Zhao Dongming's face was full of anxiety and his voice had just dropped. An eager figure with a laboratory report rushed into the dean's office. It was Zheng Dongliang, the vice president!

"President Zhou, it's not good. Various tests and biopsies show that Mrs. Ding's skin cancer has developed into an advanced cancer, and it is still spreading."

Advanced cancer, is usually what we call mid-term cancer! In just a week, Li Yumei's early skin cancer turned into a mid-term skin cancer!

"It's impossible!"

Zhou Qingming's face changed and his eyes were staring at him. Obviously, he couldn't believe what they said. For a moment, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead!

If this is a good or bad, with Ding Jianguo's identity and status, he must be killed!

But soon, Zhou Qingming forced himself to calm down. After thinking about it, he said to Zheng Dongliang nervously, "by the way, you are responsible for the anti-cancer drugs sent by Europe every week!"!? Did Ding Jianguo come to pick it up on time? "

Zheng Dongliang was so frightened by Zhou Qingming's question that he stood up all over his body and quickly replied, "yes, I asked Xiao Chen from the pharmacy. Ding Jianguo comes to get it every week in person."

"Go, call Xiao Chen and ask him to bring some bottles of medicine." Zhou Qingming's voice trembled and gave an order to Zhao Donghui.

It's impossible. If Ding Jianguo's wife takes the medicine on time, it's absolutely impossible to have such a situation. Is there something fishy about the anti-cancer drugs in Europe!? No, the drug regulation in Europe is more than 100 times stricter than that in China. This situation will never happen...

and most importantly, this anti-cancer drug company is almost famous all over the world, and its sales volume and price are extremely high. It is absolutely impossible to smash its own brand!

"President Zhou, would you like to see me?" As soon as Chen entered the door, he stood in front of Zhou Qingming with a smile. He turned his head and looked at Zheng Dongliang. He also said hello to Zheng Dongliang!

At this time, the pharmacy's small Chen bowed in and said hello to Zhou Qingming and Zheng Dongliang.

"Xiao Chen, I asked you if I was responsible for the anti-cancer drugs I sent from Europe every week!? Do people come to pick it up every week? " Zheng Dongliang can't wait for the way.

"Yes, yes... Vice president Zheng, what's wrong with you!? What's wrong!? I absolutely gave it to the family members of the patients... "Xiao Chen was shocked and quickly opened his mouth to explain his work!

"Bring me the medicine." Zhou Qingming said calmly.

"President Zhou, look!" Xiao Chen as like as two peas, as like as two peas, and two of them, they gave Zhou Qingming the same bottle of medicine that he had just wrapped up. He said to Zhou Qingming with great pride that "I have done this to you," according to Zhou, who has been working on the best interests of the conference. "We have found an anticancer drug dealer who we often work with, and produced the same anticancer drug as they do, though the effect is poor, but the profit is not good. Big! The profit of our pharmacy this month has been increased by 20% by this medicine

Xiao Chen looked at Zhou Qingming with a red face, and his two fingers also stretched out in front of Zhou Qingming!

"Pa!" Zhou Qingming raised his hand is a resounding slap in the face, "I grass mud horse, who let you make a fake

The words did not fall, another slap hit Xiao Chen's face, hysterically called out: "you bad my business, I specially kill you!"

With that, Zhou Qingming grabs the tea cup on the table and smashes it into Xiao Chen's face with all his strength. Xiao Chen plumps and falls on the ground!

Br > "it's the hospital president's duty to make money by covering your face with tears." Zhou Qingming eyebrows a vertical, from the table around to continue to work, but Zheng Dongliang to pull.

"President Zhou, President Zhou! I'm also responsible for this. I didn't make it clear to him that this medicine is for the wife of director Ding. " Zheng Dongliang said to himself, "the urgent task is not to investigate the responsibility, but to solve it quickly."

Zhou Qingming heard this, and then the fire pressure down!

After a moment's thinking, he said to Zhao Dongming, "Zhao Dongming, you are an expert in oncology. What's the progress of Mrs. Ding's condition now?"!? How to treat it? "

Zhao Dongming pushed down his glasses, thought for a moment, and said slowly: "according to the diagnosis results, Mrs. Ding's condition is advanced skin cancer, and local resection must be performed. It is recommended to adopt laser cryosurgery. At the same time, all nerves and blood vessels under the skin should be removed to prevent recurrence."

"What about survival rate?" Zhou Qingming frowned and asked.

"The best treatment period has been missed. The five-year survival rate is 70%, but if you want to live to 10 years, the probability is less than 10%." Zhao Dongming frowned hard to answer.

"No, no, it's too low. It's too low to explain to Ding Jianguo!"

However, if he is not willing to spend money on the hospital, if he is not willing to spend money on the patient, he is willing to spend money on it!Without him, the million he lost would be gone! Not only has not, this more than a week owes the interest, will be an astronomical figure, not to mention is he paid back, even if the house sold are not necessarily enough!

Zhou Qingming was silent for a long time. Now the situation is critical and he can only make a plan!

"Listen to me! Fake medicine, a word is not allowed to leak out! Stop them all in my stomach, otherwise, once something happens, none of you can run away! " Zhou Qingming fiercely glared at several people in front of him, "if someone asked, they said that they used anti-cancer drugs sent from Europe all the time. In addition, remember to tell the manufacturer of fake anti-cancer drugs. If he dares to leak any information, he is waiting to go out of business! Do you hear me? "

"Yes, I hear you." Everyone nodded quickly.

"Let's get out of here!" Zhou Qingming glared at Xiao Chen fiercely.

Xiao Chen covered his hot half face and ran out. Zhao Dongming quickly followed him out.

"President Zhou, what should I do now?" Zheng Dongliang was a little flustered and said, "Ding Jianguo is coming soon. Can you tell him the truth?"

"What else can I do without telling the truth?"!? Can paper cover fire? "

Zhou Qingming glared at him angrily, and then called the customer service department of the European anti-cancer drug group, hoping that a doctor who is good at skin cancer can be arranged there. Anyway, no matter how much money it costs, Ding Jianguo will take care of it!

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