Then the old man sat up with his knees crossed, his heart upward. When he inhaled, his abdomen swelled. When he exhaled, his abdomen sank deeply. He could not hear half a pause between breath and breath. It was as if breathing and inhaling were connected!

"When you breathe in, you open your lungs. When you exhale, you close your lungs and expel all the turbid Qi in your body."

Qin Tian listened to the old man's introduction, nodded to himself, and even tried to do it. Unfortunately, although it sounds simple, it is even more difficult to do it. It is just the ability to control the breath of the heart, which is not what ordinary people can do!

This is completely relying on the body muscles to control the chest, the use of muscle and blood vessels to squeeze and expand, can do!

It can be seen that this method of breathing and breathing not only includes internal organs, but also requires the cooperation of muscles and blood vessels. It can be said that this is a real method to forge the inner body of the human body!

Do not deceive me about my ancestors!

"Now, try it!"

The old man opened his eyes and looked at Qin Tian, who was constantly twisting his upper body muscles, with a cool smile.

Qin Tian nodded, learning from the old man's appearance, five heart upward, between breathing, actually also used the muscle!

But it's a pity that Qin Tian can't be as good as the old man! The amount of exhalation and inspiration will not be mentioned. After breathing, there is a feeling of special tiredness, which makes Qin Tian some unacceptable!

Breathing and breathing, in principle, is more relaxed and comfortable!

"Ha ha ha ha, don't worry. The ability to breathe and breathe is a habit. When you are used to breathing in this way, you will naturally understand the benefits and feel the comfort it brings to you ~!"

After chatting with the old man for a while, Qin Tian got up and left!

According to the old man, when he can breathe and breathe when he sleeps, and he can't hear the interval between breathing, then his breathing method is really qualified!

After drinking a lot of wine, Qin Tian expelled all the alcohol in his body with genuine Qi. He drove in the direction of the medical center. On the way, a green progress bar flashed in his brain!

"Qigong, start to improve!"

Qin Tianyi, the heart immediately startled!

Qigong can be perfected!?

For a while, Qin Tian focused all his attention on the progress bar to improve Qigong. However, to his surprise, qigong, which was supposed to be completed soon, has progressed infinitely close to zero growth with the passage of time!

Qigong is so profound!?

What Qin Tian doesn't know is that this set of statements about Qigong is totally something that can only be understood when the true Qi is cultivated to a certain level. If it wasn't for Mr. Hu's affinity with Qin Tian and Qin Tian's outstanding talent, he would never pass it on to Qin Tian when he was a master of Qin Tian!

Looking at the progress bar that is close to zero growth, Qin Tian is not discouraged, but immediately begins to breathe and breathe in accordance with the statement of master Hu!

There is a characteristic of his deep soul when he perfects a thing, that is, the more he contacts, the faster he perfects!

Qin Tian believes that as long as he practices hard and gives more opportunities to contact with spiritual knowledge, the growth rate of Qigong will be improved!

In the evening, Qin Tian sat on the top of the building and tried his best to run the Qi and ghost Qi in his body. Under the constant flow, the air flow in his meridians suddenly began to become violent!


Qin Tian was excited to bite his teeth and his eyes became extremely crazy!

In the early days of the grand master, it has been kept for nearly a month, and this membrane is finally about to break!

"Hum ~"

bursts of trembling sound came from the deepest place in the Qin celestial body, and a few ghost shadows Shua Shua, and then flew out of the jade!

"Qin Tian wants to break through the middle period of the grand master. He can't be disturbed. He should be on guard separately." At the command of Qinyue, guidou, Qixia and Wang Qingshan flew to the other three directions of qintian one after another. The ghost spirit was surging, and they began to be alert to the surrounding activities!

Qin Yue looks at Qin Tian nervously, her eyes are full of joy!

Although it took Qin Tian a long time to enter the realm of a master, the time he took from the early stage to the middle stage was shorter than that of his elder brother!

It's unbelievable!

When Qin Yue was thinking about why, Qin Tian suddenly straightened up and heard a low roar. Qin Tian burst out a breath several times stronger than before!

"In the middle of the grand master, it's done!" Qin Tian excitedly clenched his fist and felt the surging Qi in his body. He couldn't stop punching at the sky!


The powerful true Qi soars into the sky and shakes all the floating clouds at night!

"How strong!" Qin Tian can't help but sigh!

Congratulations, master

Wang Qingshan grinned and gathered in front of Qin Tian. Without a trace, he presented Qin Tian with a fragrant flattery!Guidou and Qixia are both old ghosts who have lived for more than 100 years. When they saw Wang Qingshan's gesture, they disdained to hum. However, Qin Tian's promotion made them happy from their hearts.

"Auntie, I broke through!" Qin Tian smiles.

"Good!" Qin Yue tried to make her voice calm, for fear that Qin Tian would be proud of it.

The stronger the strength of Qin Tian, the more favorable it will be to return to Qin family!

After chatting with each other, Qin Yue was ready to take some ghosts back to the jade. But at this time, the ghost pocket came up to Qin Tian and respectfully offered a gift, "master, ghost bag has something to report!"

Qin Tian looked at him and was surprised. Then he said to him in a peaceful manner: "ghost pocket, if you have something to say, don't be restrained."

Ghost pocket nodded, followed by a reply: "master, I feel that the barrier of my fierce ghost realm is loose, and I can step into it at any time!"

"Oh!" Qin Tian was surprised and said, "well, you should break through quickly, such a good thing, you will be promoted!"

But he followed the ghost pocket and lowered his head.

"Something else?" Qin Tian eyebrows a pick, feel ghost pocket in the eyes of the loss.

"If you have something to say, you don't have to hesitate in front of Qin Tian!" Qin Yue said coldly.

"Yes Guidou quickly bowed his head. In front of Qin Yue, he didn't dare to make a mistake. "Master, ghost bag's qualification is too poor. It took more than a hundred years to touch this threshold. I dare not break through this barrier when I'm near to break it. There are two reasons for this!"

"First, they dare not break through without the master's approval, and the second... Is that guidou has no confidence in breaking through successfully!" The ghost pocket bit his teeth and said this sentence.

"Why no confidence!" Qin Tianyi is not a Taoist.

"Promotion requires extremely strong ghost Qi as a support, and I... did not practice the skills of ghost Qi. I am afraid I can't absorb enough ghost Qi when I break through, which will lead to the failure of promotion. Therefore, the ghost has the courage to ask the master for the immortal formula of Kung Fu!" Ghost bag said, kneeling on the ground, heavy to Qin Tian kowtow a head!

Qin Tian was slightly stunned at the smell of speech. At this time, he finally remembered that when the newborn was afraid of ghosts, he had two minds with several evil spirits under him, and did not pass on the secret of immortality to them.

However, GUI Dou's performance during this period of time, whether he was teaching veterans or doing things for himself, all spared no effort to show his loyalty!

"If it's just this, you don't have to be embarrassed." Qin Tian waved, a ghost gas fell on the ground, the ghost pocket was lifted up.

"Master, what do you mean..." ghost Dou looks forward to looking at Qin Tian.

"I'll pass it on to you!" Said, Qin Tian will be a ray of light into the soul of the ghost pocket!


The pithy formula of immortal formula blooms in the soul of ghost pocket instantly!

Ghost pocket big happy, quickly kneel again, kowtow to Qin Tian!

Several ghosts return to the jade to practice. Qin Tian jumps from the top of the villa to the road of the community. Suddenly, there is a figure under the opposite tree, which attracts Qin Tian's attention!

"You broke through again!" The figure slowly came out from under the tree with an indescribable look on his face! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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