But although so, Qin Tian and ancient moon are still calm!

Although Chen Jun's staff is not less than his side, the quality is much worse.

One side is street mixed, the other is the veterans, guns in these two people's hands like adults and children are different general!

Qin Tian drank wine quietly, and turned his eyelids over and laughed out. "Boss Chen, you are not a horse. He has a pale face on top, and he has been addicted to drugs!"

Chen Jun listened, his face was immediately gloomy!

Not only are these horses pale, but even he is white and frightening!

People who have gone on this road, even if they are rational, can not cut off all the relationships with drugs, and they will be more or less addicted to some drugs. Chen Jun is no exception!

Qin Tian's words fall in Chen Jun's ears like needle prick like uncomfortable!

"You want to die!" Chen Jun squints his eyes and looks at Qin Tian, full of killing intent!

The voice just fell, the group of gunholders at the same time, the gun mouth at Qin Tian, as long as Chen Jun opened up, they would not hesitate to shoot, Qin Tian into a sieve general!

At this time, Qin Tian poured a glass of wine again, wrapped in the real spirit of the wine cup, a flick of hand like a dart thrown at Chen Jun!

"Boss Chen, I'll give you a toast!" Qin Tian sneered!

Chen Jun saw this scene, and a little disdain rose on his face. But he could see the strong real gas on the glass, and Chen Jun's face changed!

This Qin Tian, a strong strength!

Chen Jun has a heart to avoid, but so many younger brothers are looking at it. He is the boss but he really has no face to give up. For a time, Chen Jun will run his whole body's true spirit on his right hand, and then he grabs it towards the wine cup!


A dull sound, the wine cup fell into Chen Jun's hand!

"Boss Chen, cheers!" Qin Tian sat on the card seat, watching Chen Jun take over the right hand of the wine cup, and a memorable smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Jun bit his teeth, and tried to resist the shaking of his right hand, and brought the wine cup to his mouth!

Although Chen Jun is not talented, he is also the dry son of LAD. Naturally, he can not help but practice a few hands and his strength has reached the martial arts level. However, in front of the master of Qin Tian master, he still seems to be not enough!

For a time, Chen Jun's heart rose to a trace of Qin Tian's fear of color!

"Boss Chen, you have drunk the wine. Then we should talk about the business." Qin Tian smiled coldly, "today I come, I think boss Chen also understands what is the purpose, and also asks boss Chen to give a face, and give me people!"

Qin Tian said that, can be said to be extremely to Chen Jun face, not to have, Qin Tian still does not want to face Chen Jun so early!

"Make a man!" Chen Jun frowned. "Qin Tian, if you come to find Chen Kaige, I'm sorry. He is my guest, I can't give it in."

"Boss Chen, I advise you to give people out well, and save you to add to the loss in plain." Qin Tian's tone gradually turned cold, and he couldn't help but bring some cold meaning!

"Hey, Qin Tian, you are still so impulsive if you haven't seen you for so long."

Suddenly, a man, no man or woman voice from behind Chen Jun, all people focus on the past.

I saw Chen Kaige looking at Qin Tian with a cold face, a look of being male and female.

"Yo, the level of androgen in the body has declined very much." Qin Tian joked.

Chen Kaige heard words, his face changed. "Qin Tian, you don't need to stimulate me with this kind of words. We still have a calculation of the account!"

"I don't have to move my fingers to kill you. What else can I count?" Qin Tian sneered.

"Then you don't care about Fang Zhen and liuqianping's life!" Chen Kaige looked at Qin Tian in a taunt way. "If I die, they will have to bury me too!"

Qin Tian hears words, the smile at the corner of the mouth sinks down immediately.

"What, I'm afraid!" Chen Kaige burst into a happy smile. "To tell you the truth, Fang Zhen and Liu Qian Ping have been sent to other cities by me. As long as I don't call there one day, Fang Zhen and liuqianping will be buried with me!"

"If you have the ability, you will kill me!" Chen Kaige said, and then he laughed madly.

Qin Tian promised Fang Zhen, since he was accepted as a younger brother, he must be protected. But Qin Tianwan didn't expect Chen Kaige to have such a hand!

"What do you want!" Qin days were gloomy.

If in Songshan, Qin Tian can find Fang Zhen by Yin ghost. But he unexpectedly sent people to other cities. So how much Chen Kaige prepared for today!

"It's simple!" Chen Kaige licked his lips. "A week later, on the beach near the quay 4, you should not move guns. You and the veterans are not allowed to fight. We have gathered people and horses to fight. Whoever wins is the underground overlord of Songshan, and the loser will get out of Songshan!"

"Dare you dare to fight this battle with me!"Chen Kaige's voice is so sharp that you can hear it clearly in the whole bar hall and even outside the bar!

"Brother Jiao, Lao Gu, tell people to put away the guns." Qin Tian indifferent command way.

"Mr. Qin, this..." Gu Yue said anxiously.

"Take it, brother qintian naturally has his plan!" Jiao Cheng stops Gu Yue. As soon as he waves his hand, the veterans put away their guns.

Gu Yue had no choice but to order the black suits to put away the guns.

"Take the gun

At this time, Chen Jun also light said a word, gun gangsters also have to put away the gun.

"That's settled. In a week, we'll see each other on the beach near pier 4." Qin Tian takes a cold look at Chen Kaige, turns around and walks towards the door.

For a moment, the men and horses of the Qin palace pulled out of the bar like the tide.

Sitting on the Lord, Jiao Cheng takes a look at Qin Tian from time to time.

"Brother Jiao, just say what you want." Qin Tian closed his eyes and frowned.

"Brother Qin Tian, I'm afraid Chen Kaige is cheating!" Jiao Cheng worries.

"Don't say that there is fraud, even if it is a big conspiracy, we must accompany him." Qin Tian whispered.

Fang Zhen is his brother who has just received. If he is left alone, he will be ridiculed by the people on the road. The ancient moon will also die in sorrow, and his loyalty will be greatly reduced!

This battle, in any case, must be fought!

A line of high lords did not return to the villa area, but followed Gu Yue straight to the Qin palace. The captain of a group of veterans, together with Gu Yue and his lineage, almost filled the whole conference hall!

"Ladies and gentlemen, according to Chen Kaige, I'm afraid this battle will turn into a cold weapon war. Do you have any ideas about how to fight it?" Qin Tian sat in the front, frowning slightly.

We can't use guns, let alone veterans. It's just a fight between a group of gangsters. In terms of the road, this special code is a fight!

If there is an appointment in the past, there will always be a few people with heavy weight who will come forward to make peace affairs adjustment. But this time, it is clear that in order to decide the battle between the two forces, no one will be so indifferent to make peace affairs at this time.

Therefore, it is doomed that this battle must be fought!

Seeing Qin Tianwen's thoughts, Gu Yue was the first to stand up.

"Mr. Qin, now our people in the Qin Palace are strong and strong, and there are more than 1000 gangsters. We can do it directly at that time. I don't believe that Chen Kaige can be so powerful that he can beat our Qin palace!"

"Lao Gu, don't forget that there is a Chen Jun behind Chen Kaige. He will never stand idly by. I'm afraid the number of people gathered in the end will not be less than that of our Qin palace." Jiao Cheng reminds Gu Yue that his tone is heavy!

This kind of feeling that you can't intervene is really fucker!

"Then we'll let them lead by the nose!" Gu Yue patted the table reluctantly.

"Not so!" Qin Tian raised his eyes to look at the people, slowly let out a sigh of relief, and said to them, "if you don't have any ideas, I have a set of plans, and we will discuss them together."

People heard the speech, have gathered in Qin Tian's side, when Qin Tian said this plan, everyone was surprised to open their mouth!

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