Qin Tian finished his plan, picked up the next paper and pen and sketched it.

After about 20 minutes, Qin Tian finally finished drawing a few drawings!

"Take a look at this. There are dimensions on it. Let the workers of your knife factory process it as soon as possible, and try to make more in this week."

With that, Qin Tian handed one of the drawings to Gu Yue.

The ancient moon was a little forced. What kind of thing did Mr. Qin draw...

but when he opened it, he suddenly took a breath of air!

"Mr. Qin, with these things, our Qin palace will surely win!" Gu Yue's face is flushed with excitement. With this thing, let alone deal with Zhentian Pavilion, even if it is against the great forces on the Shanghai sea side, the Qin palace is not likely to lose!

When he got up, he bought a lot of the cutting tools there and gave them to yasuho for a month!

But what Gu Yue didn't expect was that Qin Tian's plan was not over. He immediately called Zhao Donghui and handed him a drawing. "You go back to your hometown and give some money to all the idle elders and aunts in the village to help us do this!"

Zhao Donghui looked, and immediately his eyes brightened. "Don't worry, brother Qin Tian, if you want to say that our people don't have other skills, it's easy to get these things done!"

Finish saying that, Zhao Donghui also directly opened the big Lord to run to laowangzhuang!

"There's one last thing..." Qin Tian took the drawing in his hand and glanced at the veterans. "According to the regulations!? What rules are you following!? Show it to me. Don't think that you can seal my factory by saying a word. I tell you, there are no doors. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, you can't get out of this door! "

Although Cheng Yi is soft and weak, he didn't expect to do things with great vigour. With a word on the ground, dozens of workers around him crowded forward and began to push the staff of the Quality Supervision Bureau!

Qin Tian looks at it from a distance and says that he doesn't have to do it by himself. Cheng Yi has solved it very well. This group of people should deal with it like this!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian didn't worry about it. He leaned against the wall on one side and began to watch the opera!

"Don't move!"

That fat man a shout, a pair of eyes stare smooth round, unexpectedly appeared on the face silk of murderous gas!

"I tell you that we are state functionaries, and we have also received the above order when we come here today. If any of you dares to move us, I promise you will not be able to bear it!" The fat man is fierce and insidious, pointing at these workers is a burst of criticism!

All the workers are from the bottom of the society. Ha ha. Although Cheng Yi is there, they don't dare to do it. If there is something wrong, no one can live on.

For a time, hundreds of workers were stunned in situ, and they were suppressed by this fat man!

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