Qin Tian fixed his eyes on Chen Lei, who had not been seen for a long time!

I agreed to work in my own hospital before, but nearly half a month has passed, and I haven't seen her come to work for a day.

In fact, Qin Tian also understood her, unless he walked out of the shadow of loss, otherwise no one could help him!

"Well, a little breakthrough!" Qin Tian smiles and doesn't say much, for fear of stimulating Chen Lei, "why haven't you slept yet?"

"How can I sleep when you are so noisy?" Chen Lei chuckled indifferently, pointing to the real air whirlpool which had just broken through and became extremely irascible!

Qin Tian looked up and gave a bitter smile. After this life, he hesitated. The whirlpool of Qi became huge again. The control range of the former breath control technique could no longer be hidden. With a wave of his hand, the scope of the application of the technique was enlarged again, and then the true Qi was converged and gone!

"Well, let me give you a pulse!" Qin Tian didn't know what to say, so he had to brave his head and say such a sentence. He wanted to make a big mouth for himself!

Chen Lei seemed to see Qin Tian's embarrassment, and with a smile, she said, "well, just to see how my recent physical condition is, it's a follow-up visit!"

"Yes." With Chen Haolei's, she sat on the bench with her three fingers!


Suddenly, the pupil of Qin Tian shrinks!

Her meridians are repairing slowly!?

He clearly remembers that Chen Lei was shocked by Qixia's move and almost lost any chance to practice!

But today, among her meridians, there are already two scenes that have been repaired and perfected, and even a few broken meridians are in the stage of slowly repairing!

What's going on here!?

For a while, Qin Tian was completely confused. All he could see in his mind was the name of the skill Chen Lei practiced - the immortal formula!

Is this skill really capable of regeneration!?

He vaguely remembers that Chen Lei said at the beginning of passing on the immortal formula to him that even a drop of blood can achieve rebirth if the immortal formula is cultivated to a certain level!

Is this true!?

"Qin Tian, what's wrong with you?" Chen Lei looks at him with a puzzled look on her face.

"Ah!? Oh, it's OK. I just thought of something. " Said, Qin Tian then took the hand back, "your body is OK, don't worry."

Qin Tian didn't say anything about the automatic repair of her meridians. First, she was not sure whether she had memorized the wrong meridian condition. She had to wait for a while to check and find out. Secondly, she didn't want to let her know about it too early. In case she didn't repair half of the repair, Chen Lei would not be disappointed to die?!

"By the way, what's up with ya ya?" Qintian Hall Road.

"She, ah... Since her eyes became purple pupil, her training speed has been almost a thousand miles, and now she has reached the same level as before I was not injured!" Chen Lei smiles, obviously very satisfied with her apprentice!

"So fast!" Chen Lei has already reached the early stage of martial arts. Although it is not strong, it can not be achieved by one or two months of practice!

"Well, so I came to you today, not entirely because I was attracted by the noise you made, but also for Yaya's business." Chen Lei said with a sad smile, "I want ya ya to live with you and guide her to practice."

When Qin Tian heard the speech, he fell into a short period of CHEN Si, and soon looked up at Chen Lei. "If it's for this matter, it's better to let ya ya live with you. After all, you are women, and it's convenient to live. As for her guidance of cultivation..."

as soon as Qin Tian patted the jade in front of her chest, a woman in Qing Dynasty's court dress floated out.

"Qixia has seen the master!" Qixia respectfully gave a gift to Qin Tian.

When Chen Lei saw the ghost in front of her eyes, she frowned and said, "it's you!"

Chen Lei didn't know that Qixia was taken as a servant by Qin Tian. As soon as she saw Qixia, she immediately remembered that she had broken her meridians with her palm. For a moment, her eyes were fixed on her!

"Chen Lei, we were enemies at the beginning, but now we are not the same. We are also comrades of the United Front..." Qin Tian quickly explained.

If it wasn't for the inconvenience of sending Ji Haoyuan and GUI Dou, Qin Tian would not have done such a bad thing to call Qixia out!

"You mean, let her guide ya ya to practice?" Chen Lei asked seriously.

"I... I have this plan. Don't be angry if you don't agree..."

"I agree!"

"In fact, you don't have to do this. What do you disagree with!? Do you agree? "

Qin Tian couldn't believe it and looked at Chen Lei.

"Why don't I agree!? Her strength is not weak, guide Ya Ya more than enough, also better than follow you a big man Chen Lei nodded, "and the main thing is that Ya Ya's physique is different from that of ordinary people. If Qixia follows her, her safety factor will be higher... Better than you.""You don't have to say that last sentence!" Qin Tian has no choice but to smile bitterly, but Chen Lei's time is not unreasonable.

"That's settled, Qixia. From today on, you'll be with ya ya and Chen Lei. In addition to guiding Ya Ya Ya's cultivation, you should also be responsible for protecting them!"

"Yes, master!" Qixia replied respectfully.

Chen Lei returns to her residence with Qixia, and Qin Tian doesn't want to go shopping. She simply goes back to her residence.

As soon as Qin Tian entered the door, he saw Li Xinran and Xiaoyao lying on the yoga mat in the living room practicing yoga. He was too lazy to go. He sat on the sofa and began to watch them practice yoga!

"Brother in law, don't your eyes fall on me!"

Lin Xiaoyao's words are not surprising, and die endlessly, while talking, he also tried hard to stand up!

But even so, how could Qin Tian admit that he just glanced at her!? Li Xinran doesn't kill himself yet!?

"I'm looking at my family's Xinran. I can't compare with my family's two liang of meat!" Qin Tian disdained to hum a, began to drop his eyes on Xinran's body. At the moment, Li Xinran is doing a very stretching movement, and his graceful posture almost does not fall into Qin Tian's eyes, so that Qin Tian can enjoy watching it!

"Come on, don't bicker when you meet!" Li was embarrassed to see his hot face.

Qin Tian looked at Li Xinran and said, "how about this week at home, are you comfortable?"

This week, Qin Tian simply asked Li Xinran to take the school leave together and take a rest directly at home. When will he be happy and go to work again.

"No, I still want to be a doctor!"

Mentioning this matter, Li Xinran once again looked depressed.

"Don't worry. Sooner or later, they'll have to come back to invite you." Qin Tian smiles indifferently.

The next morning, the Affiliated Hospital of Songshan Medical College, Dean's office!

Zhou Qingming is reviewing the performance reports of various departments of the hospital on the computer during this period, with a faint smile on his face.

After this period of time, the profit of each department has been significantly improved, and a lot of deposits have been found in the common account of the hospital.

It seems that this period of time will not be in vain, efforts are not in vain!

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

When Zhou Qingming was complacent, there was a rush knock on the door of the dean's office!

"Who, knock and knock, eager to reincarnate! Come in Zhou Qingming scolded impatiently.

At this time, Zhao Dongming pushed the door and came in, his face full of anxiety!

"Dean, it's not good. Mrs. Ding's skin cancer has come for a follow-up visit." Zhao Donghui said anxiously.

"Come back for a follow-up visit. What's the hurry?" Zhou Qingming frowned and scolded.

"President Zhou, the patient's skin cancer... Has deteriorated!"

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