When Qin Tian arrived at the antique street, Zheng Dakang and Qiu Yunlin had already arrived. They were sitting in the opposite teahouse, drinking tea and waiting for Qin Tian, along with Zhou Zaiyun and several other municipal Party committee officials.

"Here comes doctor Qin!" People smile and say hello to Qin Tian.

Qiu Yunlin directly got up and asked Qin Tian to sit on the main seat. Qin Tian quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "you'd better sit down. I'll sit next to Secretary Zheng."

Then he took a look at Qiu Yunlin's injuries and found that they were almost recovered. He ordered two notes and sat down beside Zheng Dakang.

When no one paid attention to Qin Tian, Zheng Dakang lowered his voice and said to him, "Qin Tian, what you asked me to do, I asked for you. Did you forget to tell me something?"

"Forget it!" Qin Tian couldn't help being stunned. "It's impossible, Secretary Zheng. You can speak up."

"Well, I'll tell you the truth."

Then Zheng Dakang told Qin Tian about the medical accident Zhou Qingming told him.

Qin Tian's face suddenly showed a trace of cold.

What kind of person li Xinran is? He knows better than anyone else. If she really does such a thing, it is absolutely impossible not to tell herself, let alone shirk responsibility, resign and escape!

Zhou Qingming, put it clearly, is to pour dirty water on Li Xinran!

Qin Tian understood it after a little thought, and then said to Zheng Dakang, "Secretary Zheng, when you asked to go to the Secretary, did you only see that the family members of the patients were in trouble and did not find out what time the operation was and who was the chief surgeon?"

"Well!? You mean Zheng Dakang frowned and seemed to understand the meaning of qintian dialect.

"Patients are usually sent to the hospital in a hurry. It is estimated that they will not carefully see who the chief surgeon is when signing the contract. Therefore, even if the hospital randomly pushes a failed operation on Li Xinran, the family members of patients will never know!" Qin Tian explained carefully.

When Zheng Dakang heard this, he suddenly took a breath of cold air!

In that sentence, Qin Tian's moral character was absolutely trustworthy. He immediately believed Qin Tian's reasoning and said to Qin Tian, "if this is the case, Zhou Qingming will be out of his mind. I'll let people check it out!"

Even he dares to play with it. Zhou Qingming is really a bit brave!

"Secretary Zheng, don't worry! It may be a little late to check now. I think he has done everything he should do Qin Tian took Zheng Dakang's hand and shook his head slightly.

Zheng Dakang hesitated for a moment, and said to Qin Tian in a deliberative tone: "well, this matter will not be a big deal for the time being. I will talk to him and let Li Xinran go back to work first. He will still sell me this face!"

After tea, a group of people came outside the antique street. Under the photo interview of a group of radio stations and network reporters, they finally finished the tailoring of the river course of the antique street, and pulled the archway above the river. The three big characters "Qin Tian He" appeared on the archway in an instant!

This is specially arranged by Qiu Yunlin, hoping to shorten the distance between him and Qin Tian again.

When Qin Tian saw these words, he didn't react too much. It's not uncommon for the river channel to be named after the excavators. It's called.

After the ribbon cutting ceremony, Qiu Yunlin insisted on sending Qin Tian back to the hospital. Qin Tian couldn't resist him and had to accept it.

In the car, Qiu Yunlin held Qin Tian mysteriously. He lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Qin, since you saved me last time, I haven't had a chance to get along with you alone. If you have a few problems, please ask Mr. Qin to solve them!"

Qin Tian smiles and says politely, "Mr. Qiu, please tell me."

"The last time I was in the operating room, people said I was dead, even I felt my soul floating out. Now it's like a dream. I want to ask you, is this true? Do people really become ghosts when they die?" Qiu Yunlin asked cautiously, thinking of the scene at the beginning, but now there is still some fear.

"Mr. Qiu, you have experienced it yourself. Do you still need to ask me?" Qin Tian laughed again, "as long as you remember, don't tell anyone else about it."

"Don't tell, of course not tell, if I say out, people will not regard me as a madman." Speaking Hong Kong Mandarin, Qiu Yunlin was very excited and said, "Mr. Qin, since I have become a ghost and others can't see me, how can you only see me?"

This is something Qiu Yunlin can't understand at all.

"Don't you think I'm a bit of a Taoist after your black jade ring?" Qin Tian said indifferently, although do not want to boast how much cattle force, but the fact is so!

"Ah!? Yes, yes, I'm stupid... "Qiu Yunlin didn't respond to the bull force from Qin Tian. He almost didn't catch it. After wiping a cold sweat, he continued," and ah, Mr. Qin, when you finally sent me back to your body, I vaguely saw a black and a white figure staring at me at the door. Is it the black and white of the underworld...

is it

Qiu Yunlin couldn't stop shaking when he said this."You see it!" Qin Tian's heart is shocked, suddenly can't believe to look at Qiu Yunlin!

"Really... Is it really black and white impermanence?" Qiu Yunlin's body trembled and almost knelt down to Qin Tian. "Mr. Qin, you have to help me. They won't come back to me, will they?"

Qiu Yunlin was scared to death. In Hong Kong, he believed these things most.

"You don't have to panic. Since they came to catch you but didn't catch them, naturally they won't forcibly kill you and then take them away. This should be the past..." Qin Tian frowned and made up something to comfort Qiu Yunlin. He also began to think how black and white impermanence could come over.

Is this Qiu Yunlin really the deadline has come, black and white impermanence came to get people according to the book of life and death!?

"Mr. Qin, what you said is true!? They won't come to me again, will they? " Qiu Yunlin's face was pale, and the sweat beads on his forehead were bigger than soybeans.

"Don't worry, don't you believe what I said!? Besides, there are so many things in the hell and so many lonely souls waiting for them to take them down. There is no time to delay you in this matter. " Qin Tian continued to talk nonsense. After all, he didn't know what the hell was like.

"Well, let the driver turn left from the intersection ahead and go to Gu's jewelry to buy a good jade pendant. I'll make you something." Qin Tian said indifferently.

"Good, good, I'll let the driver turn right away!" With that, Qiu Yunlin quickly ordered his new assistant to navigate to Gu's jewelry.

Time is not long, a huge store appeared in the sight of the public, Qiu Yunlin personally got off the car and selected a piece of jade with tens of millions of yuan, and handed it to Qin Tian.

"Mr. Qin, look at this jade!" Qiu Yunlin has been staring at Qin Tian for fear that Qin Tian is not satisfied.

Qin Tian took the jade in his hand and played with it twice. He found that there was a trace of aura on it. He nodded and said to Qiu Yunlin, "it's a good jade!"

With that, Qin Tian outlined a spell from the sky and slapped it into the jade!

"I bestowed a charm on this jade. Although it can't change your life, it can nourish your body and make you healthy and live a long life." Qin Tian was indifferent.

The driver and assistant in front of him looked at each other with a look of disdain.

Obviously, they think Qin Tian is fooling Qiu Yunlin!

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qin!" Qiu Yunlin looked at the jade in his hand and was very satisfied!

In fact, Qiu Yunlin wanted to ask Qin Tian for something to keep him safe and turn his fortune. However, he was not good at talking about it. If Qin Tian hadn't proposed it on his own initiative, I'm afraid he didn't know how to mention it until he sent Qin Tian home.

Soon, Qiu Yunlin sent Qin Tian to the hospital, and Qiu Yunlin was about to leave Songshan.

Qin Tian, standing at the gate of the hospital, couldn't help but fall into a burst of thinking!

Black and white impermanence all came to catch Qiu Yunlin, but he saved him. He changed his life against heaven and let Qiu Yunlin be reborn. Did he violate the rules of the road!?

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