Zheng Dakang is unhappy in appearance and frowned. Even though he is very dissatisfied with Zhou Qingming, he can not directly attack zhouqingming's actions, and does not say that he has no evidence. Even if there is evidence, others are seeking welfare for the hospital and for the benefit of Songshan city!

Moreover, zhouqingming's behavior does not constitute a crime at all in the legal sense. After breaking the sky, he is at least criticizing a few words!

Thinking of this, Zheng Dakang pressed his own fire and asked zhouqingming, "President Zhou, is today a doctor called Li Xinran Retired!"!?

The withdrawal from the second tier is generally referred to as internal withdrawal in the government institutions.

Li Xinran is similar to the one who has retired from home.

"Oh!? Secretary Zheng, this incident has been stabbed to you! " Although Zhou Qingming is polite, his meaning is more obvious, but it is clearly saying that Zheng Dakang is in charge of the wide, besides, a small doctor retired from the inside, your municipal Party committee leader all came to ask, what, what is your relationship!?

Zheng Dakang can achieve the position of secretary of the municipal Party committee. Neither IQ nor EQ can be compared with Zhou Qingming. Naturally, he can hear what he said inside and outside.

"Yes, she loves Qin Tian, is my good friend, and Qin Tian is also a great Minister of Songshan. No, Qiu Yunlin, a wealthy businessman from Hong Kong, managed this kind of thing a long time ago. Therefore, as a member of the Municipal Committee, I naturally asked Qin Tian a question."

ZHENG Dakang's reply was dripping with water, especially emphasizing Qin Tian's merits and his choice Clean!

Zhouqingming once heard that it was Qin Tian, and the corner of his mouth immediately laughed.

"Secretary Zheng, I know that Dr. Qin is not a normal person, but even if the emperor and his family have made mistakes, can't condone it!"!? If you can get credit, then my Dean will not do it! " Zhouqingming eyes beads a turn, said the matter.

"Oh!? Li Xinran made a mistake!? " Zheng Dakang is one of Zheng Zheng, Qin Tian can not say this paragraph!

"Yes, Li Xinran has taken several operations in recent days. There was a big problem with one of the sets last night. Today, the family members came here and made a noise. I asked her to go back to school to teach well, but protect her!"

Zhouqingming began to admire himself. Fortunately, zhengdongliang told himself that Qin Tian had a good relationship with the municipal Party committee. He had the countermeasures. Otherwise, he would have been caught off guard by zhengdakang!

Li Xinran, Qin Tian?!

Fight with Laozi, you are still tender!

If you are crowned with a medical accident hat this time, I think which hospital dare to ask you!

Don't say it's a hospital, even if it's a school, I'm afraid you can't be tolerated!

Zhou Qingming's psychological activities are very dark. Such a simple thing, he has been operating to the point of destroying the people's future, which shows the degree of psychological distortion of this person!

"There's something like this!?" Zheng Dakang frowned and puzzled in his heart. With his understanding of Qin Tian, he would never do such a thing to hide the truth!

"Secretary Zheng, I can't lie to you!"!? The hospital records and the doctors and nurses who were on her stage can testify. So far, the families are still in trouble! "

Said, zhouqingming pointed the mobile phone out of the window, and indeed a loud noise came.

Zheng Dakang said all the words to this position at the glance of zhouqingming, and it was not good to say anything, "President Zhou, since that is the case, I will understand it and disturb."

After that, Zheng Dakang hung up the phone, but he thought about it, and called in the Secretary Wang outside, and ordered him to send someone to the affiliated hospital to check whether there was a real family member of the patient.

To be honest, Qin Tian is still clear about what he is, and he is absolutely disdainful of doing such deceptive things!

The people sent by Secretary Wang soon returned. Secretary Wang also came in with several photos. "Secretary Zheng, the Affiliated Hospital verified that there was indeed a family member of the patient who was paralyzed by the affiliated hospital. He asked the doctor to come out and give the statement by naming the surname! "It seems that there is something really wrong with me. How can I not tell this about Qin Tian?" Zheng Dakang frowned, and his tone was strange. But I thought that Qin pingri was steadfast and steady and not the one who concealed the truth. However, Qin Tian and Li Xinran had a good relationship. It was also possible to conceal the truth for Li Xinran.

He didn't rush to call Qin Tian and planned to wait for the afternoon to meet and talk about it.

Qin Tian waited for Li Xinran to sleep, went to the medical center to take some Chinese medicine, and ran to the vegetable market to buy a high price chicken to return to Li Xinran to cook a pot of chicken soup. Later, he thought about the fear that Li Xinran was hot in the afternoon, and then he made a pot of silver ear mixed fruit soup ice into the refrigerator.

When the noon approached, Li Xinran woke up. Qin Tian, worried that she had not gone to the medical hall, was sitting in the living room watching TV. When he saw her, he smiled softly and asked, "hungry, not hungry!"

As he said it, he ran to the kitchen and brought Li Xinran a bowl of chicken soup, while blowing it to her mouth.

Li Xinran shook his head and said, "don't want to drink...""Have a drink. I stewed for two or three hours." Qin Tian some flattering smile way, again to Li Xinran mouth to send off.

Li Xinran also wanted to refuse, but after seeing Qin Tian's look of expectation, he didn't have the heart to open his mouth and drank a little.

Can be such a small bite, instantly let her eyes widened, as if in front of the door opened a new door, delicious taste instant full of mouth, appetite open!

"How could it be so delicious?" Li Xinran couldn't believe looking at Qin Tian, and without waiting for his answer, he picked up the bowl and drank it.

This is the best chicken soup she has ever drunk. After a while, a small bowl was finished by her, and then handed it to Qin Tian, saying, "son of God, come and have a bowl of AI Jia."

"Wait a moment, madam."

Qin Tian saw that Li Xinran was in a good mood, and he immediately became happy. He ran to the kitchen and filled a bowl of it. At the same time, he took out two paper towels and handed it to her.

"Eat slowly. There is still in the pot." Qin Tian's gentle smile followed him everywhere. Then he asked Li Xinran, "where is Xiaoyao?"!? Let her also come out to drink a bowl, a whole chicken... Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao... "

then Qin Tian went to the stairway and called upstairs.

"Don't yell. Xiaoyao went to the banquet this afternoon and said that there was a person from their family in the imperial capital who had transferred to Songshan and invited her to dinner..." Li Xinran said while drinking. He also secretly blamed the smelly girl for not taking her own delicious food!

Qin Tian a listen, eyebrows slightly pick.

The people under their family!? It seems that the Lin family is indeed a big family.

Qin Tian and Li Xinran had a good lunch.

"In the afternoon, Zheng Dakang and Qiu Yunlin asked me to open a river and cut the ribbon for the river in antique street. Would you like to go with me to have a break?"

Qin Tian figured out that Li Xinran was in a bad mood. He was afraid that she would be bored at home and wanted to take her out for a walk.

Li Xinran shook his head, "I still don't go, those people are very high status, I'm not used to them so polite to themselves."

He is a common people, even if he follows Qin Tian, he is not used to this kind of scene, and always feels that he is not worthy of general status in front of them.

"All right." Qin Tian understood in his heart, and did not force her, "Oh, by the way, the tremella soup is iced for you in the refrigerator, and you will remember to take it out and drink some to get angry."

When Qin Tianlin went out, he changed his shoes and told him.


just as he reached out to open the door, Li Xinran suddenly stopped him!

"Yeah!? Why? " Qin Tian looked at her suspiciously.

Li Xinran looked at him tenderly. He wanted to talk but shook his head. Then he whispered, "it's OK. Thank you."

She knew that Qin Tian had done so much to make her happy. She was satisfied with such a husband.

"Oh, well, you wait for me to come back in the evening and I'll take you to dinner." Qin Tian gave her a gentle smile, and her heart was hanging.

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