Qin Tian saw this and sighed a little. He had to turn around and walk towards the elevator at the end of the corridor.

"God, God!"

At the gate of the hospital, Li Zheng caught up with his breath.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tian looked back at him.

"God, they don't believe you, I believe you! This son of a bitch, the Dean must be a bit of a fish! "

Li Zheng glared with anger!

Seeing Li Zheng's unconditional belief in himself, Qin Tian's frustrated heart brightened up again in an instant. He stretched out his hand and patted Li Zheng on the shoulder, "thank you!"

Li Zheng was a little confused by Qin Tian's thanks, but soon reflected, "brother Tian, do we still need to say this!? Don't blame my uncle, he is too nervous for my aunt... "

Qin Tian sniffed the speech and said with a smile," I didn't blame him. In other words, I might have made the same choice. "

Although Qin Tian said so, he had a rift in the relationship with Ding Jianguo.

"By the way, help me to find out what kind of medicine Zhou Qingming gave your aunt!" Qin Tian frowned and told Li Zheng.

He was absolutely right just now. Li Yumei's texture has been severely damaged. It is absolutely not what ordinary drugs can do, let alone a problem of tolerance. The one named Zhou Qingming is just Farting!

"OK, God, don't worry. I'll take care of it." With that, Li Zheng turned around and left.

Qin Tian looked at his back and breathed out a breath. Relying on the Li family's connections, Qin Tian left the hospital and returned to jishengtang.

"Miss Shen!"

As soon as Qin Tian entered the door, he saw a familiar figure sitting in the lobby of his hospital. It turned out to be Shen Qianxi, Shen Tianhao's sister!

He did not understand why Shen Qianxi didn't stay in the No. 1 residence, but ran to his own hospital.

"Mr. Qin, long time no see. Hello."

Shen Qianxi quickly got up and bowed his head with Qin Tian. He was as polite as ever.

"Hello, Hello, Miss Shen. What are you doing here?" Qin Tian quickly motioned for her to sit down and asked Gu Xiaomin to come and pour a cup of tea for the guests. Then he took out some snacks and put them on the table. Qin Tian then asked.

"I'm recovering very well. It happens that my brother has some things nearby. I'll drop in to see Mr. Qin." Shen Qianxi talks like her. She is not slow and full of temperament.

"You're welcome, Miss Shen." Qin Tian said with a smile that he had cured her illness and confiscated the medical fees. It was also proper to come and see her after her recovery. She was also a young lady of a large family who knew how to behave.

"Xiaoxiao." Shen Qianxi flushes Xiaoxiao behind, Xiaoxiao quickly takes out a square sandalwood box and puts it on the table.

"Mr. Qin, this is a small object that I specially asked the emperor's family to bring to Qin Tiantao. Please don't dislike it." Shen Qianxi motioned Qin Tian to open it.

"That's not good. It's very polite." Qin Tian quickly pushed away.

"Mr. Qin, don't refuse in a hurry. Open it first. Maybe you'll like it." Shen Qianxi smiles indifferently, his eyes are full of expectation.

Qin Tianwen speech, is also extremely curious, this just opened the box!

I saw a pair of snow-white silver needles lying in the box, long and short, thick and thin, but different from the ordinary silver needles, the tail of each needle is carved with a lifelike magnificence, which is extremely exquisite and noble!

"Crane tail needle!" Qin Tian was quite surprised.

This pair of crane tail needle is not ordinary. It is a kind of silver needle that can only be used to cure the emperor in the Imperial Palace in the former Qing Dynasty. Its quality is extremely rare even in modern times!

It is said that it is forged in a special way. It is much better to cure the disease than ordinary silver needle!

"Mr. Qin has a good eye." Shen Qianxi smiles.

"Miss Shen, I can't accept this. It's too expensive." Qin Tian was in a hurry.

"Mr. Qin is very polite. Perhaps it is very precious for Mr. Qin, but it is not as convenient as an embroidered needle to put it in my hand. This pair of silver needles is not a bad thing until it is handed over to Mr. Qin." Shen Qianxi said slowly, "if Mr. Qin is pushing back, he will look down on Qianxi."

"Miss Shen's words are heavy. In this case, I will not refuse. Thank you very much."

Qin Tian smiles. Although he is polite, he is excited. He has long wanted to make a pair of silver needles, but he has never started because of lack of good materials.

Although the ordinary silver needle can also be used, its quality is too poor to bear the infusion of genuine Qi in his body. The efficiency is low, and the treatment method is also subject to strong restrictions.

Now with this pair of crane tail needle, it is equivalent to that the martial arts master has a good weapon. If you encounter any problems in the future, you will get twice the result with half the effort!

Qin Tian couldn't help feeling that the Shen family was really rich and generous. All the good things of this national treasure level could be given to others. It was indeed worthy of being the top family in the imperial capital."Mr. Qin, wait a minute. Do you have time!? I'd like to invite you to dinner and see a doctor. I haven't really appreciated it yet. " Shen Qianxi invited.

Xiaoxiao follows Shen Qianxi, with a look of disbelief in his eyes!

Before coming, Shen Qianxi did not tell her about the trip, which must have been decided by her temporarily.

Xiaoxiao is right. Shen Qianxi has a strange feeling every time she sees Qin Tian. She doesn't know what this feeling is. So she wants to contact Qin Tian more and try to find out as soon as possible that the blood flow is accelerating and the heart rate is also accelerating. What's going on!

"Miss Shen, it's very kind of you to give me such a big gift. I should treat you to dinner." Qin Tian said with a smile.

Shen Qianxi smelled the speech and said with a smile, "well, that's fine. Mr. Qin is responsible for that."

"No work, no work, just a meal. It's a small matter." Qin Tian laughed and asked, "what kind of food does Miss Shen like to eat?"

"Me?" Shen Qianxi accidentally pointed to himself, because no one has ever asked her what she likes to eat, "I'll do whatever I like, but it's better to have something unique to Songshan, so it's meaningful to eat it!"

"Is it unique to Songshan?" Qin tianlue thought of a good place.

Then Qin Tian drove the Land Rover and took his two women to the most famous local restaurant in Songshan, a special restaurant named Kexiang. Almost all the famous dishes in Songshan have been popular for decades or even hundreds of years.

After ordering the dishes, Shen Qianxi asked, "Mr. Qin, have you ever been to the imperial capital before?"

"No Qin Tian didn't think about it. He just shook his head.

"If you have a chance to go to the imperial capital, you must call me. I will take you to eat the most famous food of the imperial capital." Shen Qianxi said politely.

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