Ding Jianguo smell speech, slightly hesitated, then said to Ding Hanxue: "I'll talk to Qin Tian."

Ding Jianguo finished, hurried into the ward and pulled Qin Tian out. He said to Qin Tian in a hurry: "Qin Tian, do you really have a way to deal with your aunt's illness?"!? How are you going to cure it? "

"Acupuncture combined with Chinese medicine, I can make my aunt recover in a week!" Qin Tian replied confidently.

Originally, with the friendship between Qin Tian and Ding Jianguo, Ding Jianguo should not hesitate to promise Qin Tian to let Qin Tian treat him, but the matter is related to his lover's body. He dare not gamble and can't afford it!

Seeing Ding Jianguo's hesitation, Zhou Qingming hurried forward, "Ding Bureau, this is not nonsense, relying on taking medicine and acupuncture, curing cancer in a week!? Is this me or the world crazy? "

Zhou Qingming was full of sarcasm.

It doesn't matter if he ridicules Qin Tian and cured mid-term skin cancer in a week. It's impossible to meet Qin Tian!

"Even if you are a quack, do you think the whole world is a quack?" Li Zheng sneered and looked at Zhou Qingming with hostility in his eyes. If it had not been for the situation in front of him, he would have smashed it!

Zhou Qingming was scolded by Li Zheng pale face, just want to scold Li Zheng, was stopped by Zheng Dongliang!

"President Zhou, this is the first real estate family in Songshan. We can't afford to be a direct descendant of the Li family." Zheng Dongliang lowered his voice to remind Zhou Qingming that he should not annoy the great God for a moment's anger. At that time, he would not even have a foothold in Songshan!

Zhou Qingming didn't dare to talk to Li Zheng again. He snorted coldly and said to Ding Jianguo, "Ding Ju, you have to think about it. If you spend a few days taking medicine and acupuncture and delaying the disease, the cancer cells may spread to the skin of the whole body. At that time, the gods will come, and there is no way to go back to heaven!"

This is true. If Qin Tian's medicine doesn't work, then in a few days, Li Yumei may be totally hopeless!

Li Zheng, who originally supported Qin Tian, suddenly fell silent when he heard this. This kind of thing is not just for fun. If Qin Tianzhi can't be cured, it will be his aunt's life.

"Qin Tian, how many% are you sure?" Ding Jianguo has always had a good impression on Qin Tian. He knows that the young man is steady and steady, and never does anything that doesn't belong to the standard. Therefore, he patiently inquires about it.

"Ten percent." Qin Tian was indifferent.

"Ten percent!? Young people, bragging also needs to make a draft. In today's world, let alone you, even the top experts in the field of cancer dare not say that the cure rate of cancer is 100%! If you want to cheat money, you have to see who you cheat! " As soon as Zhou Qingming heard Qin Tian's ten percent, he immediately straightened up!

This grandson named Qin Tian really has no brain at all. He dares to say that the cure rate of cancer is 10%, which is the grave of self-consciousness!

"Yes, Ding Ju, the deceptive elements of traditional Chinese medicine are high. You have to look at the so-called success rate. According to him, the success rate may be less than one Chengdu!" Zheng Dongliang quickly seized the opportunity to jump out to cheer Zhou Qingming. In his heart, he also secretly scolded Qin tianstupid.

"That's the probability of your hospital, not mine!" Qin Tian was indifferent, not in a hurry to explain.

"All right, stop it!"

Ding Jianguo interrupted them in a cold voice, frowned and thought for a moment. Then he apologized to Qin Tian and said, "Qin Tian, I'm sorry to tell you this time. I don't believe you. It's really important. I can't gamble. After all, eating Chinese medicine and acupuncture are invisible things. President Zhou said that he has invited the most famous skin from Europe Compared with the traditional Chinese medicine, I hope that the cancer will not be dangerous to you

Ding Jianguo said these words, eyes full of self blame and guilt, if change things, he absolutely unconditionally believe in diligent days! Li Yumei's life is related to her lover today!

When Qin Tian heard the speech, he did not blame Ding Jianguo, but said with a smile, "Ding Ju, you don't have to be like this. As long as your aunt's body can recover, I support your choice, but there is a word I still want to say in front of you!"

Qin Tian looks at Ding Jianguo, and his tone is full of seriousness.

"Qin Tian, you say, you say!" Ding Jianguo a look at Qin Tian is not angry, quickly polite to Qin Tian said.

"Auntie's body can't be operated on now. We must wait until her body recovers to the condition before surgery." Qin Tian said.

"What happened before?" Ding Jianguo Wen speech slightly a Leng, "Qin Tian, what meaning!? What's wrong with your aunt's health? "

Qin Tian took a look at Li Yumei through the glass on the door. He was sure that the other party could not hear him. Then he slowly said to Ding Jianguo: "aunt's internal texture has been damaged to a certain extent. Although it has not damaged the skin, it is not far away. If I am not wrong, it should be some kind of inhibitory drug. It wants to inhibit cancer cells, but the effect is too poor and only works To the texture, so that now inhibit the function of texture, once the operation, will cause irreversible damage, and even cause aunt muscle atrophy, paralysis in the hospital bedQin Tian said earnestly.

When Ding Jianguo heard this, he immediately took a cold breath, because Qin Tian was not wrong. Li Yumei had taken anti-cancer drugs sent from Europe before, and it was also inhibitory!

"You're talking nonsense!" When Zhou Qingming saw Ding Jianguo, he became suspicious. He said in a hurry, "the anti-cancer drug that Mrs. Ding ate is the anti-cancer drug I bought from Europe. How can its efficacy be poor?"!? It's just that there is something wrong with Mrs. Ding's physical tolerance, which leads to the lack of efficacy... "

" the efficacy is not fully played!? What's wrong with tolerance? " Qin Tian sneered and looked at Zhou Qingming with both eyes, as if to see through him!

"Qin Tian, you don't have to doubt that this medicine is a very cautious drug used in Europe. I believe it's not a drug problem." Ding Jianguo cautiously said to Qin Tian, "I know you are for the sake of auntie, but I'm still going to operate on her according to the schedule. Please forgive me."

After that, Ding Jianguo didn't wait for Qin Tian to speak. He said to Li Zheng, "Li Zheng, Qin Tian is your good brother. Send him off for your uncle."

With that, Ding Jianguo turned into the ward and slammed the door of the ward.

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