However, regardless of his, do have already done, regret also too late, say again, oneself repair true is to fight with the sky!?

What's more, self-cultivation of yanmujue, curing the disease and saving people is against the local government. It's only a matter of time before it causes black and white impermanence!

Such a thought, Qin Tian's heart is much more comfortable, strides toward the villa area to walk in.

Now it is evening, Qin Tian thought Li Xinran should also have recovered some mood, then happily opened the door.

"Xinran, I'm back!" Qin Tian changed his shoes and yelled.

However, to his disappointment, there was no one to pay attention to himself, so he began to look for Li Xinran's figure everywhere.

"Xinran, have you drunk the tremella soup?" After Qin Tian went in, he found Li Xinran lying on the sofa, a dull person, and did not move.

"Well, drink it." Li Xinran replied feebly.

Qin Tian seemed to have something wrong with her voice and said with concern: "Xinran, what's the matter with you?"!? Still sad about the day? "

"No Li Xinran shook his head, turned over, buried his face in the sofa, as if to avoid something.

Qin Tian frowned, and immediately turned Li Xinran's body over. She saw her eyes red and swollen, obviously just crying.

Qin Tian frowned, "Xinran, what's the matter with me? I'll take it out for you!"

"What can I do for you? Maybe your chicken soup is too tonic, a little inflamed..." Li Xinran shook his head gently.

"Cry when you get angry!? I'm not a three-year-old. Don't lie to me. Tell me what's going on! " Qin Tian asked.

"Really nothing..." Li Xinran said, tears fell again.

"Xinran, you want to kill me!? I'm your husband. If you don't tell me when something happens, how can I carry it for you? " Qin Tian is extremely anxious. Li Xinran must have been wronged by Tianda!

In my impression, the last time she cried like this was when her mother-in-law was thrown down from upstairs.

But what else!? Retired from the hospital!?

That's not up to ah, at most some reluctant, some unwilling, crying is not necessary, otherwise already cry, can wait until now!?

"Qin Tian, I may... Never be a doctor again!"

Li Xinran's body sat up from the sofa, the voice fell to the ground, and immediately began to cry again, tears like pearls, one by one fell on the sofa.

"Don't talk nonsense. I can't do it. I'll tell Secretary Zheng that you'll be transferred to the municipal hospital to be a doctor. We won't even be in the medical college!"

Qin Tian heartily patted Li Xinran's back, but also to free his hands to wipe his tears, don't mention more heartache!

Seeing Qin Tian's worry, Li Xinran wiped his tears and suppressed his inner excitement. He opened the lock screen of his mobile phone and sent the news to Qin Tian. "Zhou Qingming imposed on me the failed operations in other departments, and sent notices to the major medical systems in Songshan city. Qin Tian, a member of the Public Security Bureau of the people's Republic of China, issued a notice to the medical treatment systems of Songshan city, No hospital dares to use me in the future

Not only that, I'm afraid that even the work of medical teachers may not be able to survive! This is like a bolt from the blue for Li Xinran, who loves medical career!

"Damn it, good you Zhou Qingming!"

Qin Tianfan looks at the news on the mobile phone, and a nameless fire burns up!

Zhou Qingming, the son of a bitch, made such a big deal of things. He clearly wanted to completely destroy Li Xinran's career as a doctor!

Really special code is cruel enough, really special code is not a thing!

Qin Tian threw the mobile phone to the sofa, got up and walked out of the villa!

"Qin Tian, what are you going to do?" Li Xinran saw Qin Tian's appearance, and immediately got up and followed him out.

"What are you doing?"!? He dares to bully my wife. I will kill him Qin Tian is full of ferocity!

How long has it been? No one dares to treat his changed people like this!

"No, you can't go. It's against the law." Li Xinran quickly hugged him.

In the past, when Qin Tian started to beat people, others first came to make trouble and had to fight back at each other. But today, it is different. Even if Zhou Qingming used the means, there was no substantial harm to himself, so Qin Tian couldn't really hit him!

"Breaking the law!"!? I Qin Tian's crimes against the law are no worse than him. Even if I kill him, I have to thank me for my reputation of acting for heaven Qin tiannu said.

"Qin Tian! I beg you, don't go. There must be other ways to do this! "

Li Xinran holds Qin Tian. She knows how strong Qin Tian is. Once he really goes to Zhou Qingming's trouble, Zhou Qingming will never have good fruit to eat. When things get big, even if Qin Tian is fierce, he can't fight against the state machine!

Thinking about it, Li Xinran began to cry again.

As soon as Qin Tian saw Li Xinran shed tears, his stretched body immediately relaxed. He turned around and hugged Lin Wanru. He said softly, "good, good, I promise you won't go. Don't cry...""I won't cry if you don't go!" Li Xinran forced to endure his tears and said to Qin Tian.

"Childish!" Qin Tianchong rubbed Li Xinran's head, picked it up and walked towards the bedroom.

After settling down, Li Xinran, Qin Tian climbed to the top of the building and took out his mobile phone to call Gu Yue.

"Lao Gu, check for me. There is a new dean in the affiliated hospital. Find out all his information for me, and send someone to send it to me tomorrow..." Qin Tian's tone is cold and has no emotion at all.

On hearing this, Gu Yue quickly nodded, "Mr. Qin, don't worry. I'll let someone do it right away."

Qin Tian hung up the phone and sat on the top of the building.

Heart said is not their own hospital opened small!? Should also be like those big institutions, open a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine!?

In this way, more good doctors who want to treat patients will have a protective umbrella to play their own strengths, and will not be pushed out by the hospital leaders like Li Xinran.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian made up his mind, and after a while, he started to set up the hospital. Anyway, he saved so many rich people that it was not a small matter for them to donate some money to themselves!?

Especially Qiu Yunlin, let alone ask him to donate money to do good deeds. Even if he asked for it clearly, he was still happy!

And the most important thing is that more and more rich people will be cured in the future. Although they do not rely on medical skills to make money and enjoy themselves, they can use this favor to build a hospital for themselves. This is a good thing, not a violation of the medical standards!

Just after nine o'clock the next day, Zheng Dakang called Zhou Qingming again.

"Hello, President Zhou. I'm Zheng Dakang." Zheng Dakang's tone is calm, and he is a regular official tune when he opens his mouth.

"Oh, Secretary Zheng, how do you do Zhou Qingming politely replied that Zheng Dakang must have come for Li Xinran.

Then, with a sneer from the bottom of my heart, I watched Zheng Dakang's intention!

"President Zhou, I'm still calling about Li Xinran." Zheng Dakang said politely, "well, I've read Li Xinran's files, and she's a good doctor. I'm calling you today, hoping to get a face from you and let her go back to the hospital first. Don't ruin her career just because of one mistake..."

"Secretary Zheng, you're not so good!"

Before Zheng Dakang's words were finished, Zhou Qingming forcibly interrupted him.

"Secretary Zheng, you are not a member of the medical profession. You don't understand the interests in it. It's harmful to others and yourself. If such doctors stay in the team of doctors, sooner or later, they will cause more trouble! As a doctor, you can't make a mistake at all. If you make a mistake, you will be killed! " Zhou Qingming sneered at him from the bottom of his heart, but he was very embarrassed.

Hearing this, Zheng Dakang's face immediately became gloomy!

The heart said good you Zhou Qingming, I as the municipal Party committee chief to ask you to give face, you do not give, is really disrespectful ah, he said the words on this, you actually still do not give face!

Immediately, Zheng Dakang said in a rather displeased tone: "President Zhou, how many things are there in this? I believe no one knows better than you. I advise you not to do things too much, or no one can protect you!"

Zheng Dakang's words are full of threat. As the leader of the municipal Party committee, he wants to check you. That's a matter of one sentence. Even if you do it clean, you can't block everyone's mouth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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