Zhou Qingming's face immediately changed when he heard the speech. However, since he had said this, he couldn't shrink back. He just gritted his teeth and said to Zheng Dakang, "Secretary Zheng, I've done a good job in Zhou Qingming's work, but I'm not afraid of anyone to check! Besides, Zhou Qingming came to the Affiliated Hospital of Songshan for the purpose of building a hospital, which will surely bring this hospital to a new height! "

Zhou Qingming is fierce and insidious. His words are almost full of undiscovered sharpness!

"Good, good, good!" Zheng Dakang said three good things in a row. He clapped his hand on the table and squeezed the manuscript paper at his hand into a ball. Then he said angrily, "I'd like to see what kind of height you can take the affiliated hospital to!"

After that, Zheng Dakang directly pressed down the phone, slapped the table, and angrily said, "it's really the big family of the imperial capital who are the backers. It's crazy enough!"

Then Zheng Dakang angrily threw the paper into the garbage can!

"Hum, Qin Tian, Qin Tian, your biggest thigh can't help you any more. I want you to be able to do something else!"

But in Zhou Qingming's triumphant leaning back on the chair to reflect on the game between Qin Tian and Zheng Dakang, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

It's the surgeon in charge, Guo Fang!

"Dean, bad..." Guo Fang came over in a hurry, panting while walking.

Zhou Qingming frowned, "what are you doing flustered? What's the most important thing to be calm as a doctor?"

Guo Fang's old face turned red when he heard the speech. "President Zhou, this is the case. A patient with comminuted fracture of both legs and severe burn on the body surface came to our department, which can't be solved at all for a while at the level of our hospital. I'm here to apply with the dean. Please come and ask Dr. Qin Tian from the birth hall to help. I'm sure you can...

" pa! "

Zhou Qingming slapped the table, his face immediately pulled down!

When Guo Fang saw the Dean angry, he was scared to speak. He didn't even understand what was going on.

"Dr. Guo, I want to know if you can't treat a disease without Qin Tian?"

Unexpectedly, it was Qin Tian again. He just had a fight with Zheng Dakang. Unexpectedly, someone came in and hit him in the face immediately. Are the doctors in the affiliated hospital all a group of rubbish!?

Guo Fang hesitated for a moment, then he slowly opened his mouth and said: "it can be treated, but the effect of treatment is certainly not as good as that of doctor Qin, and it is not so fast, and even the patients will face the risk of amputation..."

comminuted fracture of legs and accompanied by extensive burns, this is not a simple operation!

Guo Fang didn't understand why he mentioned Qin Tian and Zhou Qingming would be so angry. Isn't it good for someone to help with the operation!? After listening to Guo Fang's words, Zhou Qingming immediately nodded, "if you can, you can cure yourself. All the doctors in our hospital are of professional background, and their skills can't be smaller than others..."

Zhou Qingming's bureaucratic style, leaning back on his chair with an air of contentment, did not put Guo Fang's "amputation dedication" at all ???On the heart!

"But President Zhou..." Guo Fang also wanted to say something, but as soon as he saw Zhou Qingming's iron green face, the rest of the words immediately choked back to the front of the story, said: "Zhou hospital director rest assured, I will try my best to treat patients!"

"That's right. Cure the disease. I believe you have the ability to cure the patient!"

Zhou Qingming is not afraid of the patient's serious illness. The more serious the disease is, the longer the hospitalization period will be, and the more money the hospital will earn. Especially in this kind of big trouble, he can't wait to have more!

As for Qin Tianzhi's quick cure, let alone that he and Qin Tian can't urinate in the same pot. Even if they get along well, he can't call Qin Tian for surgery. How can the hospital make money after treating so fast!?

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingming told Guo Fang: "this kind of patient is in danger. Try to persuade the family members of the patient that it is better to use some imported medicine which can not be reimbursed. The effect is better."

Guo Fang was stunned when he heard the speech, but when he saw Zhou Qingming's eyes, he immediately understood the meaning of his words. He had to smile bitterly and agreed to come down!

"Then I have to go back to have surgery, President Zhou, that's it first..." with that, Guo convenient turned away.

As soon as he came out of the dean's office, Guo Fang turned his head and said, "what is it?"

Then he sighed and ran towards the direction of the operating room. I'm afraid that this operation can't be finished in more than ten hours...

soon it's sunset in the evening. In the inner hall of Jisheng hall, Gu yuezheng is standing in front of Qin Tian with a piece of information. On the front page of the information, a one inch bareheaded photo of Zhou Qingming is pasted on the front page of the information!

In this, Zhou Qingming's all the information written clearly, including his work experience and family background, just about to write what shit he pulled!

"Mr. Qin, since Zhou Qingming is so hateful, why don't I send someone to kill him directly?" Gu Yue's face was grim. After he knew that Zhou Qingming had treated Li Xinran like this, he would like to get rid of this old boy and be quick!Qin Tianfan looked at the materials, looked up at the ancient moon, and then said to him with great care: "old man, how long will it take you to kill off this murderous spirit?"

, Qin Tian, in a sentence, said Gu Yue had a red face.

For Qin Tian, killing Zhou Qingming is just a matter of words, but is it really so simple!?

"Remember, some people die, so we can be merciless when we kill them, but some people just make some mistakes. Even if they are wrong, there are national laws to deal with, and we don't have to enforce the law for the country at all!"

"We can only kill those who should be killed. If we meet someone who is against us, we have to kill them. The evil people, in the end, are they or we?"

Qin Tian's seemingly careless rhetorical question made the ancient moon a burst of silence.

Qin Tian is right. If we meet a person who is not in harmony with us, we will be killed. I'm afraid the world will be in chaos.

"But Mr. Qin, I can't swallow it!"

for the ancient moon, Qin Tian Qi means Qin palace Qi, even Qin palace is more Qi than Qin Tian!

"It's not urgent, it's not reported, it's not time!" Qin Tian smiles, and at last he places his eyes on the four big characters of "natural gambling"!

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean?" Gu Yue didn't understand, so she bent down to ask Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smiles and throws the information on the table. "Tell someone to buy something for me..."

Qin Tian said, and Gu Yue ordered several black suits to go out and help Qin Tian buy things.

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