Time is not big, black suit will bring some Rune paper and cinnabar back, Qin Tian from the drugstore to find a good pen, began to grind the cinnabar!

"Mr. Qin, what is this to do?" The eyes of the ancient moon are full of exciting light. He knows that today, he can see the great power of Qin Tian again!

"You will know when it comes." Qin Tian said, heart read a move, then told Qi Xia to go out to catch a poor ghost back.

Qi Xia led the scene, went straight to the place where the Songshan underground casino was located, and began to search around it!

Not long, Qi Xia came to jishengtang with a gloomy evil ghost on her face!

"Old age, open your eyes!" Qin Tian picked his eyebrows and asked the ancient moon.

The ancient moon heard the words, excited trembled, and turned back to hold back the black suit and closed the door of the jishengtang!

"Mr. Qin, I will!"

The ancient moon opened an eye when Qin Tian fought against Qin Yue. So far, he can not forget the magical encounter of that day. I didn't expect to see it again today!

Qin Tian smiled, and wiped the eyes of the ancient moon with willow leaves!

The ancient moon opened his eyes and almost sat on the ground with a fright!

Because at this time in front of him, there is a woman in Qing Palace Dress, and a man with a face full of filth and gloomy face in the lobby, needless to say that this man full of filthy and gloomy gas is the poor ghost in the mouth of Qin Tiankou!

"Look at your paralysis!" The poor man opened his mouth and revealed a black tooth in it.

Although the ancient moon was startled, he immediately understood what the creature was before him. He was always overbearing. How he was so willing to be frightened by a ghost, and suddenly his eyebrows wrinkled, and a strong killing force was scattered on his body.

"Try again!" The ancient moon looked at him coldly, and his eyes were full of cold!

The poor ghost was obviously stunned, it seems that an ordinary person even dared to back his mouth when he saw him. He raised his hand and hit the ancient moon with ghost gas!

"Be wild!"

Qi Xia a cold drink, raised his hand to disperse the ghost spirit of the poor, hit his shot on the wall, shaking his soul body a wave!

"Forgive me, Queen!" The poor scared the gall to break, this aunt is a fierce ghost level master, a finger can kill themselves!

"Dare to be wild in front of my master again, I will let you go!" "I said in a cold and cold way.

"Yes, no longer dare, no longer dare..." the poor man frowns and looks straight, his eyes full of fear stand on one side, even his head dare not lift.

Qin Tian looked at a little smile, "you don't have to be afraid, as long as you promise to help me a favor, I will let Qi Xia let you go."

"Help... Help!?" The poor ghost looks unbelievable. Although he is still a little powerful, it is obviously not of this grade. "Adult, I am a little ghost level ghost, what can I do to help you!"

The poor ghost has a kind of meaning of resignation on his face, which is a typical rogue.


Suddenly a slap slapped on his head, and again hit his soul body for a while!

"My master said that the word" help "is for you. Don't know what to do Qixia is near the edge of the outbreak!

Originally, I was very depressed in the face of a poor and disgusting ghost Qixia. I didn't expect that he dared to be wordy!

"Yes, no longer dare, no more dare..." the poor man immediately shrunk his neck, dare not abandon a word.

Qin Tian saw, a bitter smile, sure enough some people, whether they are human or ghost, are bullied, afraid of evil ah.

"I want to give a poor curse, need a poor ghost to lead the battle, I will burn more paper money to you after the completion of the work, you see, would you like to!" Qin Tian smiled for his advice.

The poor man listened to it and glanced at the fierce summer standing on the side, and his face was getting more and more bitter.

Can you not promise it!?

"My Lord, I will!" The poor man respectfully said.

Qi Xia looks at this scene, I don't understand why Qin Tian is so polite to this disgusting thing, and it is OK to clean up directly!?

Qi Xia did not know that the array of poor spells must be a willing poor ghost to do, if not willing, the power of the charm will be greatly reduced, even play a negative role.

After getting the echo of the poor, Qin Tian opened the rune paper, and touched with the vermilion with a wolf brush, and began to draw a charm on it. The time was not big. A symbol paper full of rhyme characters appeared in front of all people!

"Get in for me!"

Qin day right hand finger, the poor ghost turned into a ghost Qi, into the charm!

The charm flickered with a little dark light, and it turned into a black paper!

Qin Tian saw a slight smile, obviously very satisfied with this poor attitude!

"Old age, do you know where zhouqingming's home is!" Qin Tian asked as he folded the paper into a triangle."Yes, all my brothers have been touched!" The old man said calmly.

"Then you'll let the reliable brother deliver this thing to his home. Remember to find a place to hide, and don't let him find it!" Qin Tian handed the rune paper to Gu Yue with a banter smile on his face.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing is a piece of cake for us!" Gu Yue sneered.

If he opens the door, he can open the door, and he can open the door!

Not too close to follow, Gu Yue asked in doubt, "Mr. Qin, what is the poor mantra you just said?"

Qin Tian smiles. "It's a kind of incantation handed down by ancient Maoshan warlocks. At first, it was used to exorcise evil spirits and avoid evil spirits. Later, it was evolved into a trick to play tricks on people. It can change people's fortunes. At least, they will lose when they gamble, and if they are heavy, their families will perish."

"So powerful!" Gu Yue's eyes widened in surprise. If it's really as fierce as Qin Tian said, it's more cruel than killing people directly!

Qin Tian said with a light smile, "in fact, I shouldn't treat him like this, but it's him who uses mean means first. It's not too much for me to teach him such a lesson. Besides, I only aim at gambling. As long as he doesn't gamble, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Well, what if I went to gamble?" Gu Yue doubts.

"Every gamble will lose!" With that, Qin Tian's eyes narrowed.

Gu Yue took a cold breath and could not help being more awed by Qin Tian's means!

This is only a technique for gambling. If it is replaced by other skills, it will really kill people without blood!

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