"If you don't die today, I'll write Chen Kaige's name upside down!" The blue veins on Chen Kaige's forehead burst out, which was obviously angered by ah Huo's actions. "No one should move. If you move again, you'll kill them!"

As if he was afraid that others would not believe him, a man in black also raised his gun and fired two shots under his feet towards Qin Tian. The dust on the ground suddenly flew up more than half a foot high!

"Oh, you're shooting!" Qin Tian looks at Chen Kaige, although his face is smiling, but the bottom of his eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness!

All the people who shot him are dead!

As soon as Gu Yue saw it, she quickly ordered the Huns to stop their movements and looked at Chen Kaige in the opposite direction nervously!

This time, Qin Tianfeng told him not to bring a gun out, or there will be a lot of trouble! For Qin Tian's words, the ancient moon does not dare to discount at all. If you don't allow it, you will never bring it!

But... Now that the opposite has been drawn, Gu Yue is still a little alarmed - Qin Tianneng can take care of himself, but absolutely can't care about so many brothers!

"Ha ha ha, what's the matter!? Now you know you're scared!? Gu Yue, you are such a bitch! I even give away the ancient moon villa. I look down on you Chen Kaige pointed to the ancient moon as a curse, and his scorn was expressed in his words!

"Qin Tian, today is your death date!"

Chen Kaige knew that Qin Tian could fight, but he did not know that Qin Tian was not afraid of bullets. He thought that Qin Tian could be killed by pointing a gun at him!

When he said that, he would shoot Chen Kaitian!

"Qin, don't blame me, blame you, you have to fight against me, we'll see you in the next life!" Chen Kaige said, with a wave of his hand, he pulled the trigger!


A shot! Blood splashed, a complete head, burst into a blood mist, red and white liquid, fried everywhere!

All the people in the scene were petrified. Looking at this scene, their faces showed incredible expressions!

Qin Tian... Still standing there, and that bastard with a gun, but was hit in the head!

Chen Kaige was stunned and his eyes were filled with incredible expression!

Qin Tian looked at them and said calmly: "have you heard of... Snipers?"

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, Chen Kaige's face turned pale!

Here, unexpectedly... Ambush snipers!?

All the people with guns in black around him were veterans, and no one knew more about the terror of a sniper than they did. At this time, Qin Tian said that a sniper was aiming at them secretly. He was scared out of his wits. He kept looking around with a gun, hoping to find some clues!

But, with them, can we find it!?

Yang Bing's ability to hide his breath, even Qin Tian sighed that Fu Ru, relying on them, wanted to find Yang Bing's hiding place, it was just a dream!

However, Qin Tian underestimated Chen Kaige. When Chen Kaige saw the horse behind him, he became suspicious and confused. He yelled: "don't believe him. If there was a sniper, I would live to this day!"!? There must be something wrong with him. Don't be afraid, brothers. As long as you shoot him, all the lies will be broken! "

Chen Kaige forcibly draws back the attention of the gun holders. These people even listen to his words and begin to stabilize their positions. The muzzle of the gun points to Qin Tian again!

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders. He was standing there, but he slipped down. He squatted on the ground and put on a posture of what you want. He called to Chen Kaige: "no, you can try it!"

"Try and try!" Chen Kaige lost the battle. He snorted coldly and asked the man in black next to him to come forward. But who could think that the man in black didn't dare!

"Scold the next door, I will come!" At this time, a strong man rushed to snatch the automatic rifle in the hands of the man in black. This man was no other than the Dongzi who pointed to Qin Tian before!

Dongzi took the rifle, clattered a bolt, loaded the bullet, the muzzle immediately pointed to Qin Tian!

"Go to hell!"


With a loud noise, Dongzi's body trembled, and his muscles vibrated violently. With a bang, he lay on the ground. Looking at his body and chest position, there was a big hole in the mouth of a bowl, blood was blurred and blood flowed!

He was beaten through by a snatch!

Dongzi lay on the ground constantly twitching. This time, Chen Kaige and the people behind him finally believed that there was a sniper in the dark!

"No... no, how can this be possible, how can there be snipers to help you... Snipers are not trained by the state!? Who the hell are you? " Chen Kaige almost madly yelled at Qin Tian, even though he had ignored the horses with guns behind him, he took the lead in hysteria alone!

Qin Tian looks at him, the bottom of my heart sneers, I will explain to you a smelly fool!?Waving to Gu Yue, Gu Yue nodded, and hundreds of people searched for Chen Kai's money again!

Qin Tian gets up and walks towards Chen Kaige. He wants to see what Chen Kaige is all about!

However, when he was close to Chen Kaige's five step distance, a strange phenomenon appeared!

Chen Kaige's eyes suddenly congealed, a trace of poisonous light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and roared: "shoot!"

At the same time, more than a dozen armed men turned the muzzle of the gun to the direction of Qin Tian, and the bullets poured out unexpectedly! Qin Tian was immediately surrounded by dense bullets in the middle!

The blue sky is as clear as the sky. On a sunny day, there are still some birds chirping incessantly. However, the river beach is full of dust!

The place where Qin Tiangang just stood was hit by dense bullets, and a burst of white dust rose. Others could not see clearly inside from the outside!

Chen Kaige grinned and sneered. Even if it was a fairy, under such dense bullets, he would never have a life to come out alive!

Then Chen Kaige looked up and laughed. He could hear his proud laughter on the whole racecourse!

At the moment, Gu Yue was angry and yelled at Chen Kaige: "Chen, you are despicable!"

Although the ancient moon has a heart for qintian, it can't survive even if Qin Tian is a fairy at such a short distance and so many guns! Gu Yue's mind is constantly calculating what to do!

All the punks on the scene were stupid. Mr. Qin was killed like this!?

When all the people on the scene thought Qin Tian was dead, a cold voice came from the dust and smoke!

"Chen Dashao, your smile is really ugly!"

All of a sudden, Chen Kaige's laughter stopped suddenly, and Gu Yue and his younger brothers immediately breathed a sigh of relief!

Because Qin Tian is still alive!

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