Originally, the crime of Tang Qingyang did not die, but Qin Tian did not cherish the opportunity he had given him several times. Instead, he persecuted Qin Tian and Lin Wanru more and more severely. As a result, Qin Tian hated him deeply and would not forgive him any more!

Tang Qingyang was stunned when he heard Qin Tian's words.

Even if I knew that Qin Tian would not let him go, he still abandoned his dignity and kowtowed to him on the ground. But I didn't expect that it would still be such a result in the end!?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Tang Qingyang burst out laughing, "Qin Tian, you will be punished, even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go!"

"Don't worry. Even if you become a ghost, you'll only end up in a terrible state." Qin Tian said indifferently.

In this world, not everyone has a chance to become a ghost. Although many people will have souls after death, most of them will be accepted by the underworld, thus introducing the six paths of reincarnation. Only a few people who are extremely unwilling to become ghosts and do not fall into samsara will become ghosts and embark on the path of ghost cultivation.

And Tang Qingyang, even if he is unwilling to become a ghost, will only become a ghost. Even if he has a lot of resentment, he will only become a ghost of the same level as Wang Qingshan, which will not pose any threat to the current Qin Tian!

And most of all, Qin Tian won't give him any chance to survive as a ghost!

"Ghost bag, find a place where there is no one to give him a ride." Qin Tian shook off his hand and threw Tang Qingyang to the ghost pocket on one side. "Do it clean. I don't want to leave any trouble behind!"

"Master, don't worry, ghost bag will not let the master down!" Dressed in a red belly bag, just like a child's ghost bag, he took the order, and then flew up into the air with Tang Qingyang and flew towards the distance.

After a short time, Jiao Cheng comes over with a piece of paper in his hand. His face is full of uncontrollable excitement!

"Brother Jiao Cheng, how are you?" Qin Tian asked with a smile.

"Brother Qin Tian, we are all a bunch of big roughs. We don't know the antique calligraphy, painting, jade and jadeite, but we simply weigh the gold..." Jiao Cheng took a sip of water when he said this.

"How much is it?" Qin Tian asked.

"It's 3000 kilos. If it's converted into Chinese currency according to the current gold price, it's about 90 million!" Jiao Cheng said, then handed Qin Tian the paper in his hand, and calculated the price of these gold with the gold price conversion formula above!

90 million, which is only 10 million less than what I expected to be 100 million!

Qin Tian followed Qin Tian into the Treasury and began to identify the antiques, calligraphy and paintings. However, to his disappointment, these calligraphy and paintings were all ordinary antiques, and there were basically no works of everyone.

Qin Tian sighed with disappointment and said to Jiao Cheng behind him: "brother Jiao, gold is hard currency. It doesn't move for the time being. There are other antiques, calligraphy and paintings, Jadeites and Jadeites. Tell all brothers to break up the whole into parts and change them into Chinese coins. Try to make them clean and don't attract the attention of the outside world."

Jiao Cheng hears the speech and nods, "don't worry. We've done a lot of things that don't attract the attention of the outside world. We are absolutely experienced. I'll tell my brothers to go to other urban areas and sell them separately. We won't attract the attention of the outside world."

Qin Tian nodded. At this time, the monkey's figure appeared in the public's sight. Two brothers behind him put Tang Guomin in the middle, just like dragging a dead dog, and walked towards Qin Tian.

"Brother Qin Tian, it's done!"

With that, the monkey went to the vault with great confidence, opened a hidden fingerprint lock, and pulled Tang Guomin to press it.


A sound of electronic warning sound, the camera of the Treasury slowly bounced out. Two veterans escorted Tang Guomin and stuck his eyeballs in the past!

"Iris authentication successful, welcome to Mr. Tang!"

System welcome word rings, there will be a touch type computer screen on the wall, only see the monkey trumpet a few times, then enter the system of changing password!

"God, come on. Now it's time to re authenticate the iris and fingerprints. After this, this vault will be ours!" Monkey Ao Jiao a smile, give the position to Qin Tian.

"Where's my son?"!? Where's my son? " At this time, Tang Guomin suddenly yelled, "you don't mean what you say. If you agree, you will let my son live. Now what about my son?"

Tang national left and right can not see Tang Qingyang, eyes are red!

Hearing this, Qin Tian suddenly stopped at the door of the vault and turned to ask the monkey, "did you promise him to release his son?"

The monkey shrugged, "it's just a means. There's no need to be honest with these people!"

Qin Tianwen shook his head, "monkey, remember, there are some things in the world that have to be done, or they will be excluded by the way of heaven!"

When Qin Tian said this sentence, he also glanced at the brothers around him. He said this not only to the monkeys, but also to all the people present. Because they had already set foot on the road of cultivating truth, they should never violate the will of the road!The monkey was blushed by Qin Tian's old face, because he had never thought about it. It was too normal for him to treat the enemy in such a way.

"Brother Qin Tian, sorry..." the monkey apologized.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a Tang Qingyang. Just let it go."

With that, Qin Tian used the connection between the souls to contact the ghost pocket. Fortunately, he had not started, so he directly asked him to send people back.

Not long, Tang Qingyang was thrown on the ground with a plop.

"Son, son!" Tang Guomin struggled to pounce in front of Tang Qingyang, as if a sudden old dozens of years in general!

Qin Tian looked at this scene and sighed silently. He went to the top of the court and said, "listen, now promise me a few conditions and I'll let you go!"

On hearing this, Tang Guomin's body obviously shook for a moment, "you, you said to let us leave!"

"That's right. I'll let you go with my terms." Qin Tian nodded.

"You, you say it!" Tang Guomin was in a hurry.

"First, the whole family will never come back from Songshan."

"This is simple, I promise!" Tang Guomin nodded in a hurry.

"Second, make sure that all of you in the Tang family can't do anything harmful to me or the people around me, especially Tang Qingyang. It's your destiny that you can live today. If you dare to do any evil again, I will take your dog's life!"

Tang Qingyang is busy nodding, and Tang national is full of promises!

"Oh, by the way, Shuangtian group of your Tang family is also a real estate company!? If I remember correctly, you have a lot of properties on sale, right? " Qin Tian asked.

"Yes, there is. There is a small apartment in the neighborhood. It's called Longhua garden..." Tang Guomin said honestly.

Qin Tian did not hear the name of Longhua garden, and then turned to see Jiao Cheng.

"From our two intersections, close to the suburbs, many people who come to work in the city can't afford to rent the houses in the city center Jiao Cheng said.

Many of his security colleagues used to rent there.

Qin Tian nodded.

"I want 81 suites. Tomorrow I will take someone to go directly to go through the formalities. You can do a good job of linking up. I don't want no one to entertain me when I go tomorrow!" Qin Tian ordered the people of Tang Dynasty.

There are more than 80 veterans on the scene, and each of them has a suite. This is what Qin Tian thought for a long time, but he hasn't been able to spare his hands to do it. Now that the time is ripe, we can't let them go in vain, so we can just take advantage of them!

Tang Guomin's face immediately turned green!

81 suites, although Longhua garden is a small apartment, the suite is only about 100 square meters, but it can be converted into Chinese currency at least 70 million!

Qin Tian, this is to take the opportunity to clean up their own ah!

Although Tang Guomin understood this, he did not dare to refuse Qin Tian!

"Why, it's difficult!" Qin Tian saw Tang Guomin's ugly face and asked again.

"No, it's not difficult. Tomorrow I'll tell people to have all the information ready." Tang Guomin said respectfully.

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