Qin Tian closed the hospital and returned home. He sat cross legged on the top of the building and began to practice the art of breath control. But just as he began to practice, a progress bar appeared in his soul again!

"Astringent technique, begin to perfect!"

Qin Tian heard this prompt, immediately happy smile out, simply not anxious, so sitting on the roof, waiting for its perfect success!

Just as the so-called spiritual consciousness products must be excellent products. After about ten minutes, the prompt sound of the completion of perfection sounded in Qin Tian's head.

Can't wait to see the perfect end of the Dharma formula, Qin Tian immediately opened his mouth!

This breath holding technique can not only hide the aura whirlpool above, but also its own strength. Unless the opponent's strength is much stronger than himself, he will never be able to see through his real strength!

Play pig and eat tiger!

Qin Tian thought of this word the first time!

Surprise attack, often the most can achieve miraculous results!

In this way, Qin Tian learned the art of astringency. Both his own breath and the true air whirlpool in the air were all hidden away!

After practicing the technique of astringency, Qin Tian went downstairs directly. To his surprise, Li Xinran didn't go home yet!

When he was ready to ask Lin Xiaoyao, the door of the villa downstairs was pushed open.

"Xinran, you're back..." Qin Tian's words did not finish, Li Xinran fell on the sofa.

Qin Tian hurriedly followed him and sat beside her worried and asked, "Xinran, what's the matter?"

Qin Tian asked anxiously.

"Tired..." Li Xinran closed his eyes and lay prone on the sofa, the whole person seemed powerless, "Dad is not transferred to the first people's Hospital as president, our hospital has a new president, is a pervert, give us a meeting every day, these days after surgery every day, open for us in the middle of the night, I am almost tired to death by him!"

With that, Li Xinran fell asleep. Qin Tian didn't dare to disturb her. He picked her up and walked to the upstairs bedroom. As he went up the stairs, he combed her meridians, alleviated fatigue and made her sleep more fragrant.

Put Li Xinran on the bed, Qin Tianshun poured her a cup of water, and then he would sit on the edge of the bed to practice. But just about to enter the cultivation state, Qin Tian seemed to think of something. He climbed onto the bed and put the true Qi into Li Xinran's body, so that the true Qi could circulate in her body!

Qin Tian doesn't know if it's good for Li Xinran, but at least there won't be any harm when he baptizes his meridians. After all, Qin Tian is the one who wants to embark on the road of cultivating truth. In the future, Qin Tian will all cultivate all his relatives around him. Now he will comb Li Xinran's meridians in advance, even if he lets her go on this road in advance!

Think of this, Qin Tian to Li Xinran carding meridians more efforts, in Li Xinran circulation after a week in his body, both without delay!

Because Qin Tian combed all night, Li Xinran didn't wake up until noon the next day. Looking at the time on her mobile phone, she quickly got up to tidy up her makeup and told Qin Tian that she would be late if she didn't go to work again!

"Is your new dean trying to kill people?" Qin Tian was dissatisfied with mumbling a sentence, don't mention more heartache, Li Xinran.

"When a new official takes office, no one can help it. Let's wait for a while." Li Xinran didn't even eat any food and went out with a light make-up.

Qin Tian had no choice but to rush out of the gate and dare to buy her a breakfast to put on the car before Li Xinran left the community, so that she could bite her when waiting for the red light.

Just entering the gate of the medical center, Li Xinran received a phone call from Zheng Dongliang, the vice president in charge of drug procurement. His tone was very dissatisfied. "Dr. Li, please come to the dean's office. President Zhou has something to look for you!"

Li Xinran immediately sighed. When Li Cheng was here, Zheng Dongliang was at odds with Li Cheng. Now that Li Cheng is transferred away, he is looking for his own trouble all day. He is really bored!

However, Li Xinran also had no way. As a teacher of Medical College, he had to come to the Affiliated Hospital for medical treatment. He had to go to the dean's office for a visit.

The new president is Zhou Qingming. He is very rich. Regardless of his eyes and manner, there is always a bureaucratic air and shrewd color in his eyes and manner. Needless to say, Li Xinran knows that this is a leader who only cares about his own progress!

As soon as Li Xinran entered the door, he saw piles of documents on the dean's desk. Zheng Dongliang, who had just called Li Xinran, was also here. When he saw Li Xinran come in, a pair of triangular eyes flashed an imperceptible sneer.

"Li Xinran, look at this list. Is it the medicine you prescribed to the patient in the last week?" Zhou Qingming tone slightly displeased handed a piece of A4 paper to Li Xinran.

Li Xinran took a look, which day prescribed which medicine, who is the doctor prescribing medicine, the above mark is clear.

Li Xinran didn't understand what it was for. He nodded and replied, "yes, President Zheng. I prescribed all the medicines on this list, and there will be no problem."

All of them are routine drugs. Li Xinran doesn't worry about food problems for patients!But did not expect, Zhou Qingming a listen to Li Xinran admitted that the medicine is her open, immediately angry a pat table!

"Dr. Li, you should remember what I said in the meeting!? You don't need to prescribe some drugs to patients. For example, penicillin can be replaced by vanguard, and berberine can be changed into cyanamide! "

Zhou Qingming angrily patted the list on the table, looking like a teacher and a criminal!

"President Zhou, Xianfeng and berradine are more expensive drugs, and the effect is almost the same as penicillin and cyanamide. Why can't we prescribe cheaper drugs to patients?" Li Xinran was puzzled and asked Zhou Qingming with a frown.

"Cheaper When Zhou Qingming heard it, he sneered, "Dr. Li, you want to drink from the north and the West. No one is stopping you. Do you want to see the colleagues of the whole hospital follow you and the northwest wind!? Only open cheap medicine, what does the hospital take to make money!? If you can't make any money, what can I give you at the end of the year!? Do you know how much loss you will bring to the hospital in a year when you prescribe this medicine? "

"But is it true that we prescribe medicine for the sake of conscience!? As doctors, we can't stop for...

"stop!" Zhou Qingyun patted the table and said angrily, "you are a doctor. You work for the hospital. Making profits is what you should do as a member of the hospital!"

"That's right. Today, President Zhou talked with you calmly. You don't know the good or the bad. You have actually educated President Zhou. You really don't know the height of heaven and earth!" Zheng Dongliang sneered, don't mention how beautiful!

Stinky girl, you and the new dean in this stubborn bar, see you can stubborn to when!

Zhou Qingming looked at Li Xinran, who was standing on one side with an unconvinced face, and snorted coldly, "Dr. Li, I think you've been very tired recently. Why don't you come to the hospital this time? You'd better take a rest and take the students in the school first

Zhou Qingming said this very clearly, that is, you will not be admitted to the hospital!

As a teacher of medical school, you can get a lot of income every month when you come to the hospital. If you can't come here, the monthly income will be greatly reduced!

But he murmured to Li Xinran. Now Li Xinran really doesn't care about this money!

"No need to rest. I won't come to the hospital in the future." Li Xinran finished, the work card on his chest fell on Zhou Qingming's desk and turned out of the dean's office!

"No!" Zhou Qingming looked at Li Xinran so hard and furious, "it's not that you don't come, it's our hospital that doesn't want you! What is it

Zhou Qingming shook hands, Li Xinran's work card was thrown into the garbage can next to him!

Zheng Dongliang saw this scene, the bottom of his heart is already laughing!

Li Cheng, Li Cheng, when you were here, you aimed at me so much. Now Fengshui turns around and your daughter is in my hands!

Zheng Dongliang then took this opportunity to pacify Zhou Qingming and say something about the black material that Li Xinran and Li Cheng do not exist. By the way, he flattered Zheng Dongliang, not to mention how much fun he had!

But after a few hours, a figure rushed into the dean's office from the hospital gate.

"President Zhou, you quit Doctor Li Xinran!" As soon as the caring people enter the door, they ask Zhou Qingming straight to the point!

Zhou Qingming saw that he was the president of the medical college, and with a polite smile, he quickly asked the caring people to sit down.

"Yes, this doctor is very uncooperative with the leadership, not suitable for the work of the hospital, I let her go back to rest!" What Zhou Qingming said is good. In fact, it's dismissal!

"No, President Zhou. Do you know who Li Xinran's husband is?" He asked tentatively.

"Her husband!? It's just Li Chengjia's wimp son-in-law... "Zhou Qingming sneered.

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