All of a sudden, Qin Tian didn't know what happened when he was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea. He always felt strange when he was drinking tea, but he didn't look like an ordinary person drinking tea.

For a while, Qin Tian began to try to use his own spiritual sense to perceive the old man in front of him, but this perception made Qin Tian's heart shake!

The old man, actually let him feel a kind of flavor of the road, every move, as if into the world in general!

Qin was shocked to find out!

"Young man, didn't your family tell you that it's very impolite to use your psychic sense to explore other people's strength without their consent?"

Suddenly, the old man said this with a smile!

Qin Tian was shocked again!

He is not an ordinary man, and his strength is far above himself!

"Old man, I'm sorry, I just suddenly feel that your every move has some flavor of the road, so I took the liberty to investigate...

" ha ha ha, you young man, I just said casually, what are you nervous about! Don't you mind, old man? "

Just when Qin Tian was so nervous that he wanted to explain, the old man was just ha ha.

"Let's contact with each other before and after that. If you change your attitude towards me, I don't want to make you a little friend!" The old man's face is full of indifferent color, it seems that Qin Tian is also valued tightly!

Qin Tian heard this, nervous face immediately flickered a trace of self mockery look, "master, it seems that I still look."

I think it's also true that the old man is so powerful that he can make friends with himself. What he sees is not the worldly things in his eyes. All this has nothing to do with strength, identity and status!

"Master, we've known each other for a long time, but I don't know what the old man is!"

After chatting for a long time, Jiang Chen finally asked this question!

But who knows, the old man listened to this, drank the tea hand, and after a long time, he began to speak: "this matter, there's nothing to mention, you'd better treat me as an ordinary old man!"

Jiang Chen nodded. Since the old man didn't want to reveal it, he would not ask or say. There must be a reason why he didn't say it!

"By the way, I've always wanted to talk to you about something, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity. It's just today. Would you like to hear it?"

Mr. Hu is still peaceful and asks Qin Tian for his opinion.

Qin Tian nodded, "old man, you can say that although the boy is not talented, but it is not as if you can't listen to the old man's words!"

The old man nodded with satisfaction, and then slowly said, "your strength has stepped into the ranks of the best among the younger generation. But have you ever thought that your too exposed edge may destroy yourself one day?"

As the saying goes, "when trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they are piled up on the bank, the current will be turbulent." Qin Tian, with such a sharp edge, is bound to be watched by people who have the intention to do so, and even suffer some innocent disasters!

Qin Tianwen speech, surprised asked the old man: "master, you can see the edge of my body!"

He is a perfect astringent. Unless his strength is far beyond his own, he can't see his own strength at all, but the old man has said his own sharp edge!

At this moment, Qin Tian is more and more firm about this matter!

"Ha ha ha ha ha, this kind of children's trick of breath control is not worth using when it reaches a certain level. However, it's good to cover up the exaggerated real air whirlpool on your head." Mr. Hu nodded his head for sure. He was surprised at the whirlpool of Qi on the top of Qin Tian's head. After a moment's silence, Mr. Hu continued: "I have a good thing. It's called Qigong. Would you like to learn it?"

Qigong!? Qin Tian had some doubts in his mind. Could this thing be stronger than the cultivation of the true skill!?

However, Qin Tian didn't have any doubt about the old man. He nodded and said, "the elder gives me, but I dare not quit. The old man thinks highly of me and is willing to teach me. The boy is willing to learn!"


The old man slapped the table!

"Good! It's a good saying that the elder dare not give up. If all my Chinese children understand this truth, then I am a great Chinese, why can't I be strong? "

Qin Tian quickly got up and arched his hand toward the old man, "that's the old man!"

With that, they went into the old man's west chamber. It was very clean. There was a big Zen word written on the white wall. On the ground, there was only a plush carpet covering the whole room!

As soon as the old man went in, he sat down on the carpet, pointed to the place in front of him, and let Qin Tian sit down!

"Qigong was also called Qigong in ancient times. Qi and Qi are different, but they are the same." The old man began to explain the origin of Qigong to Qin Tian!

"Qi is the original innate energy of the human body, while Qi refers to the energy generated by the acquired breath and diet. Qigong exercise is mainly through the acquired breathing and other methods to connect the congenital "Qi", so as to achieve the effect of health and fitness, and prolong life"Of course, with thousands of years of spread, Qigong has gradually been divided into different branches, including strong and brave hard Qigong, and Qi Qi skill that breaks jade with Qi. I am the old man who has practiced this Qi skill to break jade with Qi!"

Said, the old man from the corner of the corner took a very clean stone, handed to Qin Tian.

"It should be no problem to break this stone with your ability!" The old man has a very spicy eye. He knows that this kind of thing has no difficulty to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian nodded, knot this stone, hand on the force, a crackle, two fingers crushed a corner of the stone!

The old man nodded, "yes! Then you'll see me again! "

Said, the old man picked up Qin Tiangang just crushed a corner of the stone, hand force, as if it was in the stone touch a circle, the stone hard fracture!

Qin Tian looks at broken stones, eyes stare at the boss!

This stone, unexpectedly broken, is like being cut by a knife!

"Old man..." Qin Tian surprised to carry two separate stones, "what kind of Kung Fu do you have!"

The old man laughed, "a fist breaks a wall, that is hard Qigong! A punch past, the wall does not fall, but the inside all smash, this is the internal Qigong! "

The old man even used the stone in front of him, and gave Qin a lesson!

"You mean, I use hard Qigong!"

The old man shook his head. "Your pure use is the power of Qi, and Qi skill is not a category!"

"Please give me the advice!"

The old man nodded and asked, "have you found out what is different from me in your contact with me?"

"Different!?" Qin days frowned!

He really felt that he and the old man were different, even felt that the old man could resonate with the surrounding environment, but is this the difference that the old man asked!?

It seems that Qin Tian thought is general, the old man ha ha ha a smile, "this is the first thing I want to teach you - breathe and breathe!"

In ancient times, qigong was divided into many stages, including Tuina, guidance, Qi, Qi, alchemy, Taoism and meditation. It was the most basic thing!

"Breathe in for acceptance, exhale for vomiting, adjust your body to the same frequency as nature through breathing, and let people feel that you are nature!"

The old man voice fell, Qin tianmeng woke up, is not it, looking at the old man repair car, Qin Tian is such a feeling!

"Zhuangzi, waipian, deliberately said: breathe when blowing, and take new ideas! This breathing is the basic method of breathing and breathing, exhaling the turbid gas in the body and introducing natural air clearing. Thus, we can use breathing to introduce the natural force into the body to generate its own energy, which is the "energy" I just said to you

"Then... With this energy, can I be like you, into the heaven and earth road!"

"It's early. Breathing and breathing is just the foundation. You can never concentrate on it. You can't work hard on the foundation and build a house. You can't understand this reason!"

Qin Tian nodded. Indeed, he was a little impatient just now!

"I'll teach you the way to take it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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