"Oh, this is my friend from Beijing." Qin Tian was asked by Cheng Yi and quickly introduced to her.

"These two beauties are also from Beijing!"!? That is very good. I am also from Beijing. I know that I have my business card. I hope to have a chance to invite Miss to have a meal after returning to Beijing. " But Cheng Yi has not spoken yet. Fan runling, who is behind him, quickly delivers a card and says it first!

Shen Qianxi even did not lift his eyelids. Xiaoxiao took the card and said coldly, "I have taken it for our lady."

Fan runling extended out of the hand some embarrassed, then hate to see Xiaoxiao, but because of the beauty in front of the demeanor also did not attack, a smile and chose a seat close to Shen Qianxi sat down.

"Mr. Cheng, sit down. Sit next to me." Fan runling next to Shen Qianxi is not satisfied, hurried with Cheng Yi move to wave.

"Manager fan is a bit greedy. I'll sit here in general Qin. I'll be afraid to be too close to you." Cheng Yi amused him and then sat next to Qin Tian.

"Manager fan, I hear you have any questions about our products!" Qin Tianjing fan runling a glass of wine, directly open the door to see the mountain road.

"Yes, you haven't been on the market for a long time, and there are lots of uncertainties." Fan ran Ling glanced at Qin Tian, and there was no enthusiasm in his tone. Obviously, he had no interest in men.

Grandma, if it wasn't for Cheng Yi, I would not be able to negotiate with a small company you just founded. When I slept with this woman, I would like to find a corner counter that nobody can care about to push you to see how you can make me!

"But our health cream sales on the Songshan side are very considerable. Many shopping malls have to ask us to book in advance, which has become a trend of explosion." Qin Tian said calmly, it seems that he deliberately guided fan runling to the inside, or let Shen Qianxi see what the sales manager is in their industry.

"You said, this is Songshan. Songshan and Beijing are different. The capital is rich. Where you don't shit, you sell it well in Songshan, which means you can sell it in Beijing!" Fan runling laughed at the irony, and his tone was rather disdainful.

"Manager fan makes sense, but there are exceptions to everything. Although we are emerging industries, how can you know that our product is not popular in Beijing if you don't try to sell it?" Qin Tian asked in reverse.


Qin Tiangang finished, fan runling took a pat on the table, and looked at Qin Tian with a sneer: "Qin general, you say try it!"!? Do you know the cost of one channel is that your small company is worth a lot!? Do you know how many companies in line want to get to our company channel!? For no reason, why should I let your products try first

Said fan runling sneer, the wine in front of me took a sip, that appearance is obviously lazy to take care of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian and Cheng Yi looked at each other, and Cheng Yi shook his head gently, and said in a low voice, "oil salt can not enter."

Qin Tian eyes turned and said with a smile, "manager fan, what do you want, to be honest, what we can do will satisfy you." "What I want, Cheng always knows the most." Fan runling pretended to have a casual scan of Cheng Yi's chest and hip. After more than 40 years of life, there are few bad hobbies. The only hobby is women. "Well, Qin is always cheerful. I will not circle with you. As long as Cheng always will accompany me for one night, we will sign this contract immediately!"

Fan runling looked at Qin Tian, and his eyes fell on Cheng Yi's delicate face full of greedy colors, as if he would put Cheng Yi down to the ground in the next second, and do the dirty things generally!

Shen Qianxi heard fan runling, his face immediately became very ugly!

"No face, rascal!"

Before Qin Tian and Cheng Yi said anything, Xiaoxiao beside shenqianxi suddenly couldn't help it, and scolded him in a low voice.

She didn't expect a man to speak such a rascal so directly!

"What do you say?"

Fan runling heard words, suddenly his eyes were wide eyed, clapping the table, staring at Xiaoxiao: "you a little girl, dare to talk to me like this, do you know who I am?"

"Of course she knew, didn't she say that just now, you're a rascal."

Shen Qianxi lifted up the tea cup in front of him and gave a little bit of a bite. His eyelids were not lifted, and he said a word.

Cheng Yi sniffed at the words and laughed at it. She thought that he would be very good at it. If she didn't work for Gu Yiming, she would not be able to take the breath. She had been interrupted by his third leg!

Actually Shen Qianxi didn't plan to intervene, but this fan runling really didn't want to face. She felt that she lost all her faces in front of Qin Tian. Her brother's company actually had such a person!

However, Shen Tianhao can not be blamed for all of them. As one of the four families in Beijing, Shen family has dozens of group companies in charge, so many enterprises and so many companies are managed by shentianhao. It is impossible for every employee to interview in person.

And this kind of latent rule is not uncommon in the mall. Fan runling has been sleeping for hundreds of women with his own authority, but he didn't expect that this time he kicked on the iron plate!What's more, he didn't know the identity of the iron plate he was kicking.

Fan runling was not angry when Shen Qianxi scolded him. Instead, he grinned. He looked at Shen Qianxi's face with unrestrained eyes. He said with a smile: "this lady, if you want to scold me, you can scold me. My old fan has no merit, that is, respect for women. And you see, your facial features are so perfect. If you don't enter the entertainment industry, it will be violent Tianwu, it happens that I know several executives of entertainment companies in Dijing. As long as you stay with me for one night, I will make you a big star. How about it? "

Now that he has torn off the mask of hypocrisy, fan runling doesn't care about his image power, so he simply makes a direct offer. Moreover, he doesn't know how many times he has done this kind of trade with clear price, and every time it is very successful, because most women can't control themselves in the face of huge interests.

"If you dare to say one more insult to our young lady, I'll knock out your teeth!" Xiaoxiao frowned and bit his teeth.

"Little girl, I didn't pay attention to you just now, did you!? If you dare to show your teeth with me again, I will work with you! " Fan runling slapped the table, showing the lewd light on his face, and a pair of thief's eyes looked at Xiaoxiao mercilessly!

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