"Oh, Hello, Hello!" Ding Jianguo quickly reached out his hand and shook Zhou Qingming.

After all, Li Yumei is seeing a doctor in a hospital. The president of a family comes out to say hello to herself. Naturally, she has to be polite to others!

"What's wrong with Mrs. Ding?" Zhou Qingming appears quite concerned and begins to agree with Li Yumei's body. The concern on his face is expressed in his words.

Ding Jianguo had a slight favor on Zhou Qingming, and he was also willing to have a good relationship with Zhou Qingming. Then he said politely to Zhou Qingming: "recently, my skin is always itching, and I have a little pain recently. If I don't want to eat tea, I can wake up when I fall asleep. Well, I'll bring her to have a look."

To tell you the truth, he wanted to see Qin Tian, but he always thought that big things in his family were troublesome, so he came to the hospital. Anyway, it was not a big problem. If the hospital could solve it, it could not be solved. Qin Tian could not follow it.

As for Li Yumo, Ding Jianguo doesn't know what's wrong with Li Yumo. It's nothing but allergies and dermatitis. She didn't want to come with her. But this time, Li Yumei was so miserable that she was about to faint. She even called her daughter.

Hearing this, Ding Jianguo quickly nodded, and then comforted Ding Jianguo and said: "Ding Bureau, you can rest assured that as long as you enter our hospital, I Zhou Qingming will keep Mrs. Ding safe, otherwise you will ask me!"

Zhou Qingming heard that dermatitis is a disease, immediately patted chest, with Ding Jianguo guarantee, this kind of small disease, buy a tube of dermatitis Ping can be cured!

"Thank you very much, then." When Ding Jianguo heard what he said, he was immediately relieved.

"Lao Zheng, go inside to see which doctor is on duty today, and say hello. No matter what the examination is, we must use the most priority way and way to get the medical report quickly." Zhou Qingming turned his head and gave an order to Zheng Dongliang.

"Yes, Dean." Zheng Dongliang left in a hurry.

"President Zhou, thank you very much." Ding Jianguo nodded to Zhou Qingming in a hurry. He thought that the new dean was not bad. He didn't expect to help himself when he met for the first time.

"You're very kind. All of you work in Songshan. It's our duty to help each other. I'll help you today. Maybe I'll ask you for help tomorrow." Zhou Qingming said with a smile, deliberately side his head, the upper part of the long hair hit the place exposed.

"President Zhou, the wound on your head is..." Ding Jianguo noticed the wound on Zhou Qingming's head.

"Ah!? Oh, it doesn't matter. It's a little thing. It's all right when I'm knocked down by two gangsters Zhou Qingming waved his hand and pretended not to mention it.

"Punk?" Ding Jianguo's face was cold and dignified and said: "President Zhou, who is so brave as to dare to make trouble on the ground of Songshan mountain?"!? President Zhou, tell me that I will send someone to arrest them and punish them severely! "

"This... Director Ding, this small matter is not as good as, so don't bother you..." Zhou Qingming pretended to refuse, but his heart was filled with joy.

You just wait until you die, long hair. You dare to cheat with Lao Tzu. When Lao Tzu reaches the relationship of Ding Jianguo, you should not only spit out the money that won Laozi, but also let you pay the interest!

Zhou Qingming thought more and more excited, as if he had seen the lost million fly back in general.

"Yes, as you said just now, we are all people on the ground of Songshan mountain. It is proper to help each other. President Zhou, please tell me who the two are." Ding Jianguo said politely, since Zhou Qingming has given him face, he can't just take advantage of it and do nothing.

"Well, I'm ashamed to say this, it's..."

just as Zhou Qingming was about to speak, Zheng Dongliang suddenly ran over with a test sheet in his hand!

"Dean, Dean, the results of the inspection have come out!"

Zheng Dongliang looked at Zhou Qingming and Ding Jianguo with a look of panic. He gulped down his saliva and did not dare to speak.

"What are you flustered about? What's the situation? Tell me quickly." Zhou Qingming's face was dull, and he was not happy to urge him. "President Zhou, take a step to speak..."

ZHENG Dongliang looked at Zhou Qingming with some embarrassment.

Zhou Qingming immediately understood Zheng Dongliang's meaning. Seeing him like this, I'm afraid the result on the test sheet is not very optimistic. His face changed slightly, and he said in a hurry: "OK, I'll discuss with you first."

Then he pulled Zheng Dongliang to leave the door of the Department.

But at this time, Ding Jianguo grabbed Zhou Qingming and said in a deep voice: "President Zhou, don't need to. If you have something to say, I can stand it no matter what the result is."

Ding Jianguo's face was a little ugly. He understood the habits of the doctors in the hospital. Most of the words he said in front of the patients' families would not be good words!

For a moment, Ding Jianguo and Ding Hanxue's heart sank to the bottom of the valley!

Zhou Qingming saw Ding Jianguo pulling him. He had no choice but to tell Zheng Dongliang, "speak in front of Ding Bureau."Zheng Dongliang's face was puzzled and faltered: "what Mrs. Ding got is skin... Skin cancer!"

"Skin cancer!"

Ding Jianguo's iron like body suddenly trembled. He stood up and sat back. It was an incurable disease?!

Hearing this, Ding Hanxue's face immediately lost her blood color. Her original character became fragile in this moment, and her beautiful eyes were filled with tears!

Ding Jianguo is famous for his tenacity in the police field. But at this time, he heard that his wife who had been with him for more than 20 years was suffering from a terminal disease. It was as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer in the chest. He was almost breathless.

"No way!" Ding Hanxue suddenly stood up and couldn't believe everything Zheng Dongliang said.

"Director Ding, officer Ding, don't worry. The test results can't be used as the only diagnostic standard. I'll ask President Zheng to check it again." Zhou Qingming is also full of bitterness and bitterness. He just finished the ticket and said that the patient would not have any problems in his own hospital. As a result, he got an incurable disease!

His mouth is special code open light, how!?

Hearing this, Zheng Dongliang got up in a hurry, took the test sheet and went to the oncology department again. After a short time, he came back with an expert from the oncology department.

"Lao Zhao, did you watch it!? How about it? " Zhou Qingming looked at Zhao Dongming, the chief physician in charge of the oncology department.

"President Zhou, I carefully verified the test results, the results are correct, but fortunately is the early stage of skin cancer, and the scope is not large, still within the controllable range." Zhao Dongming said quickly.

Ding Jianguo, who knew him, nodded to him in a hurry, and said hello.

"In the early stage, the area is not big. Good, good. We should quickly call up experts in oncology department to arrange the best treatment plan as soon as possible. We must restore Mrs. Ding's body to the most healthy state."

Zhou Qingming heard that it was only in the early stage, and his face was instantly happy. Although the skin cancer was terrible, experts in the hospital said that it was controllable, which was absolutely not a problem. Since he has been practicing medicine for so many years, there are countless examples of early cancer recovery. As long as the patient does not give up, it can be cured completely.

"President Zhou, do you mean my wife can be saved?" Ding Jianguo was shocked and asked in a hurry.

Ding Hanxue is also looking at Zhou Qingming and Zhao Dongming.

"Of course, director Ding, I told you just now. As long as Mrs. Ding insists on treatment in my Affiliated Hospital, there will be no problem!" Zhou Qingming's momentum just returned, as if he was not the one with a bitter face just now.

"Dr. Zhao, how can I treat this disease?" Ding Jianguo asked in a hurry.

Ding Jianguo has always been calm, never believe in anything like that, and quickly asked the oncologist.

When Zhou Qingming saw Ding Jianguo skip himself, he asked Zhao Dongming directly. His face changed slightly. This is obviously that people don't believe in themselves!

But it doesn't matter, as long as people are still in the Affiliated Hospital, their relationship with him will not be bad!

With Zhou Qingming's acquiescence, Zhao Dongming quickly took the test sheet and went to the front and said: "Ding Bureau, you see, this is the examination result of Mrs. Ding's skin biopsy, which can be diagnosed as the symptoms of early skin cancer. Basically, surgery plus local radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be used for control and treatment. Although our hospital is not the world's top hospital, but in this respect But the technology is still mature, and the fourth bureau can rest assured. "

Zhao Dongming comforts Ding Jianguo while analyzing.

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