"Spell!? What do you spell it with? " Zhao Gang sneered, "I tell you, I know your wife's unit. If you don't agree, maybe they will get some accident one day."

With that, Zhao Gang breathed a sigh of relief and laid down on the sofa. He said quietly, "it's just that your wife and your daughter are pretty good-looking, and my brothers are all burning with anger..."

"you, you are shameless!" Zhang Dafeng suddenly stood up, his fists clenched, his face covered with a man's biggest humiliation!

"You are right, I am shameless!" Zhao Gang shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it leisurely.

Zhang Dafeng sat down on the sofa and cried with headache!

Without calling for half an hour, Zhao Gang came out of the box with a note full of the name of the medicinal materials in his hand, making a phone call while walking.

"Mr. Wang, you have the secret recipe." Zhao Gang asked for credit.

"So fast!" Wang Xiaoping's heart is happy, but still tight asked: "is it a true secret recipe?"

"Don't worry, unless he wants his wife and daughter to be played by my brothers." Zhao Gang laughs, already thought of playing with Zhang Dafeng's wife and daughter's video to Zhang Dafeng.

"Well, I've already found someone to buy the factory. It's in the western suburbs. I'll send the secret recipe to you and start mass production." Wang Xiaoping nodded, "by the way, remember, our price must be lower than theirs, and much lower, understand?"

"Don't worry, I will defeat jishengtang health cream in three months!" Zhao Gang said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xiaoping looked at the wine on the table, dried it off and said with a sneer: "Qin Tian, Cheng Yi, jishengtang health cream!? Well, I'll make you kneel down and beg me

The next morning, Li Zhengtian called Qin Tian at dawn!

"God, we have news about the European anti-cancer drug!" Li Zheng a call, then hurriedly tell Qin Tian!

"Oh!? What do you say? " Qin tianshua sat up from the bed and waited for Li Zheng's reply seriously!

"Tiange, I happen to have a friend on a business trip in Europe. He sent a special person to go to the manufacturer of cancer drugs you told me. Their medical equipment and factory equipment are the top in the world. There is absolutely no problem with the drugs, and there will be no different curative effect for the patient's Constitution!" Li Zheng firmly said.

Qin Tianwen nodded, cancer patients immunity is relatively low, anti-cancer drugs are bound to open the patient's constitution, absolutely not because of the Constitution and different efficacy, this point is similar to Qin Tian thought!

"Did you find the purchase records of the affiliated hospital?" Qin Tian asked.

"Only once Li Zheng said that, the gas root straight itch, the Affiliated Hospital bought that point of anti-cancer drugs, at most enough for two days to eat!

It seems that the result is ready to come out, thinking of this, Qin Tian sneered.

"Tiange, I have asked this anti-cancer drug group to send special quality supervision personnel to China, and we will be there this afternoon." Li Zheng gnawed his teeth, full of murderous Spirit said!

"Well, when you get to Songshan, you must treat them well and send someone to protect them. If you need him to appear, you should take them over immediately." Qin Tian ordered.

"Yes, my God!"

With that, Li Zheng hung up the phone.

Qin Tan is sitting on the bed, his face is not very good-looking. Zhou Qingming is not only a bad person, but also a bad doctor!

At this time, the phone vibrated again.

"Hooligan, I've been calling you for a long time, and you're busy. Who are you going to make porridge with in the early morning?" Ding Han Xue's voice in the phone is wan like a barrage of gunfire.

"Oh, it's OK. It's the hospital. What's the matter with you?" Qin Tian talks nonsense and doesn't want to tell Ding Hanxue his plan so early.

"Of course it's urgent! I heard that the European skin cancer expert has arrived. He is still working out the operation plan today. He will operate on my mother tomorrow afternoon. What can I do? "

Ding Hanxue on the other end of the phone was crying. He believed Qin Tian's words and firmly refused to allow Li Yumei to go to the operating table. If she was really paralyzed, what should I do? My mother was only in her forties!

"Don't worry. I have everything. Does Aunt Li have any more anticancer drugs she has taken?" Qin Tian asked calmly.

"Yes, I didn't eat it after reexamination. There are several bottles left! What do you want this for!? It's no use Farting! " Ding Han's snow hate hate way.

"Now, you bring all the anticancer drugs to my hospital." Qin Tian ordered, "I'll deal with the rest."

"Well, I'll be right there." Although Ding Hanxue didn't know what Qin Tian wanted to do, she nodded and agreed.

Less than half an hour later, Ding Hanxue came to jishengtang with a bag of medicine. As a result, she waited for an hour for Qin to come. She was so angry that she almost beat Qin Tian and said angrily, "you asked me to come here right away. Why don't you come by yourself?""I said that it was not so soon... It was not tomorrow that the operation was done..." Qin Tian smiled bitterly, but it was no wonder she was in a hurry. After all, her mother had something wrong.

Qin Tian took the medicine in her hand, took dinghanxue into the inner hall, took a medicine out of each medicine bottle, crushed it with real gas, and sniffed it twice by the past. It was found that the content of the medicine in the tablets was less than half of the content in the manual, most of which were starch condensed!

Qin Tian sneered, heart said that Zhou Qingming ah zhouqingming, even fake drugs dare to sell, you really find death!

"What are you doing!" Ding Han Xue looks at Qin Tian curiously, but he doesn't know what it means to lie on the powder. This action is like those who suck white powder.

"When you go to the hospital tomorrow, remember to wear uniforms and handcuffs!" Qin Tian did not answer her, the corner of the mouth slightly tick up.

"My mother is ill. I have dry hair and handcuffs. You are ill!" Dinghan snow is almost mad by Qin Tian.

"I'll let you take you with you, and I can use it." Qin Tian said with a smile, "as for aunt's disease, don't worry, I am sure I can cure it."

Ding Han snow see Qin Tian say so, the heart hanging immediately put down, anyway, it is not handcuffs, not without!

The next day, in the ward where Li Yumei was in, dingjianguo was discussing with zhouqingming about the operation to be carried out in the afternoon.

"Dong Dong..." br >

suddenly, someone knocked twice outside the door, and then dinghanxue and qintian came in.

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