Qin Tian looked, almost without hesitation, the whole body Qi flow, flashed out of the hospital, Li Xiaoshuang in his back!

"I didn't expect that there are still such masters in the secular world. I really opened my eyes to someone!"

All of a sudden, a voice full of Yin Qi came, and the figure landed in front of Qin Tian!

He looks like a 20-30-year-old man in an ancient costume with short lapels. He looks like those wandering Wulin people on TV, especially with his long flowing hair and sharp sword eyebrows, which sets off his whole temperament!

Qin Tian is looking at him naturally!

A young man in his twenties has actually stepped into the realm of a grand master, and it seems that he is about to enter the middle stage of the grand master. Which family's children have been exiled to the outside!? You have such a gift!

And what shocked him most was that Qin Tian had a huge whirlpool of true Qi all the time. Could he practice all the time!?

If this is the case, the genius of this level will certainly cause the vibration of the whole Chinese cultivation world in the future!

How should I contact him!?

Just as he was thinking about it, Qin Tian suddenly opened his mouth.

"Master, I don't know where it is!" Qin Tian is extremely cautious to ask, even if he knows his origin, he just wants to ask!

"I, he Sirius, is the leader of the star ghost department, one of the three ghost departments under the mountain mang ghost king!" Although he Tianlang's tone was extremely polite, the pride in his eyes could not be covered up. It can be seen how powerful the star ghost department, one of the three ghost departments, was in his mouth!

"So it's master he." Qin Tian saw that the other party was still friendly, and his tone gradually became more friendly. He bowed his hand toward the other party. "I dare to ask you why you came here!"

"Children, don't be so nervous!" He Sirius laughed and paid with both hands. Although he was full of ghost spirit, he didn't have the slightest intention of killing. "I came here for the ghost girl behind you. A month ago, I told her to go to Mangshan Mountain to report to the ghost king. Now the one month deadline has come. I come here to ask her whether she wants to see the ghost king or not!"

Li Xiaoshuang a listen, immediately want to come forward to reply, but the body has just taken a step forward, was stopped by Qin Tian!

"Master he, there is one thing I still don't know. Please help me to solve the problem!" Qin Tian asked cautiously and respectfully!

Because he felt that the strength of he Sirius is absolutely very strong, at least with himself now, he can't see through his cultivation!

For a time, Qin Tian's palms are full of sweat!

He Sirius saw Qin Tian so, his face hung a silk smile.

"What's your relationship with her, little friend?" He asked.

"Friend!" Qin Tian replied.

"Friend!" He Sirius smile, followed his face and then sank down, "just a friend, dare to bump into me, do you know, if you collide with me, it is possible to lose my head!"

Said, he Sirius body ghost gas suddenly burst, a moment will cover the whole sky you up, as if the sight of the place fell to the hell in an instant!

Qin Tian sees this scene, immediately whole body trembles!

How strong!

If he did it himself, he would cover the square in front of the hospital, but he could easily cover all the places he could see!

This kind of strength, let alone see through, even if it is imagination, I'm afraid you can't imagine it!

For a moment, Qin Tian's back was full of sweat!

But just when he thought he was going to fight against him, the ghost spirit disappeared!

He Tianlang looked at Qin Tian with a smile and said calmly, "what do you have to worry about? I know it well. It's just that I'm worried about my being upset and kind to your friends. But think about it carefully. With my strength, if you want to harm her, do you still need such trouble?"

He Tianlang looks at Qin Tian with a smile.

Qin Tian gave a bitter smile. He was right. If he was not kind to Li Xiaoshuang, he could do it directly. With his own strength, he could not stop him!

"Master, can you tell me what Xiaoshuang is going to see the ghost king this time?" Qin Tian asked politely.

"It's natural to recognize the door!" He Tianlang replied, "the ghost king and his old man's four branches are respectively in charge of the four corners of China. Mang Mountain is responsible for controlling the East and controlling the lonely souls and wild ghosts in the East. I came to guide Li Xiaoshuang in order to take her back to Mang Mountain to register, and swear to be loyal to the ghost king. In return, Li Xiaoshuang can obtain a high-level martial arts from Mang Mountain Learn, and then you can come back by yourself! "

One breath, he Sirius will be Li Xiaoshuang after the things to be faced with all a brief one.

Qin Tian as like as two peas, he saw that the wolf was exactly the same as before Qi Xia.

"Thank you, master!" Qin Tian respectfully arched his hand and made way for Li Xiaoshuang."Li Xiaoshuang has met my predecessors!" Li Xiaoshuang bowed slightly.

"Well, it seems that she is also the daughter of a good family, and she will not bring disaster to the world." He Sirius saw Li Xiaoshuang, looked very satisfied, nodded, and let her stand on his side.

"Children, listen to my advice, you'd better try to hide the swirling whirlpool above your head. Today, I've met with an old man. If you meet a villain, you'll be in danger!"

Qin Tian listened to he Tianlang's words, can't help but look up to his sky!

The speed of moving and absorbing the true Qi and ghost Qi is too fast, forming a vortex of ghost gas in the air, which is not under your control at all. Unless you give up cultivation or reduce the speed of cultivation, you can't hide it at all!

"I don't know something about it. I really can't hide it..." Qin Tian said with a bitter smile.

"Oh!" He Sirius eyebrows a pick, seems to be some can not believe, "such a simple method, your home did not tell you, unexpectedly let you wander outside

He Sirius is very surprised. If he is not the elder of his family, he is not afraid that he will be killed by someone who has a heart!?

You know, a genius of this level is enough to turn a family around!

But he didn't know where Qin Tian was the son of a family. At best, he was just an abandoned son.

"You are joking. I really don't have such a method!" Seeing that he Tianlang misunderstood him, Qin Tian did not dare to tell him the truth, so he had to play tricks and acquiesce that he was the son of a big family.

And Qin Tian didn't cheat him. Although he was an abandoned son, he did belong to the Qin family!

"Ha ha, I'll give you a present With that, he Tianlang raised his hand and threw out a light, which directly entered Qin Tian's brain.

In an instant, that aura broke out in Qin Tian's mind, and a burst of grey formula appeared in Qin Tian's consciousness!

"Astringent technique!" Qin Tian's name is so low!

But when he saw the content, he was surprised at the bottom of his heart - it was really so low!

However, Qin Tian is not in the future, because this technique is just suitable for himself now!

This breath holding technique is similar to a moving array, which can hide some scenes, and Qin Tiangang can use it to hide his true air whirlpool in mid air!

"Thank you for your gift. I will remember it in my heart." Qin Tian respectfully bowed to he Sirius!

"It's a piece of cake. Don't worry about it!" He Tianlang chuckled and was obviously satisfied with Qin Tian's reaction at the moment, "in this case, the old man took someone to leave, and I'll see you later!"

He Sirius said, also not affectation, a shake of hands and then ride a strong ghost gas to fly into the air, that speed is actually more than ten times faster than Qixia and others!

He Tianlang flies in the air, and his mouth shows a faint smile. Although he doesn't know how much success Qin Tian can make in the future, today's good deeds must be enough to tie up with him!

What he didn't know was that he had recovered a life in the future with his breath collection method!

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