It wasn't long. Europe finally connected. Zhou Qingming communicated with them in his poor English for a long time. The other party finally agreed to arrange a skin cancer expert to come and have skin resection for liyumei. But the price is really a figure that normal people can't imagine!

"How long has it been, the results of the inspection have not come out yet?" Ding Jianguo stands at the door of oncology department, and roars at zhaodongming!

Time has been long, intelligent as dingjianguo, has already guessed the results of this test, liyumei's condition must have deteriorated!

For more than a week, Li Yumei's state has been worse than one day. Combined with chemotherapy and drug reactions, she vomit her hair almost every day. She is in a terrible state!

And under the advice of zhaodongming, dinghanxue has taken liyumei to go through the procedures of hospitalization. If the situation is not deteriorating, is it in hospital with it!?

"Don't worry, director Ding..." Zhao Donghui is full of sweat, trying to explain but don't know how to open his mouth.

And at this time, zhouqingming and zhengdongliang rushed to come!

"Don't worry, Dean. Listen to me slowly..." Zhou Qingming began to appease dingjianguo when he came to the meeting.

"No hurry!? How can I not be in a hurry!? President Zhou, don't you say this medicine can effectively control my love's condition!? Why is she eating more and more serious! "

Dingjianguo is full of anger and eyes are like copper bells. He is more and more terrifying!

Zhouqingming was shocked by Ding Jianguo and hurriedly said, "Ding Ju, this is what I didn't expect. I had contacted the drug production organization in Europe for the first time after I learned the situation. They said that this situation may be determined by personal constitution, and the probability is almost unimaginable, but I didn't expect such a low probability, We're going to stand it! "

Zhouqingming pretended to be very sad to say, eyes are from time to time to observe dingjianguo's expression, afraid that his performance was seen by him to be broken!

But at the moment dingjianguo was immersed in the condition of his lover, and did not notice his appearance. Hearing him say that, his anger immediately reduced a little!

If it is such a situation, he naturally has no reason to be angry with other people zhouqingming!

Then dingjianguo attitude turned, hurriedly said: "President Zhou, you can help think about the way, must save my love ah!"

"Of course!" Zhou Qingming pretended to be a righteous and honest speech, and said to dingjianguo, "Ding Bureau your business is my business! Although Mrs. Ding has developed into advanced skin cancer, as long as local skin resection is carried out, it can be cured. Only our medical means in Songshan city are limited, and I have to ask European skin cancer experts to come to Songshan to operate for Mrs. Ding! "

Dingjianguo heard that he immediately thought about the matter that Zhou Qingming had only been rushing over for a long time. He must have been asking for the European expert for himself!

"President Zhou, I'm really sorry. I was just in that attitude... Ah..." dingjianguo said, and he looked at Zhou Qingming with a embarrassed look and said immediately, "the European doctor's money must be come out of me. President Zhou must not be polite to me!"

Zhouqingming heard that dingjianguo took the initiative to bear the money, just saved his mouth, and said quickly and happily: "Oh, it can only be so."

"President Zhou, I just mistakenly blame you. I can't live with you by dingjianguo!" Dingjianguo was moved by tears, so he was forced to apologize to zhouqingming!

"Oh, director Ding, what are you doing! With our relationship, it can be apologized! " Zhouqingming hurriedly pulled dingjianguo's hand, saying with great care.

"Ah, President Zhou, I owe you a personal feeling in dingjianguo. I will help you with all my strength in the future. I will not say it!" Ding Jianguo was solemn.

Zhou Qingming listened to it, and his eyes were bright immediately! Heart said that what you want is you this sentence!

But to think back, Zhou Qingming dare not say it. His face is still a keen look. "Ding Ju, what are you saying? Your brother is worthy of it. What can I owe you to people!"

Master! This is the master!

Zheng Dongliang looks at this scene, only a huge exclamation mark in my heart!

Heart said that he was already a flattering expert, since he thought that the left and right Feng Yuan, which leader can serve the full satisfaction, but Zhou Qingming means and the city, their own means simply can not take the stink shit on the table!

It is a big figure coming from Beijing. Indeed, he is well-informed and his brain is turning fast! A few words down, hard to turn a bad thing into a good thing, even the victim of dingjianguo also has to go back to thank him!

Zheng Dongliang is very happy. He is really right. If he studies Zhou Qingming's ability to 50% of his ability, he will be the president of the university when he is promoted!?

"President Zhou, when did you say the European expert will arrive?" Dingjianguo asked anxiously.

"In two days, I will reach Songshan!" Zhou Qingming took a chest shot, assured Ding Jianguo, and then ordered: "zhaodongming, there are some preparations for the operation these two days. You should prepare for it quickly."At this time, in the ward of senior inpatient department, Ding Hanxue has just settled her mother. Looking at her mother's emaciated face, a layer of sad tears appeared in her eyes!

"Xiaoxue, don't cry. When you grow up, even if your mother is dead, there's nothing to worry about. The only thing that worries her is your marriage...

Li Yumei smiles at Ding Hanxue, grabs Ding Hanxue's hand and squeezing out a pale smile

As soon as Li Yumei's words fell, the tears in Ding Hanxue's eyes immediately burst into tears. She hugged Li Yumei and burst into tears: "Mom, you'll be OK. I'm sure you won't be in trouble!"


At this time, Li Zheng came in from the outside of the ward in a hurry. As soon as he entered the room, he took Li Yumei's hand and said in an urgent voice, "what's wrong? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"?! What's the stage of development? What do the doctors say? "

"Your network culture company has just started, is not busy, I discussed with your uncle, do not want to trouble you..." Li Yumei pale smile, "you did not tell your grandfather!? He's so old that he can't stand a lot of trouble

"No, my grandfather is too old to tell him..." Li Zheng looked at the haggard aunt, and felt a burst of pain in his heart, and his eyes were filled with tears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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