"Take this son down to me!"

Wang Tiansheng roared, several staff members came up and pulled Wang Xiaoping back to the distant line.

Wang Xiaoping is still under pressure. He doesn't know what medicine his father took today. It doesn't work to lift his mother out!

After dealing with these matters, Wang Tiansheng looks back at Zheng Dakang and Secretary Wang. After obtaining the permission of Zheng Dakang, he goes straight to Qin Tian.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I've broken your normal work order!"

With that, Wang Tiansheng bowed to Qin Tian.

"Director Wang's words are heavy!" Qin Tian hurried forward and helped Wang Tiansheng up. "In fact, I also have a responsibility for this matter. No matter what, I can't start hitting people. I'll accept the punishment."

"No punishment, absolutely no punishment!" Wang Tiansheng shook his hand with a face. "Mr. Qin, let alone their mistakes. Even if there is a real problem in the factory, we can't directly seal it up. At least, we have to have the approval documents. As soon as I heard that my son-in-law brought someone to seal up, I was so angry that I couldn't sit still!"

Wang Tiansheng's words not only appeased Qin Tian, but also scolded his son. By the way, he took out his responsibility, which can be said to be three birds with one stone. Qin Tian was angry at him and admired him!

"No punishment!" Qin Tian pretended to be embarrassed and said, "not so good..."

"nothing bad!" Wang Tiansheng was just, and then he lowered his voice and said to Qin Tian, "Mr. Qin, please give me some good words in front of Secretary Zheng. This is really a dog's fault, but it's not easy to get a job. You're kind to him!"

With that, Wang Tiansheng secretly bowed to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian saw that Wang Tiansheng was not easy to be a parent, so he nodded and agreed.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qin." Wang Tiansheng looked at Qin Tian gratefully, turned around and walked towards Zheng Dakang. He obviously went to report his work.

Before long, Wang Tiansheng reprimanded the staff of the Quality Supervision Bureau. Zheng Dakang, accompanied by Secretary Wang, walked towards Qin Tian.

"Qin Tian, long time no see!" Zheng Dakang hugged Qin Tian as soon as he came.

"Secretary Zheng!" Qin Tian apologized with a smile, "originally thought not to disturb your work, troubled Secretary Wang, but did not expect to disturb you."

Zheng Dakang and Secretary Wang looked at each other, and they laughed.

"What's wrong?" Qin Tian doubted.

Secretary Wang said to Qin Tian with a smile, "when you called me, director Wang happened to report to Secretary Zheng's office. This is not the case. We came here together!"

Hearing the speech, Qin Tian suddenly realized.

"But I still want to thank Secretary Zheng for his help and attention to private enterprises." Qin Tianke airway.

"Well, anyway, the matter is settled. That's it. I'll go back and call Secretary Wang if you have any problems in the future. If he can't solve them, he will come back to me naturally."

With that, Zheng Dakang and Qin Tian simply said a few words, and then left.

"Oh, this Mr. Qin is really a cow. Even the director of the quality supervision bureau is so polite!"

"What director, didn't you see that the later leader was Secretary Zheng of the municipal Party committee?"

"Ah!? It's amazing that even the top leaders have to face it!? Then our factory will be poor in the future! "

"Hurry up and work with such a company, the benefits are not bad!"

A group of workers, you a word I a word of discussion, the heart do not mention more beautiful, especially today also repaired the quality supervision bureau that group of bastards, is more gratifying!

"Qin Tian, thanks to you, or I can't solve it!" Cheng Yi sighs and walks slowly to the side of Qin Tian.

"Even if I don't come, you can solve it as well!" Qin Tian smiles.

It's clear that Wang Xiaoping is aiming at Cheng Yi, but he can't point it out at this time.

"Gu Yiming just threw the company away to you?" Qin Tian raised eyebrows and asked.

"No, he paid such a high price to invite me to work here. The purpose is not to be a shopkeeper!"

Cheng Yi smiles. She is a top student of Harvard Business School. She has been a senior business executive for two years in the United States. She is experienced and powerful. Managing such a small company is not a problem. This is why Gu Yiming can throw the company away from her!

"OK, anyway, during Gu Yiming's absence, please call me if you have any trouble." Qin Tian smiles.

"Well, that's what you said. I won't be polite to you!" Cheng Yi looks at Qin Tian, and his eyes are full of affection for Qin Tian.

Whether it is in the Cheng family to cure old man Cheng or to come out today to rescue himself, Qin Tian is unconditionally helping her, and she can see from Qin Tian's eyes that Qin Tian doesn't have any indiscreet thoughts about himself. It's all the care of friends. For a while, Qin Tian's status in Cheng Yi's heart has been improved a lot, and his good feeling is inevitable!Qin Tian drives away, Wang Xiaoping takes a group of dog legs and goes straight to a billiards room nearby after he comes out of the factory. Here, a group of men in casual clothes are playing billiards with wine!

"Oh, Prince Wang is here! Come on, give the prince Wang a pole, play two games! " A casual suit farted and clapped up.

"No fight, I'm in a bad mood today. I'll drink to Laozi!" Wang Xiaoping pulled a face when he entered the door and started to drink at the bar in front of the billiards hall.

"Oh, Prince Wang, who dare to provoke you to anger?" Casual clothes handed a bottle of beer and asked.

Wang Xiaoping drank a sip of wine and told the casual clothes what happened over the factory building today.

"And this!" Casual clothes, eyes immediately turn, "Prince Wang, this matter you are ready to swallow this breath!"

"How can I drop it without swallowing it!"!? I have all spoken. I dare to do it! " Wang Xiaoping gave him a white look and said no anger.

"I have a way to give you a breath, we can make a big profit!" Casual clothes cold laugh two times, eyes full of bad intentions!

"Oh!?" Wang Xiaoping immediately heard the Pearl bright, "what method?"

"Steal their recipe, and we will open a factory together!" Casual clothes squint, whispered!

Now, in this society, no matter how good things are, once the fake goods are washed once the market is washed, the sales will be lost immediately. Especially these companies that have just started, a wave of fake goods will be abandoned basically!

but as like as two peas, he is not prepared to sell fake products, but is prepared to produce exactly the same thing, and change the packaging directly to grab business.

"Then, we will produce the same thing and sell it at a lower price than them. It will not take long for us to market!" A grim smile appeared on the face of casual clothes!

Wang Xiaoping listened, his eyes were bright, but he could follow closely. His face was a collapse. "What you said was relaxed. The recipe is so important that you can steal it so easily!"

"Don't worry about this. Give it to our brother. When you get the dry stock, don't let our factory be checked! How about the king, don't you do it! " Leisure clothes finally throw out a heavy weight condition.

Wang Xiaoping listened to, feel that he has no risk and no cost, a good thing, almost no hesitation to agree.

"Then I'll wait for your good news!"

Finish, Wang Xiaoping and casual clothes dry the wine in the bottle, open heart left the billiards room!

Qin Tian did not know that someone had already calculated these things behind his back, went back to the Medical Center for a visit, and he sat down until more than 8 p.m.

At this time, a sudden shock in the chest, Li Xiaoshuang that jade pendant trembled!

Shua, a white figure appeared in front of Qin days!

"Little frost, what's wrong with you!?" Qin Tian doubts.

"Qin Tian, a month has come, I feel the breath of the man mang!"

Li Xiaoshuang's eyes are full of tension, which makes Qin Tian suddenly think of the things that he said he would like to go to Mangshan in a month.

Now the date is here. It must be the man who has come to pick up Li Xiaoshuang!

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