"Loser As soon as caring people pat their thighs, the heart says that you don't know. Then he says to caring people: "Li Xinran's husband is Qin Tian. You just arrived in Songshan, but you don't know the situation of Songshan medical field. He is a true and genuine miracle doctor. Many old experts in our hospital are helpless. He cured all the diseases that he can't do!"

"So what?" Zhou Qingming sneered, "this only shows that the doctors in our hospital are too incompetent!"

Zhou Qingming leaned back on the chair behind the desk, his fingers slightly bent and knocked on the surface of the desk, "do you know why the top transferred me from the imperial capital to be the Dean here!? It's to get the affiliated hospital out of this incompetence! "

Without waiting for Qin min's arrogance, he showed no concern for him!

When the caring people heard this, his face became gloomy immediately!

What about the emperor from Beijing?! The emperor's capital is coming!?

"Mr. Guan, I'm not talking about you. You are at this level. We should be objective in looking at problems. We can't always give up our own ideas and opinions because of some external factors. It's useless to kneel and lick others. The most important thing is to improve our own medical power."

Zhou Qingming's expression of education and care for the people!

Most Western doctors think that traditional Chinese medicine is useless, and Zhou Qingming does not take Qin Tian as an example.

Originally, he didn't have so much hostility to Qin Tian. The main reason is that when he moved to this office, Li Cheng left him a contact information, saying that he could not solve the problem. Zhou Qingming wrote the name of Qin Tian as soon as he saw it!

What does that mean!? Li Cheng looks down on himself!?

He is an expert in Chinese brain surgery and an authoritative professor in this field!

At that time, he was so angry that he almost fell out with Li. It was an insult to him!

What Zhou Qingming didn't expect was that Li Cheng looked down on himself. Now that caring people actually came to talk about Qin Tian's name, he was so angry that he didn't say a word about caring people!

After listening to Zhou Qingyun's words, caring people's face had already turned blue. He got up without saying a word, and then he turned around and walked out of the dean's office!

Zhou Qingyun, Zhou Qingyun, wait and see. Don't ask Qin Tian for help!

At this moment, caring for the people is how much hope that the sky will immediately fall a few difficult diseases on the Affiliated Hospital, a good fall of Zhou Qingming's prestige!

Looking at the caring people who turned around and left, Zhou Qingming sneered at the bottom of his heart. He said that you, such wastes, are also worthy to educate Laozi!?

Since he came to the Affiliated Hospital, he has been in a bad mood!

In particular, the number on the hospital's books can be described as poor jingle. Li Cheng, a bastard, never considered making money for the hospital. He prescribed cheap drugs. He didn't know how he got to be the president of the first people's hospital!

Therefore, this is also the reason why he pays great attention to doctors to prescribe medicine. Only when he makes money and has money on his book can he have a chance to improve!

Li Xinran returned to his desk, picked up the mobile phone and called Qin Tian.

"Are you in the hospital?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Qin Tian answers Li Xinran carelessly.

"You come to the hospital to pick me up." Li Xinran Du mouth, listening to Qin Tian's voice, inexplicably felt a burst of grievances.

Qin Tian heard Li Xinran's voice was wrong, and he drove to the hospital in a hurry.

Qin Tian knew where Li Xinran's office was, and without asking, went upstairs directly.

"Help me carry things!" Li Xinran stood on one side, without wearing a white coat, pointing to a box on the table and saying.

"What is this!? If it's not the Spring Festival, why do you still get welfare? "

How else to say that the treatment of the hospital is good, nothing to call my husband to the hospital to move things!

But when he saw the eyes of some doctors and nurses around him, Qin Tian immediately felt that something was wrong. He asked Li Xinran next to him, "Xinran, what's the matter?"

"I was rejected by the hospital, so I can't come to the clinic any more!" Li Xinran said angrily.


Qin Tian is a little anxious. What kind of person li Xinran is? He can't understand it. With her here, the patient can spend half the money!

Li Xinran felt aggrieved in his heart, Qin Tian asked, and he told Qin Tian all the things before.

"Xinran, you can't go. The more they are like this, the more you have to stick here, and the more you have to give the patient the most appropriate medicine! If you leave, the patient will be even more hopeless! "

In the boundless medical field, how many still insist on their original justice for medicine!?

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Li Xinran felt soft in her heart. She was reluctant to give up the post. Although she was happy when she smashed the work card, she was definitely not happy in her heart.

"Husband, forget it. If I don't agree to go with them, they won't let me go back!" Li Xinran sighed and went outside."Dr. Li, come here often!"

"It's all our own people. If you need help, just ask me!"

"Look for people to get involved and come back. Don't be discouraged, Dr. Li!"

A group of people cheered Li Xinran. Li Xinran only responded politely, but never said a word.

Back home, Qin Tian called the caring people.

"Well, doctor Qin, it's not that I don't help. As soon as I heard about this, I went to the hospital to look for Zhou Qingming, but I couldn't help it. This son of a bitch, even I'd hurt myself. If it wasn't for the task on my back, even I would shake my hands and ignore their operation!"

The pen hold table that cares for the people!

He is a professor level expert in internal medicine. If he leaves the hospital, he will have to kill the hospital leaders!

"Professor Guan, you can't leave. If you leave, many patients will have bad luck!" Qin Tian said with a sigh.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian went upstairs to find Li Xinran.

"Honey, are you tired?" With that, Qin Tian began to pinch his shoulder for Li Xinran.

Li Xinran was in a bad mood. He didn't want to talk to Qin Tian. He shook his shoulder and took Qin Tian to one side, but he was lying on the bed. "I want to have a rest. You go and be busy with you."

When Qin Tian saw Li Xinran like this, he felt worse than her.

Just as he was ready to continue to comfort a few words, his mobile phone rang.

Looking down, it was Zheng Dakang who called!

Seeing this number, Qin Tian's dim eyes immediately flashed a light!

Bully my wife. I'll tell you what to do!

"Hello, Xiao Qin, are you free this afternoon!? Mr. Qiu has completely cleaned up the river in the antique street. When you are free, you can come here to cut the ribbon, and then open the gate to let the water flow out! " Zheng Dakang's tone is full of excitement!

Although the money was spent by Qiu Yunlin, his achievements actually fell on his head.

"Well, Secretary Zheng, let alone the afternoon. I'm afraid I can't spare time these days." Qin Tian sighed and said bitterly.

"Oh!? What's so busy? " Zheng Dakang is a thorough person. As soon as he hears it, he knows that Qin Tian has something in his words. He simply does not expose it, but cooperates with him calmly.

"Something happened at home. It's not convenient to go out."

Qin Tian said then will be today Li Xinran in the hospital by the cause and effect of the grievance to Zheng Dakang said again!

"And that kind of thing?" Zheng Dakang's brows wrinkled as soon as he heard it!

He is a good leader who seeks practical things for the people. When he heard that Zhou Qingming did not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of the people for the hospital's profits, he immediately felt a burst of displeasure!

"Leave it to me and I'll deal with it for you! You still have to come to cut the ribbon in the afternoon Zheng Dakang immediately decided.

"OK, since Secretary Zheng said so, I don't have any worries at home." Qin Tian smiles. He doesn't believe it. Even if Li Xinran can't go back to work safely, Zhou Qingming will definitely get a scolding!

Sure enough, Zheng Dakang just hung up Qin Tian's phone call, and he called Zhou Qingming directly!

"Secretary Zheng, look, I'm just going to go to your office to give you a report on the work during this period. You called me. What instructions do you have?" Zhou Qingming has a flattering look on his face!

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