Zhou Qingming's tone is full of sour, obviously is very dissatisfied with the arrival of Qin Tian!

"I'm here to visit Aunt Li." Qin Tian said slowly with a smile.

I come to see a patient, it has nothing to do with you!?

Zhou Qingming hears the speech, the pretext that had been prepared for a long time was pressed down by Qin Tian. Qin Tian said that he came to visit the patient, so he could not say anything. He could not even refuse to visit the patient!?

For a moment, the muscles on Zhou Qingming's face trembled!

At this time, Zheng Dongliang stood up and said, "doctor Qin, Mrs. Ding needs a rest. It's better to have a rare guest. If you've seen it, you can leave immediately."

"That's right. I've seen it. I'd better give people a good rest." Zhou Qingming nodded and looked at Zheng Dongliang with approval.

"Qin Tian, your aunt's face is really not very good-looking, or... You go back first Ding Jianguo is not good to drive Qin Tian directly. After all, his friendship is there, not to mention Qin Tian's good intentions.

Li Yumei and Li Zheng had a chat just now, and they were really tired.

"Then I won't disturb you." Seeing this, Qin Tian couldn't say anything. He made up his mind and secretly came to see Li Yumei. He was ready to turn around and leave.

"Is it Xiao Qin outside!? Come in. " At this time, a weak voice suddenly came from the ward. It was Li Yumei who invited Qin Tian to come in!

Ding Hanxue smell speech, facial expression immediately a happy, quickly drag Qin Tian to ward, "my mother calls you, let's go in!"

She didn't care about Ding Jianguo and the attitude of those quacks!

After entering the ward, Qin Tian saw Li Yumei's pale face, and his heart was not affected. Looking at her complexion, she was indeed in a serious condition.

"Come on, sit here." Li Yumei patted the edge of the bed with a smile on her pale face.

Qin Tianwen speech, quickly moved a chair to the bedside, whispered: "Auntie, don't worry, your illness will get better."

Skin cancer in the middle stage, and has not spread, with Qin Tian's means, as long as give him a few days time, will be able to cure Li Yumei!

When Gu Xiaomin was given the treatment of uterine cancer, he spent about seven days to completely cure the cancer. Although Li Yumei's disease is more difficult than Gu Xiaomin, it will never exceed a week!

"Auntie's body knows, you don't have to worry about it." Li Yumei struggled to squeeze out a smile, looking at Qin Tian's eyes full of love.

When I met Qin Tian for the first time, Li Yumei liked him very much and wanted him to be her son-in-law. Unfortunately, he was married, and Li Yumei regretted for a long time.

Qin Tian's eyes turned red when he heard this. Li Yumei was amiable. Every time he went to Ding Jianguo's home, he cared for himself. He felt sad to see Li Yumei like this.

"Auntie, can I help you with your pulse?" Qin Tian said softly, although probably can confirm Li Yumei's condition, but out of caution, or give her a pulse to the safe!

With that, Qin Tian put his hand on Li Yumei's wrist.

"What are you doing!? This is a western medicine hospital, not your hospital. You are not qualified to practice medicine here! " Zheng Dongliang saw Qin Tian intervene in the patient's condition, and immediately blocked Qin Tian's hand.

"What are you doing!? My mother will let anyone feel the pulse! What qualifications do you have to stop? " Ding Hanxue has a kind of learning, a slap opened Zheng Dongliang's hand, said angrily.

"Vice President Zheng, my brother Tian, Ding Ju and my aunt are old friends. Whatever they do is their freedom. You, an outsider, must not be qualified to stop them!"

Li Zheng saw the situation immediately, his face was livid and stood out, as if Zheng Dongliang dared to say more, and immediately he would be beaten!

Seeing Li Zheng open his mouth, Zheng Dongliang immediately shrunk his neck and stood behind Zhou Qingming, not daring to say another word!

"OK, let Qin Tian accompany and talk to Xiaoxue's mother for a while. Let the others go out!" Ding Jianguo saw that the situation was a little awkward, and quickly called Zhou Qingming and others to go out and brought the door up.

Qin Tian felt Li Yumei's hand for a long time, and her true Qi swam around her body for several times. Then he reached out and turned over Li Yumei's eyelids, and asked her to open her mouth to show herself.

"Qin Tian, you don't have to worry. I know my own body, and I can't support it for a few days..." Li Yumei whispered, holding Qin Tian's hand. "After my death, the most worrying thing is Xiao Xue. She is reckless in handling cases and always gets into some trouble that shouldn't be caused. I know that you have great energy in Songshan. I hope you can be in trouble when she is in trouble Take care of her more, even as a brother, I'm satisfied

"Auntie, I can't promise you."

Qin Tian gave her a gentle smile.

Hearing this, Li Yumei turned pale!

Technology hindered this time, Qin Tian said with a smile: "it's up to you to take care of her."

Hearing the meaning of Qin Tian's words, Ding Hanxue's heart suddenly trembled and said excitedly, "Stinky rascal, can you save my mother?""Xiaoxue, how can you talk?" Li Yumei frowned in love and scolded her.

"It's OK, auntie. We're used to joking. I'll be surprised if she doesn't call me a rascal any more." Qin Tian laughed, "I can cure you, but it takes a long time, at least a week."

A week to cure cancer, is no different from the Arabian Night, but Qin Tian also said that a week cycle is long!

In fact, it's not surprising that Qin Tian said that, in Qin Tian's treatment of diseases, very few more than a day, a week is naturally long!

"Great, rascal, I knew you could cure my mother!" Ding Hanxue was so excited that she almost burst into tears and urged Qin Tiandao: "then you can cure my mother now!"

Qin Tian Wen Yan hesitated for a moment, "don't worry, you have to ask the Ding bureau first!"

After all, they are family members and family members. It is the duty of a doctor to ask for further treatment.

Li Yumei didn't dare to believe what Qin Tian said. However, seeing that the two children were so happy, she was willing to let them have a try. No matter what the result was, she was always the children's intention. Then she calmly said to Ding Hanxue, "go and call your father in."

Ding Hanxue ran to the door and called to Ding Jianguo: "Dad, my mother is saved. Qin Tian says he can save my mother!"

Hearing this, Ding Jianguo was stunned.

"Really?" Li Zheng looks happy, he knew that Tiange would never fail to live up to his expectations!

Zhou Qingming and Zheng Dongliang's faces sank in an instant. They frowned and looked at each other. Then they rushed forward to remind them: "Ding Bureau, madam Ding, this situation can not be delayed. Traditional Chinese medicine has a slow effect. In case the best treatment time is affected... Even if the European experts come, it's useless!"

After Zhou Qingming finished, a sneer sprang up in the corner of his mouth. Qin Tian, Qin Tian, don't say that I don't believe you can cure skin cancer. Even if you can, I won't let you cure it!

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