Qingshan is depressed. Hearing Qin Tian's words, he immediately brightens his eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect Qin Tian to think of this method!

"My master, you are very damaging!" Wang Qingshan put up a thumb to Qin Tian, followed by a group of ghosts flying towards the back of the mountain!

Hearing the words of Qin Tian, Tang Guomin and Tang Qingyang immediately became soft in the Treasury!

Hold dry wood!? Put the vault up!?

What does Qin Tian want to do? Even a fool can figure it out. He wants to roast his father and son to death with high temperature!

"Dad, what to do, what to do!" Tang Qingyang was sitting in a wheelchair, and a heat flow came out from between his legs in an instant. He dropped down the wheelchair on the ground. He was scared to urinate!

Tang Guomin is also afraid, he really did not expect, Qin Tian can think of this way!

"Quick, press the alarm, call the police!"

When the vault was installed, an alarm device was specially installed to inform the police in time.

Tang Qingyang was reminded of this matter by such a reminder. He couldn't wait to slide his wheelchair to a yellow button beside the wall, and almost without hesitation he pressed it down!

Sure enough, time is not long, the above call device is connected to the demon spirit!

Overjoyed, Tang Qingyang quickly reported his own affairs to the police.

"Don't worry, Mr. Tang. We'll send the police to the rescue immediately."

Finish saying, two convenient hang up the phone!

"Dad, we are saved!" Tang Qingyang cried with joy and only hoped that the police could come faster!

Two father and son in the vault and other news do not say, Qin Tian lying on the reclining chair, mouth showed a trace of thought-provoking smile.

"Go, carry the vault, let's go home!" Qin Tian gently ordered a word, several big ghosts have called Yin ghost will carry the Treasury into the air!

Following Qin Tian, he told Wang Qingshan by the contact between the master and the servant, and asked him to find the dry firewood and return to the villa directly.

Why do you do that!?

Qin Tian's hearing has surpassed that of ordinary people, especially in the case of always paying attention to the interior of the Treasury, the conversation between the Tang family and his son almost fell into Qin Tian's ears!

Call the police!? Don't be funny. You must die today. You must die if you don't!

Qin Tian got up and jumped and landed on the top of the vault. Countless ghosts dragged the huge treasury weighing tens of tons and flew into the air, even his own Land Rover!

More than half an hour later, the dark shadows all over the sky fell in the garden of qintian villa. At the moment, the veterans are practicing here. As soon as they see Qin Tian falling from the sky, they give up their positions one after another!

Today's veterans have been able to focus the aura on their eyes, and they have seen the ghost, but it is still the first time to see the number of people who cover the sky like today!

As soon as he landed, Li Xiaoshuang told many brothers what he had just done for Qin Tian.

"Then, when people are forced out, the question of password will be handed over to the monkey!" Jiao Cheng laughs.

Generally, this kind of Treasury will set a master password to modify the password and fingerprint pupil membrane. Needless to say, it must be in the hands of Tang Guomin.

It's not difficult for Tang Qingyang to say the password. The hard thing is to let Tang Guomin speak!

"Brother Qin Tian, don't worry. I'm good at this kind of thing." The monkey laughs, but he can't wait to get up.

Before long, a group of ghosts came to the sky again, with a bundle of dry firewood in his arms. It was Wang Qingshan who arrived!

"When you start the fire, keep the fire away from the door of the vault. I'm afraid the electronic system of the vault will be burned out." Qin Tian ordered Wang Qingshan.

"Don't worry, master. I know it in my mind."

With that, Wang Qingshan ordered the ghost to move the Treasury, and a pile of dry firewood was stacked on the farthest side from the door of the Treasury!

Anyway, their goal is not to destroy the vault, as long as they can force out the people inside, then they will succeed!

At the command of Wang Qingshan, the flame rises in an instant!

After a while, the steel plate of the vault began to become hot. The vault was like an oven, and instantly became extremely hot!

Tang Qingyang and his son leaned against the door of the Treasury, panting for breath. Their clothes were almost soaked with sweat!

"Four, more than forty degrees..." Tang Guomin looked at the point thermometer on the wall, his eyes had begun to appear too high temperature and dizziness.

"Dad, I can't help it..." Tang Qingyang grinned and cried out unexpectedly."Bear it again, the police will come back soon..." Tang Guomin still put his hope on the police, but they have been moved out of their original position by Qin Tian!

This sentence is like a shot of cardiotonic general, let Tang Qingyang rise again hope.

However, another twenty minutes passed.

"I'm going out, I'm going out!" Tang Qingyang couldn't stand the temperature any longer. Even if he died, he would die outside!

With the decline of his voice, Tang Qingyang's hand clapped on the button next to the door of the Treasury!

"What are you doing?" Tang Guomin was startled by Tang Qingyang's sudden move, but at this time it seems that there is no way to retrieve it!

Just listen to the creak, the door of the Treasury will be pushed by a burst of oil pressure, slowly open!

Bang, bang, Bang...

a burst of pistol shooting sound came, and Tang Guomin actually fired directly at the outside!

"Damn it, I don't want to catch Lao Tzu. Come on

Tang Qingyang just wanted to slip out of the vault in his wheelchair, so he was caught by Tang Guomin!

Open the door to breathe, inside has been more comfortable, not afraid of Tang Qingyang do anything stupid!

However, the actions of Tang Guomin were useless. After the bullets were shot out, almost all of them were blocked by the ghost spirit of the ghosts at the gate. In a moment, the veterans rushed into the Treasury and pressed the Tang family's father and son on the ground for friction!

"Monkey, give it to you!" At Jiao Cheng's command, Tang Guomin is taken to a hidden corner by the monkey.

Tang Qingyang, however, was thrown by the veterans on the ground in front of Qin Tian, making a puff!

Tang Qingyang has not yet reflected what is going on, but when he raises his head and sees dozens of unkind big men following Qin Tian, he is scared to death. He can't even care about the pain on his legs. He kowtows to Qin Tian when he lies on the ground!

"Qin Tian, Qin Tian, don't kill me, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."

Tang Qingyang is scared to death. He bangs his head on the ground and makes a thumping sound every time. He bangs his head and blood and makes red marks on the floor!

Qin Tian looked at him, did not pay any attention to him, directly called his brother into the vault.

"Hold grass, brother Qin Tian, the Tang family is really rich!"

As soon as we entered the door, a golden color was printed into our eyes!

Qin Tian went in to have a look, a large gold bar, neatly stacked in front of the innermost wall, full of more than a meter high!

This pile of gold bars is worth at least 100 million Chinese dollars!

And gold is a hard currency, its real value is higher than 100 million Chinese banknotes!

In addition, there are some antiques, calligraphy and painting, jade, jade, the value is not poor!

"Brother Jiao Cheng, take a few smart brothers and count these things and make a list!"

Looking at these things, Rao is Qin Tian holding billions of savings in his hand, but he still feels a little shortness of breath!

"Yes, brother Qin Tian!" After that, Jiao Cheng takes people to check things directly.

Out of the vault, Tang Qingyang is still kowtowing his head, and his forehead has become a bloody blur!

"Lord qintian, please forgive me, please forgive me..." Tang Qingyang is like him, numbly repeating this sentence, constantly kowtow, obviously let his consciousness appear a little fuzzy!

Qin Tian slowly squatted in front of Tang Qingyang, holding his head which was about to knock down.

"Tang Qingyang, listen to me. Even if you break your head today, I can't let you go!" Qin Tian was extremely firm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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