Immediately followed, Li Zheng wiped his eyes and continued to say, "I just received the news and came here. My uncle was really, and I didn't speak to me for more than a week!" Li Zheng was a little angry, and looked back at dinghanxue. "And you girl, why don't you tell me!"

"The bastard in the hospital said he could cure my mother. My father was fooled around!" Ding Han snow wipe tears sad way.

"Who are you talking about!"!? Which doctor!? " Li Zheng frowned.

"Is the broken dean who the affiliated hospital just transferred from the capital!" Ding Han snow cried and hated the way.

"What!? You listen to him!? " Li Zheng immediately showed her anger. "This bastard has driven Li Xinran out as soon as he comes. If I hadn't yet made a move, I would have packed him up! You believe him!? "

Li Zheng wanted to clean up zhouqingming when he heard about it. But he was too busy to make time for the live broadcast. Otherwise, Zhou Qing was beaten with sacks in the morning!

"What!? You mean Qin Tian's wife!? " Ding Han snow is one of the Leng, she on where knows this kind of thing to go!?

Li Zheng immediately changed his face when he heard the words, "what does it mean!"!? You mean you didn't go to Tiange at all!? "

I said, if I went to Qin Tian, there would be no such thing!

"No, they are all bastards. They say that TCM has a slow effect, and all the effects have developed into late stage..." br >

nonsense! " Li Zheng changed his face and said anxiously, "I'll go to Tiange right away!"

"Lizheng, this is cancer. Do you think Qin Tianzhi can cure it!" At this time dingjianguo came in from outside, and the tone was full of helplessness!

Because of taking medicine, liyumei has already known her illness, so dingjianguo also has no need to avoid.

Li Zheng body a strong tremble, the step out also followed to stop at the door.

Yes, he never thought that his aunt would have been ill before he came!

"I wish it was born to me!" Dingjianguo was forced to endure the pain of his heart, full of heartache at liyumei.

"What does the hospital say!?" It took Lizheng a while to recover.

"President Zhou has helped to find a famous European skin cancer expert, and will come to Songshan to operate on your aunt in two days!" Dingjianguo said heavily, and the hope of silk was kindled in his eyes.

"That's good, that's good..." Lizheng repeated the three words like a wood. "My uncle, although cancer traditional Chinese medicine can't be cured, I suggest that my brother Tiange come to see. His means are not ordinary, maybe..." br >

there is no need. Qin Tian's means are not necessary. I believe that if he is given enough time to treat your aunt's disease, he can It is the speed of skin cancer development that you have seen. In a week, it will develop from the initial stage to the middle stage. I'm afraid it will not take a week to develop into the whole body, even the late stage... "Dingjianguo is helpless." if the means of Qin Tian can not be played, your aunt will be... Ah! "

Dingjianguo shook his head, and the voice was filled with helplessness!

"I am not! I'm going to go to Qin Tian, and I don't believe the bastard in the hospital! " Dinghanxue suddenly shouted, almost no one to respond to the time, get up and run out of the ward!

"Snow, snow!" Dingjianguo called her, but he couldn't help it.

"My uncle, I also think I should let brother Tian come to see. You don't know his ability. I believe that if he comes, there will be a way!" Li Zheng firmly looked at dingjianguo, secretly blaming himself, and he was not as good as Ding Hanxue trusted Qin Tian!

In the Ji Sheng hall, Qin Tiangang just came back from antique street, and the car could not wait to get into the medical hall. What surprised him was that Chen Lei actually came to work today!

Qin Tiangang to talk to Chen Lei, saw a figure quickly run to jishengtang, a head into his arms, it is from the hospital rushed to the small policewoman, Ding Han snow!

Ding Han Snow's face is full of tears, and when he sees Qin Tian immediately hugs him, he cries: "Qin Tian, my mother has an accident!"

Ding Han snow cried heartbroken, see Qin day that moment is like to see the world general, tears uncontrolled rushed out!

Qin Tian is not a daze, he has never seen this law enforcement small policewoman to show such a look!

"Don't worry, say slowly." Qin Tian patted her back and took her to sit in the chair in the hall!

Ding Han saw Qin Tian without estrangement from himself because of the last event. Suddenly, a sense of security appeared in her heart, just like Qin Tian was her dependence.

For a long time, Ding Han snow finally calm down, mother's situation with Qin Tian narrated, Qin day can not help frown!

"What, hooligan, you can't save my mother!" Ding Han snow saw Qin Tian's look, his face immediately became pale.

"No!" Qin Tian shook his head quickly. "Skin cancer is different from other parts of cancer. I need to see Aunt's condition to give you an accurate answer."The skin cancer area is big, the deterioration speed is fast, once developed to the late stage, even if he hands, I am afraid it is not so easy to completely cure!

In traditional Chinese medicine, cancer belongs to "carbuncle and gangrene", which is one of the "five hair" commonly known in traditional Chinese medicine. It is also a kind of disease that makes TCM practitioners from ancient times to the present extremely headache!

"Let's go. They said that my mother is in advanced stage of skin cancer, not yet advanced, and there is hope of treatment." Ding Hanxue grabs Qin Tian's arm in a hurry. "You can get rid of everything in my body. You can cure cancer!"

"Let's go." Qin Tian frowned and nodded heavily!

They galloped all the way and soon returned to the affiliated hospital!

"Qin Tian!"

Outside the ward, Li Zheng, Ding Jianguo, Zhou Qingming and Zheng Dongliang were discussing Li Yumei's illness. Seeing the queen of Qin, Ding Jianguo was surprised. Unexpectedly, the girl Xiaoxue really called Qin Tian!

"God, you're here at last!" Li Zheng rushed to meet him.

"This is the doctor of Qin Tian and Qin?" The smile on Zhou Qingming's face suddenly disappeared, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Qingming and Qin Tian have a long history of resentment. When he thinks of the last time Qin Tian hurt him to lose money, he hates his teeth itching!

"This must be Zhou Qingming, Premier Zhou?" Qin Tian and Zhou Qingming also met for the first time. They glanced at the ID card on his chest, and a mild smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, there is a greed in this man's bones!

Zhou Qingming shook hands with Qin Tian, raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Qin is a traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Our hospital is a western medicine hospital. I don't know what Mr. Qin is here for!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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