As the saying goes, "to come but not to go" is not polite. Qin Tian invited her to eat the delicious food of Songshan mountain. Naturally, she also wanted to invite Qin Tian to eat the delicious food of the imperial capital.

They are chatting harmoniously, when Qin Tian's mobile phone suddenly rings.

"Excuse me, I'll take a call." Qin Tian apologized and looked down. It was Cheng Yi who called.

"Qin Tian, where are you?" Cheng Yi's tone was a little anxious, "I have a big client here. It's very troublesome. I can't cope with it. Can you come and help me?"

"Big customer, what big customer?" Qin Tian some doubts, just set up a small company, can have what dystocia big customer!?

"From Dijing, their company is the largest cosmetics agent in Dijing, and its name is Shen shitianxia. You should have heard that!" Cheng Yi patiently explained, "once we reach a cooperation, it will definitely be a qualitative leap for our health cream."

"The imperial capital is so far away, can you manage it!? If it's too difficult, you'll say no Qin Tian some don't care about said, is not very short of money, why reduce the stature to ask for help!?

"No, the family behind Shen's world is Dijing Shen family, one of the four big families in the imperial capital. They almost control half of the sales platform in the imperial capital. Once we cooperate with them, our health cream will definitely catch fire. Today, we must find a way to get them down!" Cheng Yi's tone is extremely resolute.

Their health cream now has a great effect advantage. If she had been another agent, she would not have served her. However, Shen's world is different. Once the contract is successfully signed, it will promote their brand to a higher level and even be regarded as a stepping stone for them to open up the whole Chinese market.

So even if the other side is demanding, she has to swallow their guts and treat them like their ancestors!

However, if it's just a profit sharing condition, Cheng Yi said that if she could, she would let them have some. However, what she couldn't accept was that the sales manager who came to the negotiation actually hit her and talked with her for several times. All of them kept implying that she would let her sleep with him for a night. Moreover, the son of a bitch took this condition and resolutely refused to talk about signing a contract As a result, Cheng Yicai calls Qin Tian.

No matter how Cheng Yi wants to negotiate this contract, she will not sacrifice her body, so she can only ask Qin Tian to help.


when Qin Tian heard Cheng Yi mention the Shen family in the imperial capital, he turned his head and looked at Shen Qianxi. He thought that it would not be Shen Qianxi's family. However, it is hard to say that the imperial capital is so big and there are many big families. Maybe it is other Shen family.

"Well, I have a guest here. When I finish my meal, I'll go and talk with you." Qin Tian thought for a moment and said.

"Eat!" Cheng Yi was stunned for a moment and said in a hurry, "it's just that I'm going to invite their manager to dinner. I'll take it to eat with you!" Cheng Yi is busy.

"I have guests here. Eating is a relaxing thing. How can I give you to talk about business..." Qin Tian refused.

"Mr. Qin, it's OK. Let them come together." Shen Qianxi smile, very understanding said.

Qin Tian hears the speech also not good to refuse, had to reluctantly agree to come down, say to Cheng Yi: "well, you bring him."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian was very curious and asked Shen Qianxi, "Miss Shen, is there a company called Shen's world in your imperial capital?"!? Is it famous? "

"You don't know that!? You are too rustic Without waiting for Shen Qianxi to speak, Xiaoxiao said in a very proud tone, "Shen's world is the largest cosmetics sales platform in our imperial capital, which is very well-known in the whole country, but it is just a small and insignificant enterprise under our master Shen."

Last time, when Qin Tian treated Shen Qianxi, he said that he would teach her Baji collapse. But after so many days, he didn't come to teach him. Xiaoxiao was a bit anxious. He couldn't help but want to rush to say something. I hope Qin Tian can think of teaching her boxing.

However, Qin Tian didn't seem to think of it.

"Oh, it's the property of Miss Shen's family. I'm sorry, but I'm ignorant." Qin Tian smile, in the heart also had the idea, indifferent said: "it is a coincidence, the guest who will come is the sales manager of Shen's world."

Shen Qianxi smelled the speech and said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, these companies are managed by my brother. I don't know, so I may not be able to help you."

Shen Qianxi smiles, politely speaking clearly in advance, and the province will make it unpleasant.

"It's OK. It's OK. You can do whatever you want." Qin Tian smiles.

After about half an hour or so, a man's critical voice came from the corridor, "Mr. Cheng, is your so-called Songshan restaurant such a shabby place?"

"Sorry, manager fan. I'll invite you to a better place next time." Cheng Yi quickly apologized.

"It's easy to say that I want to eat, you know, what I want to eat is not rice..." manager fan chuckled, and a pair of triangular eyes swept Cheng Yi's body without concealment, which was extremely obscene!Hearing these words outside, Shen Qianxi's face showed the disgust of silk, and Xiaoxiao was even more disdained.

What she hates most is this kind of obscene man. This is not to say such words to her. If she says this to her, she must chop his life root!

"Xiaoxiao, Mr. Qin will talk about business in a while. Don't talk more, you know!" Shenqianxi gave a light command to Xiaoxiao.

"Yes, miss." Xiaoxiao nodded.

This manager fan, obviously, has lost Shen's face. She wants to see what he can do out of the ordinary things!

Time does not beat, the box door is slowly pushed open, two people slowly into the, it is Cheng Yi and her mouth of the model manager.

Qin Tian glanced at the manager fan, a famous suit, Mediterranean hair shape, especially a pair of triangle eyes, which makes people feel like a bad thing!

It is no wonder that people are so indecent to look at their appearance.

When manager fan came in, he saw someone in the box, and he was shocked. Then he looked at Shen Qianxi and smiled and said, "ah, Songshan is so beautiful. Mr. Cheng, this is!"

Although fan runling is the marketing manager of Shen world, Shen world is only one of many enterprises under Shen Tianhao. For shentianhao, the big boss, he has only met a real person, let alone Shen's sister Shen Qianxi. So he dare to talk so lightly after seeing shenqianxi.

"This is..." br >

Cheng Yi also saw some accidents after seeing Shen Qianxi and Xiaoxiao. Because she didn't know and didn't know how to introduce it, he looked at Qin Tian with a long voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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