"Qin Tian!" Ding Jianguo was a bit surprised when he saw Qin Tian, but he was helpless. He didn't give up when he said that it was too heavy or too light.

Love's disease can't be delayed, today no matter what kind of surgery!

Zhou Qingming, on the other hand, frowned, calm, and did not speak. He was obviously very dissatisfied with Qin Tian's arrival.

"Ding Ju, I know you don't want to see me at this juncture, but for the sake of Aunt Li's body and Ding Hanxue's sake, I have to come here. Anyway, the operation is arranged in the afternoon. Now I delay you for a while, and you will not care. It happens that I have some black material about Zhou Qingming, which may subvert your cognition."

Qin Tian smiles and looks at Zhou Qingming with a banter on his face.

Zhou Qingming was swept over by Qin Tian, and his heart couldn't help shaking. Suddenly, he had a bad premonition!

"Yes, Dad, Qin Tian's relationship with you is no better than that of other people. Just give him a little time. After all, he is also for my mother!" Hurry up with Ding Xue.

Ding Jianguo took a look at Qin Tian, and his eyes softened. Yes, Qin Tian advised him several times, and the starting point was really for Li Yumei's good.

Thinking of this, Ding Jianguo sighed a little, nodded and said, "OK, Qin Tian, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's not convenient to talk here. Let's go to President Zhou's office." Qin Tian takes a look at Li Yumei on the hospital bed. He is afraid that he will tell the truth and stimulate her condition. He simply finds a place to hide and give Zhou Qingming to the police!

When Zhou Qingming heard this, his head immediately fluttered, "my Dean's office has been given to Zhao Dongming. He is discussing the surgical measures with the experts of European anti-cancer drug company. He can't give it to you!"

"The European experts you said were brought in by the company that made the anticancer drugs!" Qin Tian was quite surprised to hear the speech and immediately turned to ask Ding Hanxue.

"Yes, President Zhou contacted me. What's the matter?" Ding Hanxue did not understand why Qin Tian reacted so strongly.

"Nothing. Since they are experts in their company, everything will be better." The corner of Qin Tian's mouth raised a trace of banter smile, and then he said again: "since the European experts are also there, I will go to the dean's office even more!"

With that, Qin Tian did not wait for Zhou Qingming to reply, and then walked out of the ward.

"Hello, what are you doing? Stop for me!"

Zhou Qingming raised his hand and tried to hold Qin Tian, but at this moment, Qin tianmeng turned back, his eyes were like nine secluded, and a strong murderous spirit burst out. Zhou Qingming's outstretched hand trembled, and he immediately took it back. He did not dare to say more than one word!

Go to the dean's room door, Qin Tian directly opened the door and burst in!

"Qin Tian, you should be responsible for this!" Zhou Qingming saw that there were many people in the dean's room. He immediately got up and yelled at Qin Tian.

Many doctors and experts in the office were surprised to see Qin Tian. Many of them knew Qin Tian, but they didn't show much disgust.

"Qin Tian!? He is the one who questioned my medical skills! "

Sitting in the innermost seat, a yellow haired foreigner with blue eyes frowned and looked at Qin Tian with hostility in his eyes.

His name is greyiga. He is a German skin cancer expert. Before he came, Zhou Qingming told him that there was a young man who didn't know the sky and earth to question his operation plan.

"Yes, I'm Qin Tian. You must have done a detailed examination for the patient already!? Now, do you still insist on removing the patient's location? " Qin Tian looks at him directly, hoping to say a word from his mouth that really deserves the word "expert".

"Yes, according to the patient's current situation, surgical resection is the best plan!" Gulley's tone was firm.

"No wonder you can get on well with Zhou Qingming. You are really of the same level with him." Qin Tian sneered, "you western medicine is used to treating head and foot diseases, don't you find the problem of patient's texture!? Once the operation is successful, it will be OK. At most, he will be disabled. But if the operation fails, the patient may die directly in the hospital bed. At that time, are you in charge, or is Zhou Qingming the son of a bitch? "

"Nonsense Zhou Qingming patted the table and hid behind gliyi. He said in a cold voice, "if there is such a hidden danger, how can it not be detected with the medical standard of our municipal hospital?"!? You're talking nonsense

"President Zhou, will such people be allowed into your hospital!? I suggest that he should drive him out of here

Greyiga shook his head. He was not interested in arguing with such a young doctor of traditional Chinese medicine about the disease of cancer. In his eyes, the results of their sophisticated instruments were much more accurate than those of a traditional Chinese medicine doctor who touched his wrist casually.

"Get me out of here!? Even if Fritz, the pharmaceutical director of your company, is here, he dare not say such a thing to me Qin Tian is cold.

"You know Fritz!" When he finished, he burst into laughter, turned to look at President Zhou and said with a smile, "a country bumpkin said he knew our chief drug officer!? This is the funniest joke I've heard this yearHow could a young doctor in his twenties who was a Chinese medicine fraud in Huaxia know their drug director.

"Sorry, gliei, let you laugh. We have no other Chinese medicine skills, so boasting is good hands!" Zhou Qingming PI laugh meat does not laugh attached to a sentence, see Qin Tian's eyes are full of ridicule.

Zhou Qingming has run Europe many times, but only once did he see Fritz, let alone Qin Tian.

"Mr. gliyiqian doesn't believe it!" Qin Tian ignored zhouqingming and turned to gliyi with a smile. "Shall I call Fritz here and ask me?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." br >

gliyi suddenly laughed, and he looked up and went back and forth and heard a joke like a bad joke. "Qin Tian, you know, this Chinese journey is not so boring because of your existence. You are the best clown actor!"

Greyiyi does not believe that Qin Tian is normal. In order to climb up with their company, how many people want to meet with Fritz have been strictly rejected by Fritz. How can Qin Tian know a local man!?

But he really did not expect that Lizheng invited the European drug director, it is Fritz!

As soon as he heard Li Zheng's words, he immediately realized that things were wrong, and he came to China himself!

"Mr. gliyiyi, can you still laugh at this number carefully?" Qin Tian dialed the phone of Fritz and then turned his phone to gliei.

Gliyi is the core member of the company. If necessary, he will contact fritz. He will recognize the phone number at a glance!

For a while gliyi opened his mouth wide and his face was full of panic. "How do you... Have you got a Fritz phone?"

"Qin Tian, I am here!"

In Qin Tian dials the telephone moment, a foreign middle-aged man with a ring cell phone came in from outside the office, followed by a smiling Li Zheng!

"Mr. Fritz, your company's skin cancer experts seem to despise me, saying I am a clown, contracted his jokes for a year." Qin Tian has a flat tone.

“oh,fuck! This man must have got shit in his head! "

Fritz's face almost twisted.

Last night, Lizheng had taken him to the medical school of qintian, and even compared with him. He thought that the patient needed to rely on the instrument for half an hour to diagnose the disease. But Qin Tian only needed three fingers and five minutes. What a wonderful thing!

Since last night, Fritz has been convinced of Qin Tian. He is willing to please Qin Tian even if he pays any more.

But unexpectedly, even oneself all sigh Fu Ru a Chinese medicine, unexpectedly was said to be clown and joke, this lets him how can bear!?

Gliei, who was sitting in the chair, had already been electric shock when he entered the door in fritz. He was stretched and tight. His forehead was full of cold sweat. His eyes to Qin Tiantian were full of color of prayer. I hope he would not give his name out, otherwise he would not be able to eat and walk away!

Qin Tian smiled, "director Fritz, I will not say anyone who is not easy to cultivate an expert in your company, but I still want to remind you that it is better to find out the facts and then bend down when the experts are on the visit, otherwise it is easy to cause trouble to yourself."

Qin Tian saw that gliei asked for mercy, and he didn't cut things off, and he sold a face for fritz.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw gliyiyi. He was one of the few experts in the company. If he was to be expelled, it would be a great loss!

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