The fat man takes a look at Cheng Yi and asks his staff to stick the seal.

"Hold on!"

At this time, a lazy voice came, only a thin figure lined up the crowd, slowly walked to the fat man.

"Qin Tian!" Cheng Yi called out to him in a low voice, and his heart was gradually stabilized.

Qin Tian nodded to her, indicating that she did not worry.

"Wait!? What kind of thing do you dare to obstruct the enforcement of the law by the Quality Supervision Bureau? " The fat man sneered and looked up and down at Qin Tian. He was dressed in shabby casual clothes. He said that the sky is just a lousy loser. How dare you come here to force him!?

"I am a shareholder in this factory." Qin Tian straightened his back and stood opposite the fat man.

"Shareholders!" The fat man sneered, "so you have a share of illegal production?"

"I have a share of the production, but it's not illegal." Qin Tian sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense. I tell you, we're here today with the power of law enforcement. The purpose is to arrest all of you bastards who produce illegally!" Fat a pair of triangular eyes flashing cold light, looking at Qin Tian's eyes are full of bad intentions!

Just now, this woman is just a vice president. It's meaningless for them to catch it. The boss is also in Southeast Asia. The fat man thought that he would return in vain today, but unexpectedly, a shareholder suddenly appeared. God helps me. This time, he has to show his face in front of the director!

Thinking of this, the fat man sneered, "come on, catch him and lock him up first! Those unscrupulous businessmen who make money must be severely punished! "

As soon as the words fell, Qin Tian raised his foot and put it on the fat man's thigh. He kicked him and sat down on the ground, "I'll go to NIMA's profiteer! Who do you mean to be a profiteer? "

Qin Tian didn't want to bear it. If the fat man didn't open his mouth and shut up, the profiteer would not have kicked him!

The fat man got up from the ground. His huge body took up a piece of dust and pointed his thick finger at Qin Tian, "you, you dare to attack law enforcement officers!"

"You are also entitled to be called a law enforcement officer!" Qin Tian scorned a sneer.

"Kid, who are you talking about...

" bang! "

The fat man's voice declined. Qin Tian kicked him on his thigh again. The fat man was kicked in the same place for half a circle. He was dizzy and fell on the ground with a plop!

The workers around him were amused by his appearance, and some good workers even took videos!

"Son of a bitch, you dare to beat people for illegal production. I'll call someone now. I'll tell you in special code. I've been ordered to come here, and I'll make sure you can't bear it today!"

Cheng Yi sees that the fat man wants to call someone, so he has to pull Qin Tian.

"Don't worry, the bigger the trouble, the better for us!" Qin Tian smile, they are legal production, there is no harm to consumers, even low profits are terrible, he did not believe, as long as the health cream legal production, there will be someone can cure them!

However, just in case, Qin Tian still called Secretary Wang of the municipal Party committee and asked him to deal with the matter here. If he didn't want to make a big noise, I'm afraid he would have called Zheng Dakang directly!

The fat man didn't know Qin Tian's position. He sat on the ground and couldn't get up at all. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Xiaoping's phone!

Wang Xiaoping is sitting in the car outside the factory building smoking. When he saw that the fat man was calling, he immediately sneered.

"Wang, come here and bring the law enforcement officers Fat people are crying at the other end of the phone, how miserable the voice is!

"Did you get hit?" Wang Xiaoping asked expectantly.

"Hit, hit, kick me!" The fat man sneered and reported to Wang Xiaoping with pride!

Wang Xiaoping laughed, "well, fat man, you have done a good job. As long as they hit you, the reason has become unreasonable. Today, I am bound to deal with them! Don't worry. I'll tell my dad when I go back, I'll give you priority to promotion if you have the chance! "

"Thank you, Mr. Wang!" The fat man kept nodding and thanking, and his fat body was shaking out oil on the ground!

Wang Xiaoping did not hesitate to push the door of the car and got out of the car. More than a dozen cars behind were all dressed in working clothes of the Quality Supervision Bureau. He followed Wang Xiaoping to the factory building!

"I'll see who's obstructing law enforcement!"

From afar, Wang Xiaoping called out arrogantly, and he was very happy in his tone!

Qin Tian and everyone in the factory turned around and saw a group of people wearing the uniform of the Quality Supervision Bureau coming slowly. The first one was Wang Xiaoping, who had offended the Quality Supervision Bureau!

"It's me!" Qin Tian smile, indifferent to stand in the front!

"Mr. Wang, you are here at last. It is he who beat me up!" As soon as the fat man got up, he ran to Wang Xiaoping and began to complain!Wang Xiaoping looked down at the fat man's hand. He was stunned at first, then followed by a sneer of exaltation, "Oh, it's really a narrow enemy's road! Boy, it's bad luck for you today. If you dare to fight the law enforcement officers, you can wait to go in and enjoy yourself. "

With that, Wang Xiaoping waved his hand, and a group of law enforcement officers behind him went towards Qin Tianwei.

"Stop it!"

All of a sudden, a voice of moral integrity came from the distance!

People turned around and saw a man in his fifties, dressed in the work clothes of the Quality Supervision Bureau, but with a luxurious epaulet on his shoulder, came along accompanied by Zheng Dakang and Secretary Wang of the municipal Party committee!

Needless to say, Qin Tian also guessed that this person must be Wang Xiaoping's father, the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau!

Wang Xiaoping's face was obviously stagnant as soon as he saw his father coming. However, when he remembered that his father was always on his side, he was steadfast in his heart and met him from afar.

"Dad, you came just in time. We're here to enforce the law. This man beat the fat man..."

"shut up!"

Wang Xiaoping was about to speak when his father, Wang Tiansheng, interrupted him coldly, "if you enforce the law fairly, will people beat you?"

When Wang Xiaoping heard this, he couldn't help being stunned. He opened his mouth and almost stuffed an egg. "Dad, don't you have a fever?"

For no reason, how can I help others instead!?

"I'll give you a head!" Wang Tiansheng's eyes glared and raised his hand, which was a slap in the back of Wang Xiaoping's head!

Heart said how to give birth to such a son, can't become their own right-hand even if, incredibly still give themselves trouble, let themselves wipe his ass!

This time, even the leaders of the municipal Party committee were shocked. They really answered the sentence that "the son is the creditor of the previous life"!

"Dad, you hit me!" Wang Xiaoping covered his head and ran away. His face was full of resentment. "I'll tell my mother when I go home and let my mother clean you up!"

"Well, go home and tell her. I'll let you tell her!"

Wang Tiansheng suddenly rushed to Wang Xiaoping in front of him with a big slap in the face of his backhand. He said angrily, "you son of a bitch, I will kill you bastard in front of the people you wronged today."

Wang Tiansheng is heartbroken at the same time. He is his own son if he doesn't try his best. He should beat him in front of so many people!

Wang Xiaoping was beaten directly, and looked at Wang Tiansheng in amazement. This man, who saw his mother and saw a cat like a mouse, dared to hit him directly!?

"I must tell my mother, I must!" Wang Xiaoping shed tears, covered his head and squatted on the ground.

"Tell me! Who doesn't tell me, who's the son of a bitch! " Wang Tiansheng was also angry. He even called his son son son of a son of a bitch. Then he waved his hand and yelled to those staff members of the Quality Supervision Bureau: "all go and line up and make a fool of yourself. If you go back today, you will be punished according to your discretion."

A group of people were so roared by the director that they shivered one after another, especially the fat man, whose legs were all soft with fear!

Don't mention promotion this time. It's good to keep your job! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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