Qin Tian stepped down from the car and slowly boarded a temporary high platform in front of him.

"Yes, Mr. Qin!" Gu Yue roared and bowed respectfully to Qin Tian!

"Yes, Mr. Qin!"

"Yes, Mr. Qin!"

"Yes, Mr. Qin!"


thousands of people yelled in order, as if shaking the whole sky. In a neat and uniform movement, Qi Qi bowed to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian calmly looked at the scene in front of him and nodded with satisfaction, "all of the people who come here today are the mainstays of the Qin palace. I don't need to say more about how much benefit I got from Qin palace."

Qin Tian said this pause for a moment, on the field thousands of people's faces have shown a trace of thuggish smile!

As the first underground force in Songshan City, they have gained many benefits!

"Today is the final battle against Zhentian Pavilion. As long as we win, Songshan will belong to our Qin palace. At that time, not only the east city, the South City and the West City, but also the north city will be our world!"

"Whether we can unify the underground forces in Songshan depends on your brothers. Tell me if you have confidence!" Qin Tian roared, mixed up a burst of not weak real gas, set off the momentum to the top!

"Yes, yes, yes..."

almost without hesitation, thousands of people cheered with their arms!

Qin Tian looked almost at it, waved his big hand and exclaimed, "target No.4 wharf, start!"

With the order of Qin Tian, hundreds of cars, large and small, are driving towards the river!

The air by the river is always wet. The car stops on the wharf a few miles away. Countless young men are carrying steel pipes and carrying a black cloth bag. Thousands of people jumped out of the car like this!

In a short time, along the path along the beach, a long line of cars, hundreds of cars, more than twice the number of people in the Qin palace, got off the train one after another, dressed in clean sportswear, almost all of them had short hair or shawl hair, with machetes, steel pipes, Softball sticks in their hands, and almost all the lethal weapons you could see!

The two sides stand at a distance of about bailaimi. The main leader has not come yet. Almost all the people present are ma Zai and his younger brother, and some of them are sent by other forces to help Zhentian Pavilion!

In the same sentence, there are a lot of disputes on the road every year. On the one hand, a person with weight will make a little peace, and the two sides will shake hands to make a peace. However, the two largest underground forces in Songshan city are involved in this battle. No one is qualified to dissuade him. Chen Jun, the only qualified one, has provided a lot of help to Chen Kaige I wish Chen Kaige could kill Qin palace!

So today, as long as you start, you must see blood.

Time is not long, a black Rolls Royce, regardless of whether the road on the beach is easy or difficult to walk, drove straight to the front of Zhentian Pavilion!

Gu Yue saw the car, a smile hung up from the corner of her mouth, this car, will be surnamed Gu soon!

Chen Kaige came out, wearing a shirt and jeans, a pair of colored sunglasses, a finger thick gold chain around his neck, and a half smoked cigar in his mouth. How big a brand is it!

As soon as he got out of the car, a group of infamous boys began to greet him. They nodded and bowed without any backbone. Some of them began to show their attitude and said, "don't worry, Chen Dashao, these little scumbags can be killed as soon as possible."

"Brothers, thank you for coming to help me in Zhentian Pavilion. After this, I will hold a big banquet in Zhentian Pavilion. Please drink wine and promise not to let your brothers go back empty handed!"

"Oh! Good! Chen DAHAO, we support you

"That's right. Don't worry. I'll have a few drinks later!"


Chen Kaige exchanged greetings with the gangsters around him, but he didn't pay any attention to Qin Tian. In fact, it is also normal. According to common sense, those who take the initiative to propose a contract are somewhat dependent on each other. It is reasonable to despise the party who is promised!

Qin Tian has a general look at the crowd in the opposite direction. It's a big black area. It's more than half of the people that Gu Yue brought here. Take a closer look, there are many Chen Jun's men and horses!

Obviously, Chen Kaige is well prepared to come here!

"Mr. Gu, long time no see!" Chen Kaige walked steadily to the front of the team. Looking at Gu Yue, he did not show any respect in his tone. The tone of "Mr. Gu" was particularly harsh!

Chen Kaige snorted in his nose. He was born with a sack resistance on the wharf. He dared to call himself "Sir". In his opinion, the ancient moon is shameless!

"It's really a long time no see..." Gu Yue chuckled, as if she didn't hear the irony in Chen Kaige's words. She looked at Chen Kaige with deep meaning, "I'm afraid you can't see me when you come here today!"

Gu Yue took a look at Qin Tian with the light from the corner of her eyes!

"Oh!? Do you think you can turn over today? " Chen Kaige opened his arms and pointed to the nearly 2000 hunks behind him, more than half of them than Gu Yue!Unless Chen Kaige is stupid, he will never miss the old moon!

At this time, a little gangster appeared behind Chen Kaige. Qin Tian took a closer look at Fang Zhen's younger brother. It seemed that he was called Dongzi or something. Qin Tian cleaned up the mess that day. At this time, he was pointing to the direction of Qin Tian!

"Qin Tian, you promised me that you and your veterans would not fight. What are you doing here!? Want to break the contract? " Chen Kaige looks at Qin Tian with great fear. If Qin Tian makes a move, he is not sure that he can win today!

"Don't worry, I Qin Tian is my word. If you can win today's battle, the underground world of Songshan will be yours, and our account will be written off." Qin Tian coldly smiles, wants to receive the Pine Mountain in his arms, is afraid you did not grow that bone!

"Ha ha ha, good! This is what Qin Tian said. Don't regret it Chen Kaige looks gloomy and cold. I don't know whether it was caused by Qin Tian's smashing the root of his life, or born like this!

Qin Tian didn't kill him any more. Instead, he took out a bottle of two or two bottles of Erguotou from his arms. After his death, thousands of people learned from him and opened their own wine.

Don't do it, brothers. Keep your hands


Although thousands of people dressed disorderly, but the movement is neat and uniform, in the hand of Erguotou at the same time to the mouth, a Yang neck, gudu gudu down!

Why don't you keep your hands!? However, there are half more people on the opposite side than myself. If you keep your hands and hurt, who will take care of these brothers!? They are also parents, Qin Tian must be responsible for them!

After Chen Kaige saw Qin Tian's actions, he seemed very disdainful. His sneering face was dozens of meters away. Qin Tian could see clearly.

"Brothers, kill all these little minions!" At the command of Chen Kaige, more than 2000 people began to move towards qintian. They seemed to be moving slowly to increase pressure on them. All the weapons in his hands were dragged on the ground, and the sound of cheering was endless!

A hundred meters away in a flash, just when the last 30 meters, Gu Yue ordered, a team of thousands of people pulled out the cloth bags on their backs, hung 500 firecrackers in their hands, and threw them into the crowd opposite, with the crackling explosion!

"Hold the grass, you are playing with children fighting!"

"Set off NIMA's firecrackers!"


The Curse resounded throughout the No. 4 wharf. Following, a team of about 200 people took off their long cloth bags, revealing a silver moon shaped object inside, which was actually a long bow made of iron tire!


With a roar of Guyue, more than 200 people loosened their bows and arrows fell on the opposite crowd like silver rain!

Puff, puff, puff...

the sound of metal piercing into the body was heard, and the thugs on the opposite side suddenly fell down in a large area, and their bodies were dyed red with blood from blood holes!

"Hold the grass, these bastards are not human beings. They are playing with such sinister things!"

"Get in the way

"Hold the grass, my arm!"

For a moment, Chen Kaige's whole team fell into chaos!

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