However, in Qin Tian's opinion, the identity of a small ruffian can not be compared with the identity and temperament of a soldier. The identity of a soldier is more suitable for Yang Bing!

"In this case, Lao Gu, ask your lawyer to come over and let Yang Bing and brother Jiao Cheng accompany you and transfer all Chen Kaige's property to your name!" Qin Tian nodded and settled the matter of the ancient moon.

Gu Yue was grateful and quickly bowed to thank Qin Tian!

After struggling for a long time, the sea water has become high tide. The place that was originally dry sand beach began to overflow with sea water. Gu Yue looked at Chen Kaige, who was full of stinky smell, and couldn't stop twisting her nose. She simply kicked Chen Kaige into the sea with one foot.

"Don't come up if you can't clean it up!"

Chen Kaige was kicked by Gu Yue and fell into the sea. His broken leg made him feel unbearable. After pouring several mouthfuls of salty water, he finally stood firm and tried to clean his body!

Qin Tian didn't care about them any more. He stopped a car on the side of the road and left the seaside. In his opinion, these things didn't need him to worry about!

It was already dark. Just after Qin Tian returned to the hospital, he took a jar of medicinal wine and got on the car. He cut several jin of beef sauce from the roadside stalls. He came to the slums and shantytowns behind the antique street!

With the sauced beef and medicinal wine, Qin Tian wandered to the stall of Mr. Hu!

Looking from afar, the old man is still so strong. Although he is repairing shoes, he doesn't have a trace of sense of being buried. On the contrary, there seems to be a sense of uncertainty in the old man, just like being integrated with the world!

Qin Tian walks to the old man. The old man looks at him and smiles faintly. Both of them don't speak. The old man is still repairing his shoes. Qin Tian doesn't disturb him. He looks at the growing little milk dog. He pinches some pieces of beef sauce from the disposable food bag and throws them into their mouth!

After a while, the old man repaired the shoes, carefully put them aside, clapped his hands, and turned to look at Qin Tian, "young man, come and sit here!"

The old man patted another small Mazar in front of him. He pulled the tool box beside him and put it in the middle of the two. Qin Tian arranged the medicinal wine and sauced beef. The two started blowing on each other one by one. They didn't even need chopsticks, so they ate it!

After eating for a while, the old man suddenly laughed.

Qin Tian didn't know what he was laughing at, so he looked up at him.

The old man laughed for a while, stroked his beard, and threw the wine on his beard to the ground. "At the beginning, my old brothers and I captured the little devil's canned beef, and they also ate it like that... But unfortunately, they don't have the old man's life. I eat beef and pork every day, and I eat dumplings every day. They don't have this life. Tut, they don't have this life Ah... "

with that, the old man poured a mouthful of wine, ha, he took a breath of wine, and his eyes were full of memories of the past!

"If you like, I'll come to eat with you every day!" Said, Qin Tian took the wine cup in his hand and knocked with the old man!

"That's what you said Listening to Qin Tian's words, the old man's eyes lit up!

"A spit, a nail!"


The old man seemed very happy, and touched the cup with Qin Tian, and took a deep drink!

He didn't come to coax the old man. From the first day Qin Tian saw the old man, he had an indescribable feeling! As if God had arranged for him to meet this old man!

As for what kind of father is the ancestor of Hu family, Qin Tian has never thought about asking for him or taking advantage of him!

This wine, drink is feelings, drink is to an old soldier's respect only!

After drinking for a long time, the two masters drank up several jin of wine in a jar, and Qin Tian was drunk, but the old man was just like a man with nothing to do!

"Almost. You can't go back after a while."

With that, the old man cleaned up the stall, covered the shoe repair tools with a piece of rain cloth, pressed the corner with a few pieces of bricks, and took Qin Tian to walk towards the shanty town!

After walking for about a mile, an old black brick door face appeared in front of Qin Tian. The two meter high courtyard wall blocked the scenery inside. Looking at the outside, it was impossible to see any difference inside!

The old man unscrewed the copper lock with a click and walked in. Qin Tian followed him and stepped into the gate of the courtyard!

However, in the moment he entered the yard, the scene inside suddenly stunned Qin Tian!

"This... This is completely the style of the Republic of China."

Inside the courtyard, there are houses on all sides. The courtyard is a standard courtyard. Facing the gate of the courtyard, there is a brick wall similar to a screen. It is carved with dragon and Phoenix, and there is a big lucky word in the middle!

Inside the house, half brick and half window, the windows are also one by one wood lattice, inlaid with transparent thickened sound insulation glass, although the glass is different, but the style still retains the appearance of the Republic of China, especially the tiles on the roof, are all red glazed tiles!Don't say how much the house is worth, just look at the historical value of the house. The identity of the old man is absolutely extraordinary!

"What, scared!" The old man laughed and sat on the stone bench in the yard!

Qin Tian walked over with a bitter smile, thinking that this old man was not just the ancestors of the Hu family...

there was a teapot on the stone table and four teacups beside it, all of which were made of purple sand. The smell of tea in the pot came out one morning. Obviously, it has been soaked all day!

"come and have a taste of... Old man When the family is old, they like to drink some Pu'er to moisten the intestines and stomach... "Then the old man poured a cup for Qin Tian!

Qin Tian's nose wings moved two times, the fragrance inside the tea suddenly invaded the spleen and lung!

Qin Tian took a sip, a burst of mellow tea, swept his taste buds!

"This Pu'er..." Qin Tian swallowed the tea and looked at the cup in his hand in surprise, "this Pu'er... I'm afraid it has been 20 years since it's been on the rise!"

The old man's eyes lit up as soon as he listened, "do you know tea?"

"This is the old man. I've saved it all my life."

Pu'er is different from other teas. The longer you put it, the more pure it will be!

It turns out that the old man liked to drink tea when he was young, especially Pu'er. Every year, he bought some tea to hang on the beam of the house. After several decades of storage, he could drink the tea every year! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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