A gust of fresh wind hit, Qin Tian's smoke was blown all over the place, a tall and straight body, with his hands in his pocket, put out a very natural and unrestrained posture, standing in place, unexpectedly did not move!

Look at Qin Tian's front and back, the ground is full of bullets!

All the bullets were blocked by Qin Tian!

"You... Are you a human being or a ghost..." Chen Kaige is totally insane this time, standing in the same place like a wooden chicken, no longer see the arrogance just now!

"Guess what?" Qin Tian's tone is extremely cold!

Qin Tian faintly makes a gesture towards the distance. This is what he and Yang Bing have agreed on. Suddenly, Yang Bing has a spirit of 120000. The red star of the sniper gun keeps aiming, and begins the roll call of the gun holder behind Chen Kaige!

Fifteen armed men, without any resistance, were shot dead in succession! Chen Kaige stood in front of them. For a while, he seemed extremely strange!

"No... you can't kill me... You can't kill me... I'm the boss of Zhentian Pavilion... I can't die..." Chen Kaige's body is full of splashed blood, and there's a aura in his eyes that hasn't appeared for a long time!

Chen Kaige turned around and ran away. He ran into the grass by the river. He wanted to find Chen Kaige, but he was gone!

Qin Tian curled his lips and disdained to the fire behind him: "ah fire, bring him back to me."

Ah Huo nodded and took a steel pipe from his younger brother's hand. He ran and chased into the grass!

About three minutes before and after, Chen Kaige was brought back by ah Huo under his arm. One leg was bent in a strange posture, which obviously made ah Huo discount the steel pipe!

"Chen Da Shao, are you still running Qin Tian squats on the ground and looks at Chen Kaige like a dead dog with a banter smile on his face.

"Qin, Qin Tian, don't think I'm afraid of you if I fall into your hands. Anyway, I'm almost like a disabled person now. I'm not afraid of anything!" Chen Kaige tried to improve his voice, but the more so, the more exposed his inner fear of Qin Tian!

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a while. I've got a lot of guts!"!!? It's not the time to ask me to spare you Qin Tian scorned to smile.

This son of a bitch, he had already forgotten him, but unexpectedly, he united with the green mountain Gang to throw his mother-in-law Wang Qin down the building, and united with the people in the Zhentian pavilion to make a rebellion and toss his own bag!

Qin Tian's anger at the bottom of his heart was like a river breaking its dike. He couldn't hold it!

Qin Tian is too lazy to pay attention to him. He calls Gu Yue over and calls ah Huo and Zhao Donghui.

"Lao Zhao, ah Huo, I'll leave the finishing work here to you. Remember, no matter the people or the car, we don't want the clothes on us, and we don't want any hair left by them!" Qin Tian said, biting his teeth.

If you dare J8 to come here to Cheer Chen Kaige, don't think about leaving intact. These gold chains, mobile phones, jade pendants, including the cars they parked nearby, are all specially designed to stay with me!

"Don't worry, brother Qin Tian, if you don't squeeze oil out of them today, even if you don't give me a visit in vain!"

Qin Tian called Yang Bing through his walkie talkie again. "Let's take Chen Dashao to the seaside for a tour."

Before and after, he spent most of the day cleaning up the battlefield. The punks cleaned up and drove them away. Without saying, all the cars left on the beach. Gu Yue asked ah Huo to drive the car directly to the second-hand market, while Jiaocheng drove the leader. Qin Tian sat in the co pilot, Gu Yue and Yang Bing sat in the back, sandwiched Chen Kaige in the middle and went to the seaside.

When passing a crossroad, a police car in front of him stopped there. Two policemen were standing on the side of the road chatting. They were so desperate that they just caught the red light. Chen Kaige's grandson moved his eyes and unconsciously licked his lips.

With a cold smile, Qin Tian had already guessed Chen Kaige's plan, and handed over a wink. Yang Bing, sitting on the other side of Chen Kaige, took out a folding knife and stood against Chen Kaige's waist after shaking it open. The sharp point of the knife cut his suit and shirt and poked it on his skin. It was cold!

Qin Tian looked back at Chen Kaige with a smile. Like an old friend he hadn't seen for more than ten years, Qin Tian gently said, "Chen Dashao, as long as you dare to hum, this brother will stab a knife into your waist. Well, it's just the position of the waist!"

Chen Kaige was excited and closed his mouth tightly. He knew in his heart that if he didn't shout, he might have talked about it. If he did, he would have finished the game immediately!

As the car continued to move forward, the slow traffic flow became less and less. The great lord galloped on the road and drove toward the remote seaside. Chen Kaige felt cold with leg pain and asked in a trembling voice, "where are you going to take me?"

"When you get to the place, don't talk and sit down." Seeing that the vehicle had left the city, Yang Bing slapped Chen Kaige in the face.

When Yang Bing saw Chen Kaige at the first sight, he wanted to burst his head with a sniper gun. Dog RI's, he actually listened to his words and came to assassinate Qin Tian!

After driving along the dirt road for half an hour, the car finally arrived at a desolate beach. The sea grass on the beach is very luxuriant. A gust of wind blows, and the sea grass rises and falls like waves. When the tide falls, the water level of the sea is very low, revealing a large area of beach. There is only an abandoned fishing boat leaning on the beach, which makes it more lonely.The car drove directly to the Shanghai beach. Jiao Cheng stopped the car with a beautiful tail flick. The door opened. Chen Kaige was kicked out and turned around several times on the ground. Qin Tian followed him closely. He took a cigarette, lit a cigarette against the roaring sea breeze, pointed to Chen Kaige and said, "fork it up for me!"

Gu Yue and Yang Bing went up one by one to hold down Chen Kaige's two arms, put him in a jet posture, and pushed him forward until they reached the beach. They kicked Chen Kaige's knee socket. On the spot, a dog fell to the ground and was pulled up again.

In front of him is the rolling sea water, the wind is howling, and the sea grass is constantly shaking in the sea breeze. Chen Kaige kneels down by the river, and from time to time he looks back and shouts: "what do you want to do?"!? There's something to say

Qin Tian was smoking, chatting and laughing with Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng, ignoring Chen Kaige at all. When he finished smoking, he stamped out his cigarette end and pulled out a dark iron guy from his belt. Chen Kaige knew that it was a pistol!

Chen Kaige, who had already collapsed, wailed and cried. His shrill voice drifted far away with the sea breeze. He had already lost his previous posture: "help! Kill

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