Ding Jianguo, seeing Zhao Dongming's right words, didn't seem to be bullshit, so he slowly relaxed.

"Doctor, I want to ask you a question." At this time, Ding Hanxue braves her inner sorrow and goes to Zhao Dongming.

"Officer Ding, ask." Zhao Dongming's tone also seems very serious.

"As far as I know, this disease has a certain recurrence rate. If my mother's operation is successful and the chemotherapy is effective... How many years can she live?" Ding Hanxue tried to bear the pain in her heart and said it completely.

Ding Hanxue is not a person without culture and knowledge. Naturally, his understanding of cancer will not be very few. He has only heard of people who have been cured, but he has not heard of several people who can guarantee that they will not relapse.

You know, her mother is only less than 50 years old. If she can only live for two or three years after treatment, why should her mother suffer from this!?

"Officer Ding, I'll tell you the truth. The recurrence rate of cancer, especially skin cancer, is the highest in almost all types of cancer. If the operation is successful, and the patient has a strong tolerance to chemotherapy and can maintain the drug after surgery, it will not be a problem for ten years..." Zhao Dongming said with his teeth clenched for a decade. In fact, most of them are very clear in his mind Skin cancer recurrence years, are not more than five years!

"Director Ding, officer Ding, don't think about this matter for the moment. Even if it is a relapse, we can't give up the treatment of the patient. The patient is still young and can't let it go easily." Zhou Qingming came forward and said sincerely.

"President Zhou, is there any other more secure way!? If your hospital can cure my wife, I will always remember you Ding Jianguo asked anxiously.

Although Li Yumei's condition is in the early stage and the success rate of surgery is very high, he just can't rest assured.

Zhou Qingming frowned a little when he heard the speech. After pondering for a long time, Zhou Qingming said slowly: "there are still ways. Now a new type of anti-cancer drug just developed can effectively inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells, especially for early cancer patients. However, the drug has not been widely publicized. If you want to get this drug, you must pass it After a certain relationship, I used to work in the imperial capital and have some contacts. If you want, maybe I can get in touch with you. " Zhou Qingming said with a stern face.

In fact, he said that this kind of medicine was only a kind of anti-cancer drug sold in Europe. He only said that these drugs were extremely difficult to obtain in order to show his ability in front of Ding Jianguo.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Zhou!" Hearing this, Ding Jianguo quickly thanks, "Dr. Zhao worked out a treatment plan for this period of time, please contact Dijing there, help me buy this medicine!"

When Zhou Qingming saw that Ding Jianguo was in such a hurry, his face immediately changed.

"President Zhou, are you still in trouble?" Ding Jianguo asked in a hurry.

Zhou Qingming's eyes twinkled twice and sighed with exaggeration, "director Ding, I will tell you the truth. Although this medicine is effective, once you take it, you must take it for a long time. Once you stop taking the medicine, the patient's condition will relapse quickly. At that time, even the immortal will come and it will be useless!" Without waiting for Ding Jianguo to reply, Zhou Qingming pondered for a moment and said again, "moreover, the price of this kind of medicine is very expensive. It needs more than 100000 yuan per month. In addition to some examinations and physiotherapy, we need at least this amount in a month."

With that, Zhou Qingming stretched out two fingers!

"200000 Ding Jianguo frowned slightly.

In Zhou Qingming's opinion, although Ding Jianguo is the director of the Songshan Public Security Bureau, he can't afford such a large amount of drug fees!

A month of 200000, a year is 2.4 million, if you want to let Li Yumei live for 20 years, it will cost close to 50 million, which is not a small director can afford!

But Zhou Qingming missed one thing: Li Yumei's family!

Li Yumei is Li Zheng's aunt. Songshan is the eldest lady of the largest real estate developer. The Li family, not to mention 50 million yuan, even if it is 500 million yuan, it doesn't even need to blink!

Ding Jianguo nodded slightly and said to Zhou Qingming, "President Zhou, you may contact me about medicine, but money is not a problem."

Ding Jianguo has never spent a cent from the Li family. It's not that the Li family doesn't give it. It's because he doesn't want it. But this time, for the sake of his lover's life, he has made up his mind to put down his face and go to the Li family for a visit!

"Dad, I still feel bad. Why don't we ask Qin Tian first?" Ding Hanxue frowned. Although he was not so satisfied with the damned bastard, he had to admit his medical skills!

Zhou Qingming's face sank when Ding Hanxue mentioned Qin Tian. However, he soon recovered from his previous smile and said: "officer Ding, madam Ding has skin cancer. To put it bluntly, it's a terminal disease. The most effective way is to treat it with western medicine, not to mention that it can't be cured by traditional Chinese medicine. It's enough to focus on the disadvantage of slow onset of effect It's enough for the cancer cells to spread all over the body. Don't say that our hospital can't cure it. Even if we go to the United States to find the top medical personnel, it's also impossible to treat it! "If you look at the general situation, Zhou Qingming said that there is no problem, but he really does not know Qin Tian's ability!

"Xiao Xue, director Zhou's point is reasonable. Although Qin Tian has excellent medical skills, he is Chinese medicine after all. The effect must be slower. Your mother's disease can not be delayed. If cancer cells spread, it will be troublesome. I also think western medicine is the best treatment." Ding Jianguo nodded in favor.

In fact, he trusted Qin Tian's medical skills, but in his impression, Qin Tian's treatment was really slow. For example, the last time he treated him with acupuncture and drinking medicine, it took him more than a week to cure.

Now his wife is suffering from cancer, and the time needed must be increased by several times. He can't afford to spend so much time. The sooner the effect is, the better!

"All right." Ding Hanxue although some reluctant, but a ponder is really this reason, this just reluctantly nodded.

Although Zhou Qingming said it was very reasonable, Ding Hanxue did not know how. From the first sight of this person, she did not have a trace of good feeling, and could not completely trust this person!

After a short time, Li Yumei, assisted by a nurse, came out of the clinic. Ding Jianguo's father and daughter did not directly tell her the result, but took her directly to the advanced ward arranged by Zhou Qingming.

Zhou Qingming sent Ding Jianguo off and rushed back to the office. He called European anti-cancer drugs and asked them to send a batch of the latest anti-cancer drugs as soon as possible.

A week passed in a twinkling of an eye, and soon it was the day that Qin Tian and Chen Kaige had agreed. The war was on the verge of outbreak. Just before going out, the little policewoman called Qin Tian!

"Qin Tian, what are you going to do again!!? Now you are playing more and more. The fight between Qin palace and Zhentian pavilion has already disturbed the City Council

Qin Tian listened to the voice of the little policewoman, felt extremely kind, had not contacted her for a long time, did not expect to have the matter or did not forget himself!

"Startled just startled..." Qin Tian shrugged, not too closely followed or weakly asked: "they don't care

"Well, you dogs bite dogs. Who cares about you? It's better to kill all the scum like you! No one is allowed to report this matter to the police

Little policewoman toot mouth angry say.

Qin Tian opened his mouth and laughed, just as I wanted!

"It seems that the leaders of the municipal Party committee are still on my side..." Qin Tian laughed.

But to meet him, it is the little policewoman hateful hang up sound, obviously, the little policewoman to this kind of underworld fight is extremely disgusting!

Early in the morning, Qin Tian went directly to the manor of Guyue.

Although it's summer now, the morning in the suburbs is full of coolness. When Qin Tian arrives, the manor is full of gangsters in black suits and full of ruffian spirit. If you look at the past, there are at least 1000 people going out!

Qintian's Land Rover came in from the door, just like an emperor, welcoming the attention of the people. The crowd moved towards both sides like a wave, leaving a three meter wide road for Qin Tian!

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