Qin Tian feels that Cheng Yi's chest is warm and soft. He is embarrassed. His hand is hanging in the air. He can't help but smile. When Cheng Yi's excitement is over, he dare to put his hand down.

"I'm Grass Mud Horse!"

Wang Xiaoping, who was in a Mercedes Benz in the distance, saw this scene. He hit the steering wheel with a sharp fist. His blue veins protruded on his head and said angrily, "if you dare to touch my woman, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Leaving Wang Xiaoping in the car hysterical, Cheng Yi finally finds out that his posture is not right. He jumps off Qin Tian and starts to tidy up his clothes.

"Qin Tian, why does Shen Dashao owe you a favor?" Cheng Yi wanted to ask when he just came out, but he didn't find a chance. It's just a little embarrassing now. He'll find a topic to beat him in an embarrassing situation!

"Oh, it's because his sister was sick. She didn't see many doctors before. I treated her." Qin Tian said calmly, as if Shen Qianxi is a kind of how insignificant disease.

Cheng Yi naturally knows how high Qin Tian's medical skills are. His grandfather or he managed it!

"No wonder, Shen Da Shao is very concerned about Miss Shen at first sight." Cheng Yi is suddenly enlightened.

They chatted for a while and then separated.

Wang Xiaoping looked at Qin Tian and swore bitterly. Then he drove away from the parking lot.

Soon night came down. Zhao Gang was lying on the sofa of a luxury KTV in the north city of Songshan. Two beauties of model stature were lying between his legs. The table was full of several bottles of yellow, green and high-grade drinks!

After looking at the time, it was nearly ten o'clock in the evening. Zhao Gang wiped his body under the service of two beauties, and slowly said to the two girls, "you go out first. I'll come in after I finish talking about things. I'll have a good time with you today."

Say, then in two women's buttocks on mercilessly knead a!

Each of the two beauties was coquettish and angry. She got up and went out.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside the box, and then a few people came in from the door. One of them was wearing a pair of gold rimmed glasses. He was thin and had hair on the back. He looked like he was in his early 40s. The whole person was very disciplined.

The man was pushed into the box rather than walked in. The people on both sides pushed him into the box and said, "brother gang, I've brought you here!"

with that, several gangsters turned out and saw from the glass on the door that they were not leaving, but guarding the door of the box!

Sven man pushed down his glasses and licked his tongue. He was obviously nervous.

"Come on, Zhang Dafeng, brother Zhang. Don't stand up. Come on, have a drink together!"

Zhao Gang filled the two wine glasses in front of him. He waved to Zhang Dafeng enthusiastically. Seeing that he didn't move, he got up and dragged him to his side. He handed the wine to Zhang Dafeng and forced him to touch the next cup with him.

"Brother Zhang, what are you nervous about? I'm here today to talk about cooperation with you. I'm sending you money. I heard that you are the technical director of jishengtang health cream processing factory!? Gu Yiming gives you all the recipes! "

When Zhang Dafeng heard the words, he saw that the other side was coming for the secret recipe, and immediately his face was full of vigilance, "you, what do you want?"

Zhao Gang smelled the speech and said with a smile, "brother Zhang, what else can I do?"!? I said I was here to give you money! "

With that, Zhao Gang directly stretched out two fingers and said, "two million, as long as you tell me the secret recipe of health cream, the money will be put into your card immediately!"

When Zhang Dafeng heard the speech, his hands trembled, and he stammered: "Zhao, boss Zhao, the secret recipe... I can't give it to you, but I'm not cheap to care about it...

" three million! "

Zhao Gang held out a finger again.

"I'm sorry, Gu Da Shao trusted me to give this matter to me. I can't betray him!"

"Four million!" Zhao Gang once again held out a finger, and the volume increased with it. These words were almost called out, "brother Zhang, don't challenge my patience. Four million is not a small amount, enough for your family to live a carefree life!"

Zhao Gang has already had a trace of anger!

What he hates most is this kind of person who pretends to be noble!

Zhang Dafeng heard the speech and shook his head again. "Mr. Zhao, if you give me more money, I still have that sentence. I can't betray president gu!"

He is an old employee under Gu Yiming's command, and even more an old employee who cares for his family. Since his father's generation, he has been caring for his family for more than 40 years. In the past 40 years, Gu has never treated his family badly. It is precisely because of the friendship of the younger generation that Gu Yiming confidently gives the secret recipe to him.

If he wants to sell the secret recipe to Zhao Gang because of money, he will have no conscience!

So today, when Zhao Gang's people invited him, he refused. If they hadn't forced themselves to bind him, he would never have come!"Oh, I scolded the man next door for being a tough guy. I don't want to eat or drink, right?" Zhao Gang immediately changed his face and sneered.

When Zhang Dafeng closed his eyes after hearing the speech, he calmed down and said, "I'm ready to be beaten by you before I come today. I won't give you the secret recipe anyway. Just do it!"

"I'm Grass Mud Horse!"

Zhao gangyang's hand is about to fight down, but it seems that he thought of something, he immediately put his hand back, sneered and said, "OK, you're a bull, I'll see when you can push it!"

Then Zhao Gang took out a few photos from his bag and threw them all in front of Zhang Dafeng. "Come on, look, we know that the identity of technical director of Zhangda is not ordinary. We specially photographed my brother to protect your high school girl. Let's see, our brother can't even surpass your daughter by three meters!"

Zhang Dafeng smelled the speech, his body slightly trembled, and quickly seized the photo!

In the photo, a man is not far away from his daughter's side to pose a top crotch, the target of the hip is his own daughter!

Zhang Dafeng's heart cluttered. He knew this man, one of the men who had just brought him in.

"If you dare to move my daughter, I'll fight with you!" Zhang Dafeng changed his face and roared at Zhao Gang. It seemed that he wanted to kill Zhao Gang!

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