Jiao Cheng doesn't open his mouth, but turns to Qin Tian when all the veterans leave.

"Brother Qin Tian, it's not wise for you to let the Tang family go today." Focal range orthochromatic channel.

Qin Tian immediately felt relieved when he heard that it was not Jiao Jie's business. With a smile, he said to Jiao Cheng, "I know that the father and son are not fuel-efficient lamps. Sooner or later, they will give me trouble."

"Know that you still..." Jiao Cheng was a little anxious, and then sighed, "I'll go there tonight and help you do it!"

With that, a trace of cruelty flashed across Jiao Cheng's face.

Qin Tian shook his head when he heard the speech. "Brother Jiao, leave this in advance. Although I know they will give me trouble, they dare not. At most, they will kill people by using the sword. We will not be in a hurry when we see the move."

Qin Tian looked at their excrement cool, playing tricks, now Qin Tian is not afraid of anyone!

Seeing that Qin Tian is so confident, Jiao Cheng doesn't know what to say. After chatting with Qin Tian for a while, Jiao Cheng goes home.

Seeing that the veterans were scattered, the ghosts surrounded them one after another.

"Qin Tian, if these ghosts are not used, they will be scattered!" Qin Yue reminds Qin Tian that, after all, these are ghosts with Taoism. It's not a good thing to gather here all the time.

"San Qin Tian smiles, "don't worry, I'm still useful!"

Finish saying this, Qin Tian dials Gu Yue's telephone!

The story of the Zhentian Pavilion is so restless that Gu Yue is busy until late at night every day. At this time, she is discussing things with her subordinates in the Council hall. When she sees Qin Tianlai's phone call, she answers it in a hurry.

"Mr. Qin!" Gu Yue solemnly called out, and all the people in the Council hall shut up and quieted down.

"Lao Gu, have you found Chen Kaige?" Qin Tian asked indifferently.

When Gu Yue heard this, Qin Tian was really asking about it. His face was bitter in an instant.

The reason why people in Qin Palace are so nervous these days is that there is no whereabouts of Chen Kaige!

"Mr. Qin, Gu Yue is incompetent. He didn't find Chen Kaige..."

Qin Tian didn't show any surprise at all. "OK, you don't have to look for it. Gather a group of people and wait for my news, and we'll dig out Chen Kaige tonight!"

"Tonight!" Gu Yue was stunned at the thought of Qin Tian's ability, and immediately agreed with Qin Tian, "yes, Mr. Qin!"

Then he ordered all the people to gather hands and ready to respond to the call of Qin Tian at any time!

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian looked at the ghosts and shook the picture of Chen Kaige in front of them!

"This is the man. The whole underground forces of Songshan are looking for him. He has been hiding for several days. There is no news. I want to find out the whereabouts of this man tonight." Qin Tian is firm!

Tonight's Wangui search Street gave Qin Tian a big hint. Since even Tang Qingyang under 10 meters can be dug out, Chen Kaige can also be found!

When the ghosts heard this, they took orders in a hurry, and the dark shadows flew out in all directions!

Qin Tian sneered and calmly sat on the chair beside him, waiting for the news to come!

Sure enough, less than half an hour later, Li Xiaoshuang opened her eyes and rushed to Qin Tian's side, "Qin Tian, found it!"

Hearing this, the ghosts stopped searching and came to Qin Tian in succession!

"Where is it?" Qin Tian's eyes stare, and his eyes are full of murderous spirit!

"In a bar called the royal court!" Li Xiaoshuang nodded.

"Royal court!" Qin Tianwen speech, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, followed by a burst of sneer!

Chen Jun's grandson's task of sending people to kill himself is not over. He actually colludes with Chen Kaige. This is really heaven. You don't go. Hell has no way. You can vote!

With a sneer again, Qin Tian immediately called Gu Yue and summoned the veterans who had just been disbanded!

"Lao Gu, your son, who is always a good son, harbors Chen Kaige. Please call the people immediately." Qin Tian laughs.

To be honest, Qin Tian didn't want to move Chen Jun so early, but there was no way. Chen Kaige had to die!

On hearing this, Gu Yue hung a hook with Chen Jun, and her face was obviously stagnant.

"Mr. Qin, are you going to fight with Chen Jun now?" Gu Yue worried.

"Our goal today is Chen Kaige, not Chen Jun. if he knows how to give Chen Kaige, it will be the best thing for him. If he doesn't, he can only do it together!" Qin Tian narrowed his eyes and sneered.

To tell you the truth, with Qin Tian's ability now, I really don't want to face Chen Jun openly. The godfather behind Chen Jun is still more powerful than himself!

Gu Yue's face became more and more ugly when she heard the speech. However, Gu Yue was not a fool. Since Qin Tian decided to do this, he must have his plan. There is absolutely no mistake in following him!

Thinking of this, Gu Yuexin said, "OK, Mr. Qin, give me a few more minutes, and I'll gather more people!"

"Half an hour later, the royal court bar, you come over and surround him directly!" Qin Tian ordered."Yes

Gu Yue went to gather people, but Qin Tian took the veterans who had returned to the assembly and drove the grand Lord to the royal court bar!

the bar door in the early morning was sparsely populated. Occasionally, one was drunk, leaning against the wall and vomited. Dozens of veterans were armed, sitting inside the Lord and staring at the bar door from a distance.

Qin Tian tells Zhao Donghui to take some people to guard the gate to prevent Chen Kaige from sneaking away. A group of people are waiting for the people of Qin palace here!

During this period of time, Qin Tian ordered Wang Qingshan to destroy all the camera devices inside the bar, and ordered Zhou Qianming to release interference signals to interrupt all cell phone signals in the bar!

The time is not long. Dozens of black cars stop at the gate of the imperial court. The sound of door opening and closing rings. Countless bastards get off the car. In a flash of time, the imperial court is surrounded by water!

"Do it!"

Qin Tian a low drink, more than a dozen armored lords stepped on the gas pedal toward the gate of the imperial court in the past!

Roar and boom...

the sound of wall collapse came, and the Lords rushed into the dance floor of the bar one after another, frightening the men and women in the bar to retreat one after another!

"All irrelevant people leave!"

Gu Yue followed the high Lord, and the big sword and golden horse came in. As soon as he entered the door, he cut the long knife in his hand on the bar of the bar, making a sound of Dong. The bar was cut into two pieces!

These people come to the bar to have fun. How can they expect to encounter such a thing!? Frightened, I rushed to the bar outside according to the order of the ancient moon!

In less than a minute, the bar was cleared, and dozens of veterans in the LORD came down with automatic rifles and found their positions one after another!

Gu Yue walks to Qin Tian's side, a cigar is burning red, and the scar on her face is extremely ferocious!

Following Gu Yue, there are hundreds of elite black suits. Almost everyone has a big black star, and the muzzle of the gun is aimed at the stairs of the bar one after another.

"Can't you come out yet?"

Qin Tian sneered and his eyes looked at a door on the second floor. He felt that Chen Kaige and Chen Jun were in that room!

Sure enough, Qin Tian's voice just fell, got the door opened, a man in a suit, with long shawl hair, then walked out.

Qin Tian looked up at the man in his thirties. He had a good appearance and good posture. He walked with a trace of heroic spirit, especially the momentum that came out of his body, which was definitely what ordinary people looked up to!

And most of all, the man named Chen Jun has a trace of genuine spirit on his body!

It's a practitioner!

And behind him, Chen Kaige slowly walked out, looking at Qin Tian's eyes are full of cold!

"Qin Tian, right?" Chen Jun stood on the second floor stairs, calmly looking at Qin Tian, then sneered, "life is really big, so many bastards with guns have not been able to kill you."

Chen Jun's words are tantamount to admitting the last assassination of Qin Tian. Before the words fall, they immediately ignite the anger of the people behind Qin Tian, and the muzzle of the gun points at him one after another!

Qin Tian smile, "want to kill me, I'm afraid you have to give more hands, a few broken guns I really do not put in the eye."

Finish saying, Qin Tian then sat on the sofa of the card seat, picked up the wine bottle in front of him and poured a glass of wine calmly.

"Crazy! No wonder even my people dare to move Chen Jun sneered, and his right hand slapped on the armrest of the stairs on the second floor.

In an instant, the whole bar vibrated, and there were gangsters pouring out from each stairway. Everyone held a black pistol!

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