However, it seems that everything has not come as Zhou Qingming thought. After more than ten circles, more than 40 million people saw the bottom again!

After a shot, Zhou Qingming pulled his leather bag and opened it. He found that there was no money in it. He lost another day!

"How about the long week yard, no money!"!? You want to stop borrowing any more!? " Long hair laughs ha ha to say, scolded next door, you do not disdain Laozi to give you to exempt from the single!? Then you can borrow it again!

Zhou Qingming has a black face, no blood on his face, and he trembles violently. Suddenly, he flicks his hand and his bag snaps on the table. He hisses and says, "I borrowed your mother next door, and you must have cheated me with money!"

Long hair a look, immediately stunned, then raised his hand will a mahjong fell on zhouqingming's face, "you specially scold who?! Find death! "

Zhouqingming was hit by this mahjong a stagger, almost fell to the ground.

"Don't stop it, guys. I'll give it to the Zhou Yuan for the long time. I'll give it!" Zheng Dongliang hurriedly got up and stopped in front of zhouqingming, took a handful of money from his bag, and handed it to Changmao without counting.

"Little J8 comes to this set in front of Laozi! I'm not good enough to get this money! " Changmao hit zhengdongliang with a slap, raised his hand and copied the ashtray beside him, and slammed it on zhouqingming's head. "I'll let you scold Laozi!"


A dull noise, zhouqingming did not respond to it, hard hair hit, immediately screamed a seat, a ray of red down the forehead!

"Lao Zheng, call me! Kill them for me! " Zhou Qingming has some hysteria. Now he can not care if the long hair is the person on the road. He lost a million!

"Find someone to kill me!? I am a grass horse, I will kill you first! " Long hair a roar, grabbed the stool under the buttock to greet the past!

His friend next to him, seeing Zheng Dongliang, was going to come up and stopped, and pushed him away. Looking at the posture, he would be like Zheng Dongliang if he dared to manage it, he would do it together!

Zheng Dongliang stood on one side dare not move, can only do to watch Zhou Qingming get beaten!

Time is not big, the door of the box is suddenly pushed open, it is mahjong hall several spectators!

"Long hair, what's the matter!? You are so afraid of being annoyed here. I am impatient to live! "

"Some brothers, this is not my trouble, it is him to pay for it!" Long hair and hard Qi of the Zhou Qingming, body straight, seems extremely reasonable!

"It is! You're a fool, you beat it hard! " Several spectators spit at zhouqingming.

Originally, the people who have paid for the old people are asked to deal with it. The long hair directly hands, and saves their troubles. After that, he turned himself out of the box.

"Don't call, don't call. I'm wrong. I'm wrong." Zhouqingming was hit by the bone are almost broken, can not bear, directly to long hair kneel on the ground.

"Elder brother Changmao, don't beat, don't beat, he knows the wrong..." zhengdongliang, seeing zhouqingming, confessed his mistake and asked for him in a hurry.


Changmao stopped. "If you can't play, don't play special code. Dare to say that I have given a thousand. You can ask me. I have been mixing this piece for so many years. Who has ever been with me for thousands of times?"

Finish, a long hair pulled this money from zhengdongliang hand, turned around with friends left, unexpectedly is a money has not been spared zhouqingming!

With the help of zhengdongliang, zhouqingming limped down the stairs.

"President Zhou, I'll take you home by taxi!" "Said Zheng carefully.

"What kind of home do I return like this, take me to the hospital directly." Zhouqingming covers his head and says powerless.

The hospital has a special senior dormitory for him, so that zhengdongliang can help him deal with the injury, and simply sleep in the hospital. And they came out of mahjong hall.

"Our husband said long ago that you are not in a good fortune and can't gamble. Unfortunately, you don't listen to it. It's time to!" At this time, a figure leaning against the door said a cold sentence.

Zhou Qingming and zhengdongliang looked at the direction of the voice, and immediately turned pale, just like seeing ghosts, and said how the person was haunted!

This person is not others, it is three consecutive nights to find zhouqingming a fire!

"Who are your Mr. you, you?" Zhouqingming trembled and his face was pale.

"Qin Tian!" "A fire looks cold," said Mr. Qin. Good, good, evil and evil, not not when it is not! You zhouqingming does too much evil, and will be rewarded naturally! "

"A fire said, the corner of the mouth inexplicably sneered," Mr. Qin let me finally advise you, do not want to pour out the property, change the gambling problem! "

After that, a fire glanced at the mahjong hall sign, and then opened the door directly, and the accelerator disappeared in the eyes of the two people.

"Qin Tian, Qin Tian again!"

Zhou Qingming was surprised at his heart. Is this Qin Tian immortal, and he knows that he will lose three nights in this row!?No, he's playing with me again! This kid must be intentional, deliberately find someone to run to suggest that he will lose, so I will be so nervous on the table!

After all, all this is to blame this kid named Qin Tian!

Thinking of this, zhouqingming bit his teeth hard, and an old face was red, and he said with hatred: "good Qin Tian, I want you to look good sooner or later!"

Although Zhou Qingming guessed the wrong way of Qin Tian, he did not guess the false, it was Qin Tianyi, but it was not a low-level means!

Back in the hospital, Zhou Qingming dealt with the injury with the help of zhengdongliang, but he avoided being seen by his doctors and nurses. Zhouqingming had not been out of the office until noon the next day!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Just when Zhou Qingming was planning to return to the mahjong hall with a pale face, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Please, please come in." Zhou Qingming nervously answered a, afraid that mahjong hall people to come to the door!

"President Zhou, are you ok?" Zheng Dongliang hurriedly came in, concerned asked a sentence.

"It's OK." Zhouqingming looked at Zheng Dongliang and quickly relieved.

"President Zhou, I have a big event to report to you. The chief of Ding Jianguo Ding Bureau of Municipal Public Security Bureau came to our hospital to see a doctor with his wife today. Would you like to show your face?" Zheng Dongliang said in a hurry, with keen eyes.

"Ding Jianguo, director of the public security bureau?" Zhou Qingming is also a joy on his face.

If he was beaten by some little muddled in Beijing, he could let the mixed people squat for several days in a word, but in Songshan, they would not be able to speak. Others were unfamiliar with each other, without contacts and not so much weight!

But now it is different. Dingjianguo takes his wife to see a doctor. This is a great opportunity!

He must take advantage of this opportunity to make good relations with dingjianguo today.

But if he knew Qin Tian and dingjianguo had a lot of friendship, I'm afraid he would not have thought so!

"Go, come on, take me by, I'll go and receive him myself!"

Zhouqingming hurriedly rose and cried Zheng Dongliang to go out.

At this time outside dermatology department, dingjianguo is carrying his back and forth anxiously. His wife liyumei has been in for a while, but there is no news!

"Dad, don't worry. My mother will be fine." Although dinghanxue is a little ugly, she is still comforting dingjianguo.

"Director Ding!" Suddenly, a voice from far and near, a slightly obese body from the corridor to run over, "director Ding, did not personally come to meet you, is really slow."

Zhou Qingming pretended to breathe for a few times, with a full face of respect, even in the phone to Zheng Dakang attitude more respectful.

After all, dingjianguo can help him directly. County officials are not as good as being in charge of it now, that is the truth!

"Are you!?" Dingjianguo saw Zhou Qingming slightly shocked, some accidents.

"Ding Bureau, this is the new president of our hospital, President Zhou Qingming." Zheng Dongliang hurried up to introduce. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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