He tried to run, but who gave him a chance!? Even if you give him a chance, where can he go with one leg!?

"Hua La", Qin Tian pushed the gun and loaded it, and pushed the muzzle of the gun to the back of Chen Kaige's head. The cold muzzle of the gun was as hot as a soldering iron. Chen Kaige's voice changed its tune: "brother, you are my brother, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

Qin Tian sneered and said, "you son of a bitch, you gave me such a black hand and shot so many bullets at me. Can I spare you!? I've tried to kill me again and again, and I can spare you! "

With that, Chen Kaige cried and turned back, and he was no longer calm: "I don't dare any more. I'll be your grandson and my grandson. Isn't it OK?"

"Don't be afraid. It'll be fine in a minute." Qin Tian said calmly that Chen Kaige was disillusioned. He knew that this time was really over. He shouldn't have gotten into such a plague God as Qin Tian. He had known that Qin Tian was so hard to chew. Even if Qin Tian fell out with the sky, he didn't dare to do anything. Finally, he mistakenly killed his wife!

This is the fate of mixing on the road. Don't worry about it. Sooner or later, it will be the end!

The cold muzzle of the gun is still on the back of his head. Chen Kaige closes his eyes and doesn't want to think about anything. He is waiting to die. He only hears the sound of "pa". Chen Kaige's body trembles violently for a moment. His excrement and urine flow together, and he falls to the ground directly!

"Shit, it's a stink!" Qin Tian a look at the pistol, no bullets to fight out, his own soft voice a bad luck!

Chen Kaige, however, is incontinent now! Just now that shot, almost let him see the door of the underworld is slowly opening, but did not expect, Qin Tian even played a stink!

At this time, Qin Tian again put the gun against the back of Chen Kaige's head!

"Pa!" Chen Kaige closed his breath and waited for the legendary pain to arrive. However, he was disappointed again this time!

"Shit, why are all stinks?" Qin Tian murmured again!

Chen Kaige, however, can no longer bear it!

Fighting for the risk of being broken arm by Gu Yue and Yang Bing, he tried to look back at Qin Tian and screamed hysterically: "Qin Tian, you are my ancestor, don't take so frightening people!"

"Scare people!" Qin Tian cracked Sen Bai's teeth with a strange smile, "do you think I'm scaring you?"

The whole body is up and down, looking at the bottom of the sky!

Because he feels big, Qin Tian may really want to kill him, and those two stinks are not necessarily used to scare him! Chen Kaige smelled the smell of death again!

"No, no... brother Qin, Mr. Qin... I have money, I have a lot of money! I'd like to take them all out. Please spare me a dog's life! I don't dare to disappear from the Pine Mountain any more. I will not disturb your eyes any more! "

Chen Kaige was sweating and smelling of incontinence urinating in his pants. The whole seaside was filled with a strange smell!

Qin Tiansi set off, Chen Kaige in this period of time, like years... No, should say that degrees seconds like years, because each second of time, can determine his life and death! This life is like a boat on the sea, and Qin Tian is the Dragon King who turns his hands for clouds and hands for rain. Life and death are all in his mind!

"Lao Gu, are you interested in his industry?" Qin Tian pondered for a long time before he finally opened his mouth!

Gu Yue performed very well in this period of time, which can be said to be in front of and behind the horse. Whenever Qin Tian needs help, Gu Yue is duty bound to run over to help. Although Qin Tian knows that he is asking for something, he doesn't want to treat Gu Yue badly!

When Gu Yue heard Qin Tian ask him, his eyes suddenly brightened. He knew that Qin Tian wanted to reward him!

"Mr. Qin... Gu Yue doesn't dare to take possession of these things. If Mr. Qin is not convenient to take care of them, Gu Yue is willing to take care of them. She can make a lot of money and give them all to Mr. Qin..." Gu Yue said sincerely.

Qin Tian originally intended to give all Chen Kaige's property to Gu Yue, but the sentence of Gu Yue changed his mind!

"Brother Jiao, how many veterans are you willing to come to Songshan and follow me qintian?" Qin Tian turns his head and asks Jiao Cheng.

As soon as Jiao Cheng listens to it, his spirit is immediately aroused!

It has been nearly two months since he took the 80 people to follow Qin Tian. He thought that Qin Tian didn't want any more people. Leng, he didn't dare to talk to Qin Tian. Qin Tian asked this question, and immediately let him find the mouth to open the gate!

"There are still about 100 soldiers, who are guaranteed to be first-class special forces before they retire from the army, and even two soldiers who have galloped across the border for more than ten years are still at the rank of king of war!"

When selecting people, Jiao Cheng didn't dare to accept all the people. He selected all the first-class and first-class talents. Because of this, these 100 people are probably the last group he can find!

"Tell them all to come." Qin Tian nodded.

With these properties of Chen Kaige's family, it will be no longer difficult to support these veterans by themselves. And most importantly, the Li family has promised to transfer their real estate property to themselves once their property company has more staff!In this way, I will have a troop of nearly 200 soldiers. With such a force, even if we have a small battle, I will never be afraid!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian turned to the ancient moon. "Old age, Chen family these industries are entrusted to you!"

"Yes, Mr. Qin!" The ancient moon is also a joy.

Just as he promised Qin Tian to wash white in a year, with these industries, he had a business model. As long as these industries were developed and expanded, the number of people needed would be increased by geometric multiple, and his small mixed people would have the opportunity to get employment!

In this way, these little mischievous rely more on Qin palace survival, loyalty to Qin palace more conglomerated!

"Chen Kaige, now you choose it yourself, is it for us to throw into the sea to feed fish, or do you take the initiative to let the industry out?" Qin Tian asked calmly.

"I let, I let!" Chen Kaige has been scared by several stinks in Qin Tian.

And even if he gave the industry to Qin Tian, he and his father still have some savings. Although he can no longer live a luxury life, at least the wealth will always be more than enough!

Even if he became a waste man, but he could still give his father the old-age!

"That's right. Living is the most important thing." Yang Bing stood on one side, constantly weighing the knife in his hand, a pair of actors into the play, like a ruffian!

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